seems to me it is not as rare as they think!
just because no one has ever seen one before, doesn’t make it rare... or endangered. the world is a very big place, and this proves its vastness. keep the spider alive in a jar until after construction, and then release it back, i am sure it will be ok.
Can folks escape the death penalty by claiming to be an endangered species since their DNA is unique?
Squish, shovel, and shut up
Sort of reminds me of the endangered owl who was later discovered nesting inside the “a” at the local Wal-Mart . . . even though there were plenty of trees nearby which could not be used because they were supposedly the only places where the owl would nest.
Using eminent domain to seize private property = good. Using a bulldozer to disturb a rare spider nest = bad
OMG! The crap just goes on and on and on and on...........
Braken Cave is about 20 miles away from that intersection. If that spider is so endangered, how does it manage to have populations so far apart?
The Texas Hill Country is riddled with caves, most of which are unknown until construction stumbles upon them (that's how they found Inner Space cave up in Georgetown, for just one well-known example). So-called endangered cave species probably are quite plentiful in those undiscovered caves. But they make for a handy method for enviro-nuts to hold up development.
If I ever encountered an endangered spider while building something like this I would simply kill the spiders as quickly as possible. The environmental and endangered species laws have become so unreasonable that I bet that is what a lot of people do. More species are probably being killed off because people don’t want to deal with the government halting their projects for years on end. If the government were reasonable, I think most people would like to go out of their way to protect things like this.
That stupid spider is everywhere around here and costantly putting stops/ delays to projects which then cost thousands to get permits and research.
Projects all over the place.
That thing stops highways, bridges, malls, housing. Ridiculous.
Time to reclassify that critter and just step on him next time.
Somebody should have stepped on it when they first had the chance........
This oppressive government has no problem throwing farmers off land their families homesteaded a hundred years ago, but if a EPA-protected spider or minnow showa up, huge water projects that benefit thousands of people are halted. This is crazy.
Want to protect jobs, keep the area locked down with armed security.
Very interesting spider, amazing the translucent features, truly an amazing animal. OK, well, now that’s done - get a can of Raid, kill it, and go back to building a water pipeline for HUMAN BEINGS.
As I said at the time and I’m still saying - this was all a set up. When you’re on a bull dozer, you’re not looking for a tiny little spider.
That Luddite spider needs killing.
Squash them and shut up!!!