Are the other circuits that you put the vacuum cleaner on the same amperage as the one you think is weak?
Also, is this particular breaker you’re having trouble with a Ground Fault Circuit breaker, or on a circuit that has a Ground Fault Circuit Outlet on it? If so, sometimes motored items plugged in can cause the GFCB or GFCO to trip....
If you want to replace the breaker, go to Home Depot and have the guy in electrical supplies go over it with you.... he/she can show you how to pop out the would be good to write down the type of panel and breakers before going though...
I think you might have nailed the problem. This particular receptacle is nearest to the kitchen, and therefore probably part of a GFCI circuit. My house is less than 2 years new so I won’t bother changing the circuit breaker. Lamps, radio’s, etc work just fine in that receptacle anyway. Thanks a bunch for your response. And thanks to all others who took time to respond.
On my last house, the buyer’s home inspector had found a problem with one of the non-GFCI receptacles in the kitchen. I Changed the GFCI associated with it but that did not correct the problem. My wife (who has good mechanical instincts) and I figured out the electrician had wired the standard receptacle wrong. Switching the wires fixed the problem.