Posted on 12/14/2012 11:24:47 PM PST by djf
With an AR-15 and two handguns? Some things are just hard to conceal.
The overload of info... - it’s looking more and more like intentional disinfo.
Pretty convenient that the few people who could have given us hard facts are all dead.
Just in the last hour or so, I’m hearing that he had at least one more riffle (above the one found in the trunk) and a couple shotguns... but no one seems willing to say where they were found.
They also said the gunman killed his own daughter in the kindergarden class -—then said son later......
It doesn't have to be. If the government muddles the facts well enough and tweaks the emotions of enough people incapable of critical thought, the result can be the same. The Government conspiracy is the one to use horrible events like this to attempt to remove a fundamental Right. That's even a crime.
I said the same about the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania, which was the pivotal event in sweeping gun bans there.
The autism part is what is bothering me too. I’m a psychiatric nurse and I am team leader over a child-adolescent unit. I’ve never seen an autistic patient who would be capable of such a high kill ratio. This part bothers me too. I’m not trying to diagnose him and I have never treated this particular boy, I’m just saying that in all the years I’ve been working in my profession, I have never seen an autistic patient who would be capable of this. And that includes the ones with Aspberger’s.
That was in the trunk of the car, not used.
A year ago, the rumors would have been that he was bi-polar. Today, the quick reason for unthinkable or multiple murders by one individual is Asperger's, the current soup de jour of excuses.
Actually, this "disease" is known in the medical profession as "Asperger's Syndrome" or "Asperger's Disorder". Not all that much is known about it yet, except (condensed) it's thought to be a milder form of autism.
Physical clumsiness is one sympton of Asperger's....which is interesting in the context of this multiple killing spree.
At any rate, Asperger's, in connection with this murderer, is just wild speculation at this point.
It could very well be this disorder, or bi-polarism (manic/depressive), uncontrollable rage, drugs....or it could be he was just plain evil.
Not only everything you mentioned is accurate (and troubling)....the dead children’s bodies ARE STILL IN THE CLASSROOMS 21 HRS AFTER THEIR MURDER....the bodies are decomposing as we investigators “continue the investigation”. The childrens bodies should have been at least taken to the morgue
Yes...the false reports. The supposed 2d shooter in the woods. A mother whose status at the school changes every hour. A woman with a mentally whacked out son has so many weapons at home IN A GUN CONTROL STATE
Something is not right here
And, those who immediately discount things with “Conspiracy Theory” may be the ones wearing the tin foil hats here.
Things do not add up
There’s a significant difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. You appear to be referring to only an extreme form of sociopath as the term is now used:
Port Arthur massacre also had strong elements of CT.
False Flag for repealing gun rights.
“This adminatration sent guns to the drug cartells to kill people, so why would they not do it here?”
I wouldn’t put anything past this evil administration. I have a hard time believing that these shootings in the past 4 years have nothing to do with one another. Something stinks to high heaven. Columbine seemed believable, then there was the Virginia Tech. Now they are being mass produced in the 4 years under this jerk. Sickening and sad, but I really wouldnt put anything past them to push their agenda.
In grade school, several decades ago, in our very small town; God wasn’t barred from school, computers and cellphones were absent, tv wasn’t the cesspool it is now. We walked single-file, our whole class, down to see the latest holiday window decorations at the little florist down the street from the school just to have an outing. Our principal was an energetic crippled man on crutches. - I’m just homesick for a more innocent time and place, I guess.
It will take a long time to collate the information and try to make some sense of it all, if that’s even possible.
One thing’s for sure - Bloomberg and Menino wasted no time trying to advance their agenda -
These guys are truly shameless.
Think Fast and Furious.
The numbers put up a red flag for me too. I read somewhere that in any action that the killed to wounded ratio is between 2 to1 or 3 to 1. So that means for 28 dead there should have been 50 wounded. Did he, God forbid execute the wounded? I guess he could have had time and opportunity. The one good thing I heard the police say was they immediately entered the school rather than I believe in Columbine they waited to assess the situation.
And just like that... he is an honor student raised by smart, loving, and caring parents.
“...the principal recognized the shooter as her son, and buzzed him in through a locked door.”
Hmmm... Since I heard he was wearing a mask, how did the principal recognize him? Also, it’s unfortunate she’s dead and can’t tell us what happened.
Since the MSM has trained me to always look for the dog that didn’t bark, to read what isn’t said better than what actually is said a la Pravda under the Soviet Union, I have to say that the father remaining nameless stands out. Some reports had him being killed. No name.
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