What would you know about a forum "like this", having just signed up? Maybe you're accustomed to hanging out at scum infested places like YouTube, where 90% of the posters can't assemble proper grammar or spelling to save their lives.
Around here, you thank the poster for the spelling tip, and appreciate the fact that you're among a higher quality of Americans.
>>...a higher quality of Americans....<<
When is someone going to start a a thread about *The Housewives of...*???
It’s Jerry Springer with Rolexes and 6” heels.
“What would you know about a forum “like this”, having just signed up? Maybe you’re accustomed to hanging out at scum infested places like YouTube, where 90% of the posters can’t assemble proper grammar or spelling to save their lives. Around here, you thank the poster for the spelling tip, and appreciate the fact that you’re among a higher quality of Americans.”
Dont let the start date fool you. I have been reading this forum since KKKlinton was elected. In that time I dont remember ever seeing anyone thank someone for spelling “tips”, especially during a disagreement. If you can provide an example of such I’d like to see it. Forums “like this” are for informal commentary and discussion so its understood that rules of spelling and grammar are relaxed.
If I was new here I would not appreciate your comment regarding hanging out in “scum infested places”. Is that a good way to welcome someone new to this forum? No, thats a message I would expect to receive from a loud mouth jerk on some low class site. And while on the topic of Noobs, I notice the first thing someone does when losing an argument is to check the person’s sign up date and call them a noob. As if a recent sign in date makes a point less valid. It’s just stupid.