About as good as believing he will be removed for being ineligible to be president.
Yeah, conservatives should retreat into a world of snarky nutsiness. That will convince America to come to her senses.
There are an awful lot of FReepers who are afflicted with normalcy bias - the belief that we can get things back to normal through previously accepted and conforming methods. The ballot box has been corrupted and so have the minds of a majority of Americans. Whatever was normal in the past cannot and will not be returned to.
The corrupt judical branch is not going to remove the corrupt executive.
There is no point in daydreaming.
He was foreign born when it suited his needs. Then he was not, when it became an issue. The media were more than willing to cover for him.
Obama naturalized as a U.S. Citizen in 1983, but that’s irrelevant. ObamaCare is the Law of the Land. And this election was all about Immigration Reform.
Threat level: Midnight.
Thank you.
The “anti’s” rested on their delusion that the ballot-box would win out.
Presidents are elected, they announced by a willing press well before the “counting” is done.
To paraphrase Frank L. Baum: “Pay no attention to the counters behind the curtain. I’ll tell you who won.”
With Slo Joe Biden as his insurance Zero will never be removed before his term is up...
ps take your meds.
Yeah, pursuing a Birther strategy would have worked out great. He wouldn’t have been removed, and we’d have lost about ten million more votes.
He has no legal or constitutional obligation whatever to prove his eligibility for election.
Even if he were ineligible, it would be up to the states and federal governments to initiate legal proceedings to establish his ineligibility.
This is something no federal or state Attorney General will ever do.
Mitt Romney came within 2% of beating the President.
Birthers will never come within a million miles of unseating him.
We got further than all the fly by night lawsuits ‘birthers’ wasted time and effort on. At least we had a shot at defeating Obama. You have and have never had a chance since the 2008 election was certified. But don’t let the constitution stand in your way.
I’m with you DiogenesLamp.
The eligibility issue is a Constitutional issue.
We should be demanding a congressional investigation, a special prosecutor and a Supreme Court review.
I am not an “anti-birther”, but I have never believed and I do not believe now that the facts about Obama’s birth are sufficently known or knowable to result in his removal from office.
As a result of this belief, which I share with a lot of people, it has seemed prudent to pursue political remedies.
It has also become clear that, since passionate birthers are no closer to the truth now than they were in 2009, tha they are not likely to make any more progress in the next four years.
Even before the first election, I was in favor of investigating and exposing this imposter.
Obama was/is a fraud sitting in our White House
Ineligible to hold the office and selected by the vote counters.
All this is done because not enough good people were willing to face the ridicule by the left. And of course this thread is full of the shoulder shrugging cowards.
The “We’ll get um next time” crowd refusing to admit or accept the truth. Our government has been taken over by communists. It is as simple as that.
All of this is frightening and true.
This isn’t about running a better candidate or running on better issues. I sooo wish it was, but no. It is much bigger.
We could have ran Ronald Reagan and Obama would still have won.
Well, I am not anti-birther by any means. These are good people who are passionate in their beliefs. I just think that the issue is absolutely dead wrong. Unlike the Libs, we can disagree.
Hey we could add some potatoes to our beef soup if we had any beef or any potatoes.
This applicant for the most important job in the country has undergone less of a background check than would any applicant for a job as janitor at the local school.
One big difference-the janitor doesn’t have access to the nuclear football.