He/she also said store food in 5 gal. paint buckets. No, no, no. Store only in 5 gal. FOOD GRADE buckets.
Now don’t get me wrong. I understand your emphasis on food grade buckets, etc, and your thoughts about the various nutritional values of certain foods.
But you need to understand something.
What is being planned for/discussed here is nothing like planning for a weekend camping. It’s not like after SHTF, you will wake up a year from now and wonder what you will have for breakfast, pancakes or home fries.
You would be DAMN lucky if a year after SHTF you can have a few crackers for breakfast instead of eating some beetles you dig up.
Yes, it’s nice and cozy to think you have all these options.
But somebody who stores ten pounds of flour in a paint bucket is WAY AHEAD of someone who didn’t store anything because he was waiting to get food grade buckets.
We’re talking the end of the world as we know it here, certainly widespread murder and likely cannibalism.
/rant off
I think what we have he is merely a poor choice of words. The buckets sold in hardware store and home improvement stores are actually food grade, but where do they sell them? In the paint department. I think it was just a poor choice of words.