If an auto-payment to another bank took place your friend should have made other arrangements for that payment before “closing” the account. I understand it can take some time to do it but that’s the consumer’s responsibility.
Checking accounts are a bit tricky. People who received your personal checks have up to six months to cash it. Banks want all the checks you wrote cleared before you close the account, otherwise there will be bounced checks and penalty fees against you.
I had major frustrations trying to close an account at Stagecoach” at their main branch locally after thy refused to do a chargeback on a debit card fraud on my account and the bank manager called me a liar on top of it.
Went to their little branch office inside Wally World, and not only was it a piece of cake to do there, the branch manager told me that she was going through the same hassle with HER account there: Her own employer siding with fraudsters over a branch manager, and said that she would close her account there if she could, but it would cost her her job.
No, you're not being a nut-job. Contact the bank and demand they close the account so they cannot assess you any monthly fee's for their maintaining a minimum account.
A minimum account is any account that does not meet minimum deposit levels, for which the bank can assess fee's.
An account with 1 cent in it certainly qualifies as a minimum account. The last thing you want is them sending you bills or demands for monthly account maintenance fees.
(Disclosure: YES I work for a multi-national bank and YES that kind of crap does in fact happen.)
I’m going to be closing an account with Bank of This Country’s Name in the next week or so. Just have to wait until all pending items have cleared. Hopefully there are no residual ill effects or other snafus.
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I moved to Florida recently, had an agreement to pay monthly payments to Dish Network for early termination (due to being transferred with my job and apartment didn’t allow Dish). Woke up this morning and they had swiped THE ENTIRE $300 from my checking account and after hours of yelling at bank and Dish, found there was nothing I do about it.
And people wonder why people ‘Occupy.’ Yes, I owed it. I was paying on it, but I asked the bank if I owed someone money, were they legally allowed to snatch it out of my hands as I walked to my car? Same damn difference.
Oh, and the unemployment rate is not calculated by unemployment benefits. Many of self employed people are ‘unemployed’ and do not qualify to receive benefits. And other examples.
Sadly, I know this because I am how they calculate the rate. Or part of it anyway.