There’s is no way anyone is going to be able to operate this thing unless they are issued an FAA pilot’s certificate.
I want one.
Nice, but I want one of these! The ATRAGON flying battleship/submarine!
it looks more like a rolling airplane.
What’s the penalty for flying and texting?
I believe they managed something like 7 mins at 1400 feet. This ain’t going to sell much and sure isn’t the answer to a commute
It’s only 29 grand more than what it cost to build a Chevy Volt. $279 grand for the flying car, $250,000 cost to build a Volt.
Problem is that this is not a car but a plane with folding wings. But being able to move the thing on the streets and being able to store it in a garage instead of a hanger are distinct advantages.
There’s enough idiots on the road, I don’t want them OVER my house.
Meh. This one is a heck of a lot better and looks to be considerably more fun and with greater range:
It still requires a pilots license although it will qualify to be flown with a sport pilots license.
Personally for less than twice the price I will take a lansair 4P, presurised 4 place, 29,000 service ceiling, 335 miles an hour cruise, and a 1,400 mile range!
The company is out of Woburn,Mass. I had jury duty today in Woburn,Mass. I like to think I had a little part to play in the whole thing.
Flying cars have been Just Around the Corner now for about 60 years. This one appears about as credible as the rest. Which is not credible at all. And what's the market for such a thing? Who is going to drive a quarter million dollar tiny-wheeled fragile light (bumpers? DOT?) machine like this on a real street with pot holes and traffic? And why? Just for the privilege of having a low-performance overweight small plane under ones butt, instead of a real plane on the apron? And at the destination? Need a car? Rent a real one.
Can someone explain the means of propulsion for this carplane?
Get just ONE case of terrorists even talking about using these and they will never leave the ground, or the warehouse.
That is just plain ugly!