I had to get copies of my birth cert and SS card for my DL. Then the line was out the door and around the parking lot and out to the street, in the 100deg heat last summer. I never got my license until Nov. when My Alabama license was about to expire.
Moving to Texas is lots of fun!
Glad you made it! You are now free to move about Texas, a whole nother country. Now get your head right and move to the Hill Country!
I had tagged and and titled my truck in Texas a few years ago when we moved to San Antonio and paid those fees then. When we moved back to Mississippi I never bothered to register the truck in Mississippi. I just drove it around with expired Texas plates and inspection sticker for years. Like a true Red Neck! Never was stopped.LOL I just had to renew those old plates and get a current inspection sticker this time. There were no questions here in Texas why the tags and inspection had expired in 08! They just wanted my money.