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To: Free ThinkerNY
Conservatives must be doing something right because the left has become increasingly unhinged over the last few weeks. They must be getting nervous about November 2012. Allred is pathetic.
58 posted on
03/08/2012 5:54:57 PM PST by
(Mr. Obama, was your mother punished with a baby?)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Discovery might prove interesting.
59 posted on
03/08/2012 5:57:46 PM PST by
(Keelhaul Congress!)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Okay... So we’re back to duscussing whores again?
60 posted on
03/08/2012 6:00:54 PM PST by
(Don't take life so seriously, you won't live through it anyway)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Gloria Allred is the female Al Sharpton.
To: Free ThinkerNY
A California media whore asks Florida authorities to investigate a Florida resident calling a Georgetown, DC resident a slut.
Who’s on first?
To: Free ThinkerNY
The media whores have been making up false reports of SPONSORS leaving Rush’s program and have slurred him countless times.
Shut your pie whole, Gloria. I don’t subscribe to the COMMUNIST founded “Internationale Womens’ Day”.
63 posted on
03/08/2012 6:23:03 PM PST by
a fool in paradise
(Barack Obama continued to sponsor Jeremiah Wright after he said "G.D. AMERIKKA!"Where's the outrage?)
To: Free ThinkerNY
"Mr. Limbaugh has publicly acknowledged that his reference to Ms. Fluke as a 'slut' and a 'prostitute' were baseless and false," Allred wrote. They were INSULTING but he laid out the case as he originally used them by doing the math that she claimed she spent $3,000 in 3 years on birth control.
That works out to several condoms a day. That nymphomaniac level intercourse over an extended sustained period.
She wanted the PUBLIC to pay for her sex. She's a publicity whore.
And it just may be that she is a LESBIAN and just another activist attacking the Catholic Church as an institution because she's unhappy with herself.
64 posted on
03/08/2012 6:25:33 PM PST by
a fool in paradise
(Barack Obama continued to sponsor Jeremiah Wright after he said "G.D. AMERIKKA!"Where's the outrage?)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Hey, Allred, it’s called free speech and it’s protected by the First amendment.
Maybe you’ve heard of it. It’s part of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Right.
Maybe you didn’t make it to your first day in law school so you missed all that icky freedom stuff.
65 posted on
03/08/2012 6:33:24 PM PST by
(WARNING: Hormonally crazed woman ahead!!)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Defense deposition of Fluke with the right questions could be priceless.
66 posted on
03/08/2012 6:40:43 PM PST by
(All they that TAKE the sword shall perish with the sword. Matthew 26:52 Gun grabbers beware.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Obummer called a female reporter ``Sweetie`` in 2008.
67 posted on
03/08/2012 6:42:31 PM PST by
(Obummer said it?? Who knew?)
To: Free ThinkerNY
The Dems had better be careful on that tight rope that they are walking on. I think that they are jumping the shark, and Rush has 20+ Million listeners and fans. Carbonite is begging to come back to Daddy.
Rush has an army and I’m part of it.
To: Free ThinkerNY
Is this woman chasing ambulances again? Gloria Allred is the biggest Democratic Party hack in the legal profession, period.
69 posted on
03/08/2012 6:49:30 PM PST by
(Socialism isn't going to work this time, either.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Oh for Pete Sake. At very best this would fall under civil court for civil damages if even that. If that statue was enforced there aren't enough jails in Florida even for the in and out booking process to handle such offenses. Speaking in such a manner as the statute reads to any woman might get a man slapped or a husband or boyfriend take some physical retribution. Dumb thing to do? Yea. Criminal? I don't think it can be enforced.
71 posted on
03/08/2012 8:38:10 PM PST by
(Two Choices left for U.S. One Nation Under GOD or One Nation Under Judgment? Which one say ye?)
To: Free ThinkerNY
The statute, according to Allred, reads: "Whoever speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree." Say, Gloria, whatever happened to that nice chaste woman you paraded out to torpedo Cain's Presidential campaign?
72 posted on
03/08/2012 9:13:23 PM PST by
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: Free ThinkerNY; Scoutmaster
Thanks, FreeThinkerNY.
Yoo Hoo, Mr. Scoutmaster-troll. Over here!
75 posted on
03/08/2012 9:17:18 PM PST by
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Leave it to the feminazis to push it over the deep end and scare the heck out of everybody.
How many liberal men would be convicted of this crime that elitist Gloria is pushing today? Rush is about to have a bunch more fans.
To: Free ThinkerNY
I hope Katherine Limbaugh gives this bitch an earful.
78 posted on
03/08/2012 10:39:19 PM PST by
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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