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To: Free ThinkerNY
Does she qualify for presstitute?
23 posted on
03/08/2012 4:53:23 PM PST by
Jack Hydrazine
(It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine!)
To: Free ThinkerNY
The talk of the Breitbart tape, took away their control of the media cycle and focused it on Obama's radical background, media cover-up.
It stopped their coverage of the Rush/ birth control fight. She wants to revive it.
26 posted on
03/08/2012 4:55:10 PM PST by
To: Free ThinkerNY
27 posted on
03/08/2012 4:55:10 PM PST by
To: Free ThinkerNY
I posted that it wouldn't be long before Gloria ALLred would show up to "represent" Ms. Fluke.
(Gloria is probably asking if she knows any guys that are into older women, too....)
28 posted on
03/08/2012 4:55:43 PM PST by
(Don't gotsta worry 'bout no mo'gage, don't gotsta worry 'bout no gas; Obama gonna take care o' me!)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Left-wing activists always overplay their can count on it.
To: Free ThinkerNY
Hey, Gloria, first I want to know what happened to you and that slut you were know, the one who accused Herman Cain. You both sort of just dropped off the map. Weird, huh?
To: Free ThinkerNY
Feminist attorney-activist
aka psychotic, repulsive loser.
32 posted on
03/08/2012 4:57:54 PM PST by
("Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?" John 11:40)
To: Free ThinkerNY
I’d like authorities to investigate Gloria Allred for possible civil rights violations.
To: Free ThinkerNY
Rush should seriously consider turning himself in to the police on this. It is a $1000 fine if he loses, but what publicity. The press would have to explain how we have a law on the books like this, and that we used to defer to women and held them in higher esteem than now, after feminism, even though Gloria Allred claims otherwise. And then his prosecution would have to claim that a woman who wants subsidized birth control is having her chastity impugned by Rush. Great theater.
To: Free ThinkerNY
Mark Levin made this pathetic woman sound like a dingbat when she called in to his show.
To: Free ThinkerNY
Old yentas never die, they just keep spreading their vile spit.
36 posted on
03/08/2012 4:59:43 PM PST by
(where nose meets the grindstone)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Why is it that the classic narcissist craving public attention is always a Democrat, Allred, Clinton, Jackson, Sharpton? Is there something deficient in the Dem psyche that propels them towards a camera. Also I do not know one Republican that owns a bullhorn but it seems the Dem language of choice is bullhorn.
38 posted on
03/08/2012 5:01:40 PM PST by
To: Free ThinkerNY
The dictionary says the word “slut” means sexually promiscuous.
41 posted on
03/08/2012 5:02:22 PM PST by
Liberty Wins
(Newt --named after Isaac Newton?)
To: Free ThinkerNY
One of the elements of the crime is that the statement be false, and the requirement for malice would require that the defendent knew it to be false. This won’t go anywhere. But if it did, discovery could be entertaining.
42 posted on
03/08/2012 5:07:43 PM PST by
(hoaxy dopey changey)
To: Free ThinkerNY
“falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity”
Nothing false about it. fluke admitted openly she has seemingly near constant sex.
truth is the ultimate defense for liable, bring it on liberal pigs.
45 posted on
03/08/2012 5:09:06 PM PST by
Cubs Fan
(the word slut is no longer protected by the 1st amendment (unless you're liberal))
To: Free ThinkerNY
He was talking about a public figure on TV. No go.
47 posted on
03/08/2012 5:10:31 PM PST by
A CA Guy
( God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
51 posted on
03/08/2012 5:16:49 PM PST by
Lazlo in PA
(Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Gloria Airhead gives media whores a bad name.
Pray for America
52 posted on
03/08/2012 5:18:42 PM PST by
(Time for Newt to step aside)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Gloria Allred could find a better use for her money ... like getting Fluke a years supply of aspirin.
56 posted on
03/08/2012 5:42:02 PM PST by
(Republicans believe every day is July 4th, Democrats believe every day is April 15th.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Oh she makes me sick Jesse Jackson in a dress
57 posted on
03/08/2012 5:42:07 PM PST by
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