I think I have a pretty good doc. He says the best lecture he ever received in Med School was from the Dean on his first day:
“A little over 50% of the cases you are presented with will solve themselves with no intervention. About 10% of the cases you are presented with have no solution, and the patient will die, though we are all working hard to reduce that percentage. The other approximately 30% to 40% of the cases are where the application of your skills actually matter. The art of medicine is to know in which category the patient in front of you falls.”
Too many once trusted institutions have become blatantly self serving and corrupt and they’re now entangled with those who make the laws, those who regulate, and those who report it in the media.
There is cronyism at the highest levels. They own Congress and others and there are no longer checks and balances. Too big to fail was the result, and the result of blind support for mega sized global business that lacks competition and loyalty to the USA.
Let’s see if I have this straight.
Vitamins Bad.
Drugs Good.
It seems to me that so many of the drugs treat problems or their symptoms, but not fix them.
I know that I am probably in dream land, but it would be nice to see some drugs actually resolve the medical issue that they are treating.
Vitamin C cures scurvy, not just treating it.
Thank God the First Amendment only applies to the government giving it infinite negative rights or parasitic bureaucrats wouldn't be able to tell people what they can and cannot say under color of law.
Interesting article about raw milk at site
Hospitals kill about 120,000 people per year of problems they didn’t go in there for. Shouldn’t we get rid of all hospitals?
The body, if given the chance, can heal itself over time. The best part of caring for yourself is prevention and not letting yourself get physically run down.
I take vitamins and supplements because they work for me. Living in the Pacfic Northwest, where sunshine is at a minimum most of the year due to heavy cloudcover, I take vitamin D3.
The result of taking D3 at 4000 IUs per day for the past 5 years is I’ve had neither a head cold, respiratory problem, nor influenza. As a person who has experienced pneumonia five times in her life, it is nice to know I’ve some means of preventing the very conditions that weaken one’s immunity to an infection like pneumonia.
Your body can only do its job if given the proper nutrition.
The (blessed) free market, which I support whole-heartedly, sells hundreds of tons of junk food every year. The over-the-counter drug industry sells millions of doses of laxatives, antacids and other stomach medicaments every year. It’s actually almost comical but consuming the equivalent of a cup or two of fresh fruit or vegetable every day will solve most of these issues and it’s way cheaper than junk food or pills. Tastes better too and you’ll lose weight and lower cholesterol.