Posted on 02/24/2012 7:37:45 AM PST by GeronL
Liberals, as they call themselves, are really better off being called leftist statists. They are socialists who are the most greedy, envious and hateful people that exist on this planet. Nothing they believe is based on actual facts it is all based on raw emotions and those emotions are greed, envy and hate.
They hate the honest businessman who worked hard his whole life, saved his money and invested wisely, creating a product or service that provide jobs to the community. They do not hate the crooked contractor who skims millions off the public trough. Why is this?
Beyond the façade of pretense, where they cover themselves by criticizing the rich, they -in fact- only hate the rich who actually came by it honestly.
They do not hate the Hollywood bigwigs who read lines someone else wrote and make a bundle that is then blown on drugs and sex. Indeed, they see these people as role models. They do not hate the thug athlete who still acts like a gangbanger off the court; they see this as his proper role.
If that same athlete was as well-disciplined off the court as he was on it, they would hate his guts. If that Hollywood actor was clean and sober and happily, loyally, married and only took part in family friendly movies, they would hate him.
Why is it that the same people who detest the present Queen of England, who hasnt oppressed anyone lately, love and celebrate thug dictators like Fidel Castro who has made careers literally stealing billions from his own impoverished citizens who are treated like slaves?
Because he is one of them, he is seen as successful by those who wish to be like him. They see Hugo Chavez on television walking down a street and pointing at a building saying expropriate! (theft by government) and they see how open and brazen he is about it and they are emboldened and given hope that they too will have their day. Some day they wont have to hide their hateful envious greed either. He is one of them.
To the hateful, envious left success is not measured by working hard, being productive, saving, investing wisely and living right. To them success means you get away with stealing it from those who do those things.
For most people the perfect America would be one where everyone has a job, a house, a car, gets up in the morning and is productive, goes home hugs the kids and eats dinner as a family before bed. If everyone lived like this, then the country would be prosperous and peaceful. The greedy, envious and hateful left does not share this dream. They do not want every American to be happy, prosperous and peaceful; to them this would be a total failure.
The rest of us have been blinded to this for too long. We have spent decades acting as if the left wanted the same things as the rest of us. We thought they simply wanted a different route to get to the same destination. We wrongly assumed that the statist left really wanted the things they say in their political speeches.
How wrong we were.
Instead the real left sees the Soviet Union gulag as the perfect utopia. They see North Korea, which is one big prison camp as the perfect way to organize a society.
The rest of us, the normals, must devise a new strategy to deal with them before it is too late. We can no longer go about business as normal and think there can be such a thing as a democracy when one of the major philosophies is that of theft, lies and subjugation.
Good points. Great rant. You are right, we need a new stategy.
We use to think that the left and right wanted the same end through different means. Beef or chicken? We’d get fed either way. That is simply not reality any more.
Do you think Obama wants the average lifespan of Americans to continue to grow older and live longer as it has continued to do over the last century? What do you think will be the result of rationed health care under Obamacare will be on our health care system that has made Americans live longer than ever before up to this point?
The left is all about deception and emotional manipulation.
They hide from the truth, and are destroyed by it, in the same way a vampire is threatened by the sunlight.
Liberals, as they call themselves, are really better off being called leftist statists.Yeah, well, now that weve settled that, we can take on the hard problems.
In reality, as you well know, socialists get positive labels such as liberal, progressive, and moderate from journalists who have those same attitudes/opinions themselves.The issue has always been, why are all journalists that way? The answer, once apprehended, is straightforward: Since journalists neither sew nor spin, they promote themselves by criticizing and second guessing those who do - and append positive labels on those who go along and get along with them. Journalists call each other, and themselves, objective - because, being unified thru the mechanism of the wire services, they can.The mission of the wires services - to conserve bandwidth in the transmission of news - is an anachronism in the age of microwave/laser communication. The wire services are therefore no longer too big to fail - and should be sued into oblivion because of their monopolistic nature, which was noted by SCOTUS in a case back in 1945.
Obama is a Marxist/communist. He knows it. He can’t admit it though, and will avoid the label because it exposes him.
These emotions are different states of the same evil. Malevolence is an unavoidable byproduct of vanity/pride. We need a new self-esteem movement, to lower it. Humility is a virtue, vanity is a vice. No amount of half baked new age thinking can change that.
He has ALREADY exposed himself. bttt:
More HERE: Statist Delusions ~ Mark Steyn
Also see:
US Communist Leader: Progressive Change Is Closer than We Think ---Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The answer is really simple but most people can’t bring themselves to believe it. They are too good natured and naive. You can’t tell them they have to see it for themselves.
“Good points. Great rant. You are right, we need a new stategy.”
This is how you beat it back. Go after them directly. Since it is clear that they lie about who they are and what they believe in, accuse them of what they are doing.
Someone like Rush, if he called Obama a Communist, every thug that attacks Rush is either a Communist also, or a useful idiot. Call them that.
When I call my friends on the left useful idiots, they go ballistic. I ask them what it means and they have no clue. (That’s how dumb Conservatives are)
Go after figures in the media. Call Maddow a commie. Call Matthews a commie. Call CNN the Communist News Network. Yell it from the rooftops.
Because that’s what the do to us. Difference is, we are proud to be Conservatives. They are deathly afraid to be called Liberals. There is a reason for it. Time to let the American people know what that reason is.
Great piece.
Libtards either choose not to think or have completely lost the ability to think. Therefore they are left with nothing to guide their actions and opinions but emotions, subconscious urges & impulses, and a concrete-bound/perceptual level mentality.
A person who does not think will as a general rule, be a failure. But he will not know the reason for his failure, so he will blame others or society for his misery, such as the rich and capitalism.Then the next step is resentment against achievement and the desire to destroy the good for being the good.
Yes, you are right. There is another thing I noticed. They love to get conservatives outraged, annoyed, exasperated. They benefit from our momentary stunned disbelieve and our angry response when we do reply.
So I think while we blast away at them we should try to have some fun with it. And we should use their own media websites, political and social networks and blogs. In other words, kick their butts on their own turf and have some fun doing it. We want the public to witness the beat down.
I know most Freepers shun Facebook but I can tell you it is real easy, and fun, to go on various Congressional Facebook pages and blast away at the Liberals and Progressives who post there. You don't even have to use your real name. You can set up a separate Facebook identity, for political stuff, if you want to. Just make sure not to impersonate anybody.
Also the local newspaper and TV websites all have comments sections where you can do the same thing.
The other thing is persistence. We need to keep pushing, keep fighting, never quit! We need to beat the crap out of these commie crooks with whatever corruption we can uncover. We need to just rumble and not worry about the outcome. Scrap like a street fighter. They want us to give up. They want us to think the battle can't be won.
We need to beat up the MSM and the DemonRat Party until they are sick and tired of hearing about it. Then beat them so more. Beat them up until the average American finally awakens from his slumber and looks around and him says: "What the f*** is going on?! Then keep on beating.
We need to beat up Obama until he thinks his head is a busted bongo drum. Then we need to beat him up some more. Figuratively speaking of course.
Of course its all abut deception, that is the very definition of warfare. The left is out there engaging in political warfare for decades and “our side” hasn’t even raised the bugle yet.
Those “journalists” went through the same indoctrination that kids in English class are getting.
Most people think others are like themselves.
Which is one reason that leftists think everyone is a criminal and should be monitored and control by their government.
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