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A California lesson in progressive income taxation (The Margaret Thatcher Axiom Proven True)
Hotair ^ | 02/14/2012 | Ed Morrissey

Posted on 02/14/2012 11:01:06 AM PST by SeekAndFind

Margaret Thatcher once famously pointed out the core problem of socialism: “They always run out of other people’s money.” California has been intent on demonstrating exactly what Thatcher meant with its highly progressive income-tax system that relies heavily on hitting the higher-income earners to fund their government. As the state has been discovering for the past few years, it’s a recipe for amplifying disaster in an economic downturn:

Gov. Jerry Brown wants to hit California’s highest-income taxpayers with billions of dollars in new taxes, and is jousting with other groups with their own tax-the-rich measures over which, if any, will win voter approval.

But the number of Californians with $500,000-plus annual incomes declined dramatically from 2007 to 2009 as the state’s economy stagnated, leaving fewer to tax, the California Taxpayers Association points out in a compilation of data from the Franchise Tax Board.

The latest FTB statistical report covers the 2009 tax year, and Cal-Tax points out that it listed just 98,610 California tax returns with adjusted gross income of $500,000 or more, down nearly a third from the 146,221 in 2007. Data for 2010 are not yet available.

Brown wants to do exactly what Obama proposes on a national basis — to increase revenues by hiking taxes even further on a declining class. Both talk about paying a “fair share,” but as the Sacramento Bee reports, the 0.5% of Californians who qualified for the current class-warfare treatment in 2009 accounted for 18.8% of all taxable income in the state — and 32% of all income taxes paid. That’s hardly an issue of the higher income earners failing to pay a “fair share.”

Plus, no one is quite sure why the number of the $500K+ filers dropped by a third. The downturn certainly has something to do with it, but it might also be that the highest income earners have a greater ability to relocate to a more friendly state. Either way, thanks to the heavy progressive tilt of the income tax system, the state is much more vulnerable to economic downturns, especially when it comes to capital gains income in a year where capital gains are difficult to produce, as the Bee notes:

At one time, the top 1 percent of California taxpayers accounted for half of the state’s income tax revenues but their incomes, tied to stocks and other capital markets, declined the most of any income class and currently, state officials say, they are believed to provide about 37 percent of the state’s income taxes. That decline accounts for much, if not most, of the state’s revenue declines in recent years.

Those with adjusted gross incomes of $400,000 or more paid $25.7 billion in state income taxes for 2007, but two years later, that had dropped to $12.3 billion. Their taxable incomes had declined from about $278 billion to $156 billion.

Instead of having a broad-based, flatter tax structure that would produce income roughly similar to gains or losses in the economy, California’s top-heavy system produces a series of boom-or-bust revenue cycles that make long-term budget planning nearly impossible — as California’s chronic budget woes demonstrate. Only those who lack sense or are ideologically committed to class warfare would fail to learn the clear lesson from California’s example.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Government; News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: california; socialism; taxation; thatcher

1 posted on 02/14/2012 11:01:11 AM PST by SeekAndFind
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To: SeekAndFind
Obama and Brown DON'T CARE! Destroy the successful, they don't deserve what they have. They don't care how hard some people work for what they have, they don't deserve it! The ‘rich’ need to offload their money and possessions to those who don't work and only then will the ‘rich’ be ‘good Americans’. Obama is destroying this country and all the politicians like Brown are destroying California. Motor-voter in 1997 gave the Dems complete control over California. Obama now wants to require all states to have motor-voter. This must STOP before our country collapses!
2 posted on 02/14/2012 11:13:52 AM PST by originalbuckeye
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To: originalbuckeye

Obama and Brown are both short term politicians, for their personal greed it is best to burn down the house for every dime they can get in the short term, screw the future.

Once I heard that Brown was back in, I knew California was doomed, Brown nose dived the plane last time in office for his cronys, a return meant he was there to sweep up the crumbs he missed last banquet.

3 posted on 02/14/2012 11:27:05 AM PST by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: SeekAndFind

California Democrats have learned what they know at the Mugabe School of Economics.

4 posted on 02/14/2012 11:49:39 AM PST by forgotten man (forgotten man)
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