What we need to do is address the things that make we the people unable to hold government accountable BETWEEN ELECTIONS.
For instance, we need a way to make it so that the people have a way to bypass political law enforcement appointees in order to charge any government official with crimes - in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. US Supreme Court justices need to be held to the same laws and ethics requirements as any other attorney or judge. (The honor system has totally, absolutely, and in every other way FAILED).
We need laws that specifically grant legal standing to any US (or state, for state laws) citizen to sue for the enforcement of that law, including the US Constitution - since the rule of law IS the business of us all.
We need the right to sue (and/or prosecute for violating the Federal General False Statement Act) any media company or government official which refuses to correct provably false statements on issues involved in government policy-making. Congress-critters should not be exempt from libel laws and the Federal General False Statement Act.
Regulators should be required to cite the provision in the Constitution which authorizes any regulation they make. Any US citizen should be granted legal standing to sue over the Constitutionality of any regulation. The Tenth Amendment should mean what it says.
Any US citizen should have legal standing to challenge the Constitutionality of any executive order of the President or of any of his/her appointed “czars”.
Right now people pretty much know that the system ties their hands behind their backs. Once a politician is elected they are free to break laws while their buddies cover their behinds. They are all “untouchable” by the normal people like you or me.
I think we’d all pretty much like to ship them all to a deserted island and pay them a modest salary just to leave us alone. Not being able to do that, I think people mentally boycott the government - cynically roll their eyes at the intevitability of crooks in office and a broken system that has no way of being fixed.
If we had even one instance where a massive public outcry made any difference it could help people believe that effort is not futile. Unfortunately, we’ve had massive outcries by the people - phone lines burned up from public response, huge majorities in polls, and the largest electoral landslide in our history - and it has made little to no difference on any real policy.
If your vision were to come to pass the first investigation and trial I'd like to see would be to go through the files of every living member who has served and voted on legislation to use funding taken under the guise of social security for general fund projects and programs (vote purchases).