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To: paulycy; Logic n' Reason
RE :”It's not our choice. It's hers....whether we like it or not. ....I acknowledge this completely. But I still *want* her to run. And I'm sure she is reading the tea leaves... and Free Republic... to judge her support. This is just my little peon effort to show some support.

AHHH, that's a good explanation of all the Palin for President posts the past 16 months or so, to convince her to run. Of course even 6 months ago or so most or many of the comments were “She is running for president now. You cant see it? Are you blind? It's obvious! ”. There are still some of those but not as many.

I always wondered if she ended up not running how that could be explained, she was running for president but isn't now?

29 posted on 05/18/2011 6:01:01 AM PDT by sickoflibs (If you pay zero Federal income taxes, don't say you are paying your 'fair share')
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To: sickoflibs
I always wondered if she ended up not running how that could be explained, she was running for president but isn't now?

I'm not sure I understand your point, but I am the kind of person that won't believe she's running until she announces. YMMV.

33 posted on 05/18/2011 6:04:46 AM PDT by paulycy (Islamo-Marxism is Evil.)
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To: sickoflibs
I always wondered if she ended up not running how that could be explained, she was running for president but isn't now?

Reagan declared in November 1979.

If only he had declared earlier he might have won.

35 posted on 05/18/2011 6:05:59 AM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum (Islamophobia: The fear of offending Muslims because they are prone to violence.)
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