Posted on 02/14/2011 1:33:52 AM PST by pissant
Tammy Bruce, columnist, radio host & conservative gay activist, announced on her website today that she will resign her position as advisory board member to GoProud.
I want to let you know that after being a supporter and serving as Chair of the Advisory Board since May of 2010, I gave Chris Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia my resignation Saturday night. If you search GOProud here at the blog youll see the affection with which Ive held both Chris and Jimmy, and I wish them well.
I spoke with Tammy at the CPAC convention and when asked for comment on the reason for her departure she had no comment except to reiterate her position from the website that she,looks forward to working with conservatives across the spectrum on issues that matter to all of us.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Are you kidding me? You don’t know Tammy very well. She was head of a local NOW chapter and resigned when she realized how sexist they were. She is a growing, thinking, decent person, and she is lesbian, so I can see how she joined and got involved with goproud until she realized they were not as conservative as they were gay.
Tammy is conservative 1st, gay second. I admire her.
what are you talking about?
did palin hire zen master political consultants?
Are we now supposed to think of lesbian as a porn performer category? Is that the “clearer view of the truth” that you’re talking about? I’m not suggesting it is.
Palin seems to want progay and antigay both to think she’s on their side. So she releases these mystery statements that mean something on one level, but could possibly, seemingly awkwardly, fit with another, more palatable meaning. And it’s amusing to play “i wonder what one of my top 2 candidates means when she does these things”.
I believe there’s a definite possibility we might actually be looking at blunders here with Sarah. Not fatal blunders, or crises, but just situations that are not going ideally for Sarah. People who really like Sarah should be stepping up and getting her votes at these straw polls. Expections are low I think for Sarah at these straw polls, and someone could have explained that it wasn’t a bad thing really not to do well, and that it might mean a really good story if she wins one, or finishes well.
Add delusional to absolutely mistaken and I get a clearer picture of who I am talking to.
The contradiction you see is based upon nothing more than your own ignorance.
Your narrative deviated from the truth when you asserted that Palin boycotted CPAC because of GOProud.
She said the opposite, that she would not boycott (but still wasn't going) therefore the “contradiction” is based entirely upon your own mistake.
Do you understand that? Are you willing to admit your blunder so that we can move on to other things, or do you persist in insisting on something with no actual basis in reality?
Even if they could prove they were born that way, what are we talking about then? If people have a condition that prevents them from Reproducing, and if everyone had that condition the human race would go extinct in 120 or so years, its not the kind of condition we should do anything to encourage.
Extinctionary behaviors are not good, we don’t want to encourage them.
Seen in this light, gay is about as bad as you can get.
What if everyone got the common cold? Not much.
What if everyone was gay? We’d all be dead soon.
It’s an illness, a mental illness perhaps, perhaps it could be defined as a reproductive disorder. They really should be trying to get their rights not by comparing themselves to blacks, but to the disabled. If the gays could properly see themselves as disabled, incapable of having normal reproduction, then they might be able to move farther along.
To 51 - You’re fecking weird.
Gay marriage changes the definition of marriage.
Polygamy does not. It just changes the number of wives a man can have.
Gay marriage promotes and encourage conduct which is extinctionary.
If everyone had the gay disease or whatever causes gay, we’d all be dead. So, if there was an epidemic of gay, we could see extinction. And note, we have no idea what causes gay.
The purpose of marriage is reproduction. It’s a key component of why societies were ordered in the manner they are. Polygamy expands reproduction. Gay causes extinction.
The only real problem with Polygamy is that it seems like a paperwork mess, and a whole bunch of new rules would have to be written in family law, divorce law, etc etc, insurance, spousal benefits, all of that would have to be rethought in fairly elaborate detail.
It really isn’t easy for me to get worked up about changing the number of wives a guy can have. It’s I guess an interesting, different way of bringing life to earth and ordering society. The gay stuff is much worse.
Ok, I’m corrected here. Palin didn’t “boycott” CPAC. She just didn’t go. And you don’t need an excuse not to do something like that.
You are correct - people were making the argument that Palin wasn’t there because of Goproud - and I assumed they were telling the truth. These were Plain supporters.
What I will say is that to this point Palin has not made a clear statement on gay issues. It seems like the whole GOP is buddying up to the gays for no good reason at all.
I read that someone thought it a good idea because in their opinion gay was cool. In Maine, a cold state that likes Hockey and snow sports, Gay lost by 5% in 2009. At the same time, Marijuana won by 10%. If I’m looking to do something that young people might think cool, I’m looking at those numbers, and I’m legalizing marijuana, not buddying up to gays.
There are so many many reasons to distance yourself from gays.
If this was the case, you would certainly be right. However, what he is up to is plain and simple Trolling. If this was a stranger, someone folks around here didn't really like over the years he would have been zotted long ago. I personally have liked him much before this phase, but, he has just plain gone crazy with PDS and there is no other way to look at it. I keep wishing he would dial it down about 50% and add some facts and meaningful observations, or something, but instead, its just repeating the MSM liberal "lets trash Sarah" quote of the day, delivered with snark. Barrf...
He almost doesn't spend any time advancing Bachmann who shares almost 100% of the same positions as Sarah Palin (By the way) but is 0% electable in this cycle, though who knows about the future. Instead, every day he is trashing Sarah Palin with the most vile stuff he can dredge up. He fixates on little things and turns it into a whole barrage of innuendo, all smoke, all crap when it comes down to it. Ultimately folks around here know Sarah Palin probably better than any other candidate in the country. She has some flaws, and some positions which are just not right like her thinking on Title IX, but all in all, she is head and shoulders better than any candidate out there and the only one who has any history of cleaning up corruption which is the most important need of all.
Instead, we are treated to the 50th article on Palin may not completely hate all homosexual people. Well, we know this. For example. He got upset about Palin's retweet of Tammy Bruce's frustration over who was making statements on DADT, and spun that into Palin supporting repeal of DADT, which Palin has not done. Then, given that folks pointed this out to him, now every article insinuating that Sarah Palin doesn't shoot homosexuals on sight gets posted by pissant as "proof." Palin has some really strong supporters who are "gay" and have defended her when everyone else ran for the hills, and we know she is a person who values loyalty. She still is a supreme defender of the institution of marriage, and lives a commitment to the right to life where most politicians just spout what they think people want to hear.
Though she is a conservative, she is not by any stretch of the imagination a paleo, which is what pissant wants. She is in the realm of conservative-libertarians that reflects a set of values you find in many Tea Partiers. Her great difference being that she is staunchly a Republican and never threatens to quit just because she isn't getting her way. She is not Ronald Reagan, but she is Sarah Palin and thats plenty good enough.
Half of the threads involving pissant now are folks complaining about the post, not discussing the topic or the facts. It wastes time and the reason why Trolls are generally banned in the first place. Worse, folks post on threads where pissant hasn't excreted and call him to make a fool of himself there just for the entertainment value. This is bad for decorum, and teaches new folks bad lessons on how we treat each other around here.
I have on numerous occasions argued that he is doing something valuable, but over the last two weeks, it just has gotten old. I am sick of it. If an article should have had a barf indicator but it doesn't and instead has someone gleefully supporting the new craptastic lie that is too good to check, it unfortunately was posted by pissant 98% of the time. He has become a Troll and he needs to reconsider or be treated like one.
No, the real problem with Polygamy is that many men end up with no one available to marry. Women end up in relationships where they are dehumanized, neglected and the children are placed in competition with each other. Its major benefit is raising babies faster than any other system, which if you are on a war footing can be valuable, but otherwise, it just creates poverty and social turmoil.
No, I didn’t mean seriously that you were being paid. I guess I should’ve put in the </s> tag somewhere.
I was just making a general comment about the difficult to understand nature, or what I thought was sort of a zen / kung-fu quality, of your answer.
I’m going back over old comments. What is being made clear, or is being argued, really doesn’t matter, is that the belief that Palin boycotted CPAC wasn’t true, and the belief that she boycotted CPAC because of goproud wasn’t true either.
I picked up both of those ideas here, and I believed that that was the Conventional wisdom among the Palin supporters. The Conventional Wisdom among the Palin supporters was that it was good that Palin lost with 3%, because CPAC was a terrible progay place and everyone that went there was terrible, and the people who did better than most were actually the worst because Sarah didn’t have to stoop to getting votes from those horrible gays. This was the Palin supporters spin here. FudgePAC it was called. By the Palin supporters. I just assumed that the facts the supporters were throwing around were true.
Personally, I like Ron Paul and I also like Sarah Palin. Romney is completely unacceptable, and most of the others are almost as bad. Bachmann I like, DeMint I like.
The idea that 3% might’ve been a little on the low side, might’ve been a bit of a disappointment did not occur to the Palin supporters who were screaming FudgePAC on Saturday afternoon around 5pest.
Instead of sitting and thinking “what can I do to help Sarah Palin”, people have the tendency to just attack anyone who says anything negative about Sarah.
I’m not in favor of forcing polygamy. Most men would only get 1 wife.
Ok, Polygamy, plus something for the many men who end up with no one available to marry, what do the men without wives want? Wives? Or, sex? Make sex health care. 1 bj a month from Obamacare.
How do women just “end up” married to a guy that already has a wife? These women are choosing a man with a wife already instead of the ready surplus of men. It’s on them. I’m against forcing women to marry a guy who already has a husband.
With polygamy, you aren’t talking about a crime against nature, you’re talking about changing numbers around.
This has been a good week on this front because the GOProud behavior at CPAC made it clear for all that these folks were lost and outside of our tent.
This is why Tammy Bruce had to disassociate herself from them, because she isn't lost.
Nevertheless, the "gay" agenda no matter how it is advanced is just a Trojan Horse and any conservative that is fooled into accepting "gay" marriage as a right is just showing that they are a squish or a useful idiot. This is a right that most "gay" people have no intention of using. The effects on the rest of the population are devastating as they institutionalize the process of destroying the fabric of our society in the form of destroying the family unit.
RE: “We went to a TEA Party in Tucson and I heard that Tammy Bruce was going to be the keynote speaker. I thought, Oh Lord, well get the homo agenda, too.
I couldnt have been more wrong. She gave a wonderful speech, laying out what are problems and offering solutions to them. Never mentioned that she was a lesbian.
If shes always like that, I approve heartily!”
I’m in L.A. - have heard Tammy Bruce on radio here since the 2000 Bush/Gore follies. Was shocked THEN to find Bruce had become a conservative.
Since then I’ve heard her occasionally on radio and have seen her at a couple of Tea Party events. Never once has she spoken of sexual preference, instead she speaks of problems and solutions, as you said.
As for Breitbart - he is a personal favorite of mine. At the Beverly Hills Tea Party event this past summer he addressed publicly the rumors of his sexual preference. He seemed genuine disgusted about that, spoke of his family and said he can’t help the way his voice sounds to some people. As a female with a deep voice myself, but 100% straight, I ‘get’ that. While it’s true that some people ‘come out’ in mid-life, I really do not think Breitbart is gay.
“He almost doesn’t spend any time advancing Bachmann who shares almost 100% of the same positions as Sarah Palin (By the way)”
That’s the type of BS I hear from Palinistas constantly.
First, lets looksee who posts the dozens of Bachmann posts here. Can you guess? Or maybe becasue so many cultists spend there time on Palin threads they don’t see or aren’t interested in much else.
Scroll through that before you spout off.
2nd, Bachmann does not have 100% agreement with Palin. Plain is McCain when it comes to amnesty, Bachmann is Steve King. Palin is Newt when it comes to global warming, Bachmann calls the whole thing a socialist hoax. Palin was pimping LOST as governor, Bachmann is the anti-globalist. Palin pushed TARP, Bachmann vociferously opposed it. Palin is a Title IX queen, Bachmann calls herself congressMAN. Palin want federal funding for special needs kids, Bachmann wants to cut welfare.
I’ve been watching pissant on his seemingly one man mission to tear down Sarah where the msm has failed.
And I’m going to give him credit. The msm doesn’t know what we don’t like. Pissant does. And he’s doing a good job of finding those tiny tidbits, flecks, of Palin news that are likely to upset conservatives, and pretty much telling the story straight.
He’s not just repeating MSM talking points, he’s doing a good job finding Palin’s weaknesses. You want to keep pissant, because Palin supporters really should learn how to deal with people who disagree with something Palin might or might not have done or said.
You should look at things like “what is pissant posting” “why did he think this would hurt Palin” “how might Palin cut down on the number of things that pissant has identified as potentially problematic with conservatives.”
There are any number of things that you can do with pissants postings that are useful.
He may not be homosexual, but he certainly is pushing the homo-agenda.
Bruce does too in many ways. She is sort of conservative on things like gun rights, but on homo-agenda issues, not conservative.
Zen and Kung-fu is sometimes needed with the jujitsu you just engaged in whereby your own misconceptions are the fault of anyone but yourself.
You should have links for your Palin v Bachmann specifics. That’s a good solid list. But put that list in a txt file, and hammer that one home.
I’m enouraging you because many Palin supporters have trouble dealing with a decent challenge and you present one. They know exactly who you are, and exactly what you’re saying your doing, so the target is clear. There is one of you and many many Palin supporters. If they can’t beat you, somethings wrong. But you’re tenacious and disciplined, staying on message, so you wouldn’t be all that easy to beat here.
40 Palin supporters should beat 1 you. Unless, um, you’re right.
Now, here’s a suggestion to Palin supporters. Figure out where pissant is lying. pissant will have his list “reasons why Bachmann is better than Palin”, ready to cut and paste at a moments notice, with great links substantiating your arguments. One of the 40 Palin supporters will have a text file “lies pissant told”. Another of the 40 supporters might have another list.
Many supporters should try to learn how to respond to pissants charges? Are pissants charges true? What do they mean? Perhaps Sarah’s misspelling is a new word, with a similar, but distinctly different definition than the word Sarah was trying to spell? What are the 2 different definitions? Can we get this new word in the dictionary real quick? Could Sarah have meant the exact opposite when she she retweeted Tammy Bruces “the more someone complains about the homos the more we should look under their bed”
And then 2,3,4 Palin supporters frantically spin their way to an explanation that doesn’t completely contradict everything that they want to think Palin believes. I helped with developing the idea that what Palin was saying was 1) there are gay moles in the RNC, there to be antigay, and then outed. and 2) we need to find them at the RNC and get rid of them, because they’re only going to cause massive headaches without end. Palin read what everyone else read, but she saw, somehow, because she really is in a position to make a phone call to the RNC and get rid of staffers, Tammy Bruce saying what Palin thought Bruce said. Put simply, this theory goes, Palin misunderstood what Bruce was saying.
And every day pissant finds one of these little factoids, where Palin is attacked from the right, the Palin people counter it. The end result is that people get more skilled at all of this. I like Palin, I like Ron Paul, and I like Michelle Bachmann.
Pissant is wrong to start a little Bachmann v Palin fight though. Because Bachmann is going to be supporting Palin. She almost said as much. Keeping her seat warm. And I didn’t get the idea at CPAC that Bachmann was giving the speech of someone running for President, but thanking the volunteers for hanging the decorations for the prom. I thought it was the right kind of vibe, and I’m not criticizing her at all, but if Palin wants to wait and see, wait till late for tactical reasons, it looks like Bachmann is there breaking ground for Sarah.
I would sooner have pissant attacking me than you defending me.
I said that Palin supporters, just like yourself, were saying that Palin was boycotting CPAC. This was on Saturday, when the straw poll came out.
But I recognize that Palin supporters, just like yourself and including yourself, are now saying that Palin did not boycott CPAC.
I admitted that I got terrible information from Palin supporters here on Saturday. It seems that Palin supporters do not care what the facts are from day to day. That doesn’t make Palin any less a superstar vote getter, but I would hope that Palin has a lot of people on her side who do care what the truth is about any of these particular matters.
pissant is taking you all on single handedly, by doing a little bit of legwork. All the Palin people really need to do is stop just saying whatever pops into your head as an answer to a question unless you have a really good track record of getting things right much more often than not.
I’m telling you, you might want to start looking at your own people and the quality of the work your own people do, and stop compaining about pissants steady drip drip drip of stuff you can’t deal with. Get some people to win the arguments if you can’t do it yourself.
I have no idea what GOProud did during the convention. I did hear that the old leader is out and a new leader, a Cuban I believe, is in, and he pretty much said that they wouldn’t be coming back next year. I didn’t realize there was secret gay behaviors taking place. I just thought that the new guy has been listening to conservatives on this and he determined that goproud has been doing more harm than good, or he’s worried about the dangers of infiltration.
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