I have no idea what GOProud did during the convention. I did hear that the old leader is out and a new leader, a Cuban I believe, is in, and he pretty much said that they wouldn’t be coming back next year. I didn’t realize there was secret gay behaviors taking place. I just thought that the new guy has been listening to conservatives on this and he determined that goproud has been doing more harm than good, or he’s worried about the dangers of infiltration.
This is about right on the money. Except, it wasn't secret behavior that was the problem. It was the loudmouth, entitlement, pushing the gay agenda only behavior that was the problem. They exposed themselves as just a bunch of idiots rather than a truly conservative group who were interested in the best of our country and people.
I am cool with that. Major setback for those pushing this agenda, but honestly, the best thing for everyone else including gays who are serious about saving this great land of freedom and opportunity.