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To: JoeProBono
As for the peasants, let them eat cake.
2 posted on
12/24/2010 4:50:15 PM PST by
(Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
To: JoeProBono
hmm, I wonder why he isn't eating Christmas ? I knew he was Muslem!
3 posted on
12/24/2010 4:50:28 PM PST by
(Is the /sarc tag really necessary?)
To: JoeProBono
How about some nice roast pig at a Luau??
Was his Christmas address as good as his Ramada address? or Hannukah?
What? he only had a Ramadan address? How strange
4 posted on
12/24/2010 4:51:10 PM PST by
Mr. K
('Profiling' you is worse than grabbing your balls)
To: JoeProBono
Every time I see a pic of that man my gaydar goes crazy.
6 posted on
12/24/2010 4:51:25 PM PST by
To: JoeProBono
That aught to fatten up that ass on the misses.
7 posted on
12/24/2010 4:51:57 PM PST by
Cisco Nix
(Real Conservatives stay sober and focused)
To: JoeProBono
“It’s good to be the king!”
8 posted on
12/24/2010 4:52:09 PM PST by
(Merry Christmas to all of my FReeper FRiends!)
To: JoeProBono
Obama revealed that his daughters have requested "gift cards" and "cash" from Santa this year.During the campaign obama said they didn't give Christmas gifts to their children. I guess he's evolving on that detail also.
BTW is it not pathetic that children this age only want cash? Degenerates on parade.
To: JoeProBono
The food fascists certainly don’t scrimp on their menu choices.
To: JoeProBono
vacation...what’s a vacation? I just got home from work. I wonder how many hours/days Obama has really worked in his entire life?
To: JoeProBono
Seeing as how it’s Christmas Eve I’m just not going to say anything at all.
15 posted on
12/24/2010 4:59:05 PM PST by
Brad’s Gramma
(Here's a thought!! Donate to the website you are on RIGHT NOW!! .... *waves hi to DS*)
To: JoeProBono
The rookie & the wookie must be so much fun to be around during the Christmas holidays.
16 posted on
12/24/2010 5:01:18 PM PST by
23 Everest
(A gun in hand is better than a cop on the phone.)
To: JoeProBono
DESSERT IS NOT A why the pies????
To: JoeProBono
To: JoeProBono
Maybe this has been addressed before but does this President ever eat ham?
To: JoeProBono
27 posted on
12/24/2010 5:16:14 PM PST by
("You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." CS Lewis)
To: JoeProBono
To: JoeProBono
What slobs they are. Snobs and slobs.
33 posted on
12/24/2010 5:26:55 PM PST by
(So there.)
To: JoeProBono
Nothing wrong with steak, but the rest of the menu sounds dull, bland, and unimaginative.
35 posted on
12/24/2010 5:31:05 PM PST by
("Your total ignorance of that which you profess to teach merits the death penalty.")
To: JoeProBono
In the spirit of Christmas, I was inspired to give the girls an extra bale tonight. I came in and saw this...
Merry Christmas girls, Moo
37 posted on
12/24/2010 5:35:26 PM PST by
(I love animals, they are delicious....)
To: JoeProBono
"his daughters have requested "gift cards" and "cash" from Santa this year"
That's sad.
I swear everything this guy does is a thinly veiled attack on our way of life.
39 posted on
12/24/2010 5:41:12 PM PST by
Christian Engineer Mass
(Leftys who zone in on Palin miss the point. America's not about single figures. That's for NK/Cuba.)
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