Hmmmmmmm.... oh, my dear little girl, I am not entirely certain I believe this version of events.
Most likely she tried to take the dog’s food away.
Well yes, kids generally tell a story that fits what they want adults to hear. Additionally, it appears this is another chained dog. And an adult dog adopted a year ago. Don’t know if the dog was neutered, etc. Not much info to go on. I tell you, I am not opposed to shelter dogs, but when you adopt an adult dog of unknown origins, and unknown parentage, you had be very sure you know what you’re doing and the fact that you would chain it in the yard and allow your children around it unsupervised suggests to me that you don’t meet the criteria of responsible adult. I’m just saying.
Having said that. Poor little girl, and brave big brother.
Well obviously the little girl attacked the dog. Everyone knows that dogs ONLY attack when "provoked."