I don’t have my real info on FB; however, I do have pics on there.
You can maintain your account security with settings. Only friends on my list can see my pics.
Trust me, I see it all the time. By people who should know better. One of my less informed coworkers said that it was no threat to her. The next morning I gave her a breifing on herself including:
- She was single (divorced for 2 years)
- Her home address
- A picture of her home
- The fact that she had a pool in her back yard
- She had a dog named blacky
- She had 2 children
- Her daughter was 13 and played on the city league sports team. Their practices were at the grass field at her local elementary school
- Her son was 11 and played on a city basketball team
- On thursdays, their practices were the same day / time
- She often did not get home till 6 pm
- Her two kids went to an after school care program
- Her home was unattended most Mondays - Fridays from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
- Her trash was put on the curb on Wed
- Her mailbox was located by her drive way (in the picture)
Starting to sound scarry? Think there is enough information here for some sicko to go after one of her kids? What about someone going into her mailbox and getting other identity?
I gathered all these details in about 2 hrs of web searching. The briefing made her physically ill. But she did learn from the effort and closed down her accounts.