I am taking the American flag down in front of our building tomorrow. I cannot fly this flag because I am NOT a communist. It will rest respectfully in a drawer until such time as we liberate our country form the communists... THAT is my civil disobedience. Oh, if only blacks and Mexicans fill out the census form, you will ensure hell on earth. Think South Africa and Boerr...
fly it upside down.....
It’s Gadsden Flag time.
NO, turn it upside down. The signal of distress.
Fly the flag upside down! It makes a statement, while NOT flying it makes none at all. Apologies to all patriots.
I may get a Gadsen Flag and fly that instead of The American Flag, until The Dictator is gone.
Don’t do that...
Fly it with a Gadsen flag underneath it. And a flag with the M-16 on it that says “Come and take it”
Remember that the foes we are dealing with hate the American Flag and what it stands for, if they could they would be rid of it in a second. The Liberals and Obama think the American flag stands for “Fascism” “Racism” and “Imperialist war mongering”