I am a Libertarian, and I do NOT support an open boarder. Wayne Allyn Root the former vice presidential nominee for the Libertarian party in 2008 says this:
*Illegal Immigration- I support securing our borders. We must first secure our borders to control the entry into our country of foreigners who pose a threat to the security, health, property or economic well-being of Americans. We must secure our borders before we can deal with the issue of how to deal with illegal immigrants already in our country.
*I oppose public funding and entitlements for illegal aliens.
*But I support providing a “Path to Citizenship” for 12 to 15 million illegal immigrants already here. Make it strict, difficult, and expensive- award citizenship only to those with no criminal record; who have proof of paid taxes; who learn mastery of the English language and American history; and who agree to pay a steep fine.
Seems reasonable to me.
>>am a Libertarian, and I do NOT support an open boarder.<<
There seems to be a meme running around that Libertarians (or those who lean that way) are supporters of open borders. I have NEVER seen that in any Libertarian, nor the positions of the Libertarian Party.
THAT distinction falls to both the last Bush Presidents (who I supported but was hoping I could change in this area — with some positive results). And of course McCain (I still have the fingerprints on my nose from THAT vote) just wanted to drive down and drive all 200 million Mexicans here personally.
Ron Paul syndrome, maybe????