To: carolinablonde
If your kid still believes in Santa in 6th grade he has more problems than the teacher.
To: mmadi106999
What about Santa Claus? You trying to insinuate that Santa’s not real?
14 posted on
12/19/2009 9:23:46 PM PST by
Richard Kimball
(We're all criminals. They just haven't figured out what some of us have done yet.)
To: mmadi106999
“If your kid still believes in Santa in 6th grade he has more problems than the teacher.”
That was mean...Santa will bring you NOTHING this year...
18 posted on
12/19/2009 9:25:41 PM PST by
("The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.")
To: mmadi106999; carolinablonde
If your kid still believes in Santa in 6th grade he has more problems than the teacher. Nah, he's just human. Most of us 'know' Santa doesn't exist, but the thought behind and of him, well, ....that's evident, each year, around this time.
Let kids be kids, they are forced to 'grow up' faster with each advance in technology and ideology.
Merry Christmas mmadi106999 (here's a "/s" for your stocking).
32 posted on
12/19/2009 9:40:34 PM PST by
(Mandatory insurance! I thought it was about health care?)
To: mmadi106999
What do you mean? There is no Santa ??
To: mmadi106999
If your kid still believes in Santa in 6th grade he has more problems than the teacher. Isn't that the truth. Life will be a trauma for that kid. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson