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These stories just get weirder and weirder.
Oh, come on............ myspace page and the wrong birthdate.....
This is really stretching it... What is the chance that Obama actually made this page versus some intern? The chance of this being simply a mistake by the kid who made the MySpace page is much greater than a conspiracy going back fifty years to change the date of Bambi’s birth.
I was born in Hawaii, 1956. Both my parents are U.S. citizens. So I believe that if I wanted to, I could run for president.
Probably another DU or Move-On stunt.
I just checked it out. It says he’s 52! Probably a mistake by the person who set up the page. I wouldn’t make this a big deal. It was probably done on purpose to piss off the birthers.
He doesn’t act like a 52 year-old.
Or a 48 year-old, either, for that matter.
If he truly was born in Hawaii, I don’t think it matters when. Hawaii is a state, which would make him natural born.
Barry Goldwater was born in AZ before it had become a state. Are we suggesting he wasn’t natural born? This article is silly.
But I would still like to see a birth certificate.
An IDIOT could have put that myspace page there.
Probably for good reason. ;)
in a quick reply, Robert Gibbs had this to say:
“MySpace obviously mis-spoke. What they should have printed isn’t necessary what was typed, but they should have known better. The media has mis-read this as an admission the age of the President, but what’s there isn’t what’s not there and what shoulda not been printed.”
“I hope that clarifies the situation for everyone. This is now old news and it’s time for us to move forward.”
Well, I would love to verify his actual age, but I’ve only seen a webpage with a jpg. Not exactly court approved evidence. (unless you are a judge wanting to stay in the good graces of a usurper President)
Only his hairdresser knows for sure (to quote an old ad)
What the heck is going on with him? Nothing about 0bama ever adds up!
Maybe O has a counting problem?
Puleez. The one scrap of info we do have on his early years is his kindergarten pic. Granted, we don’t know exactly how old he is in that pic but he’s certainly not 9.
Well, that settles it, Obama was born in Hawaii in either 1961 or 1957 and that would make him a Natural Born Citizen.
See: Barry Goldwater.
That would have made him 22 when he graduated from high school. Hummmmmmm, but then someone said his high school basketball photo was bogus! Born in Kenya, Queens Medical Center or Kapi’ olani..... Nothing adds up right with the President.