BTW, I wonder if Robin will acknowledge that Hillary is part of the same Thug-aucracy that victimized her?
good one! Thanks.
Good article, though too sensible to be persuasive to any liberals.
While such conversions are encouraging to read, I still don’t believe that we will see a mass exodus from the democrats.
For one thing, the republican party doesn’t stand for anything when you leave the democrats and find that the republican party is trying to figure out how to be a lite-version of the democrats, its difficult to get excited about your conversion.
If she really wants to make progress she needs to now join the NRA.
That was a refreshing read. It reminds me somewhat of my own journey “home” to conservatism.
Bill Clinton helped me to see the razor wire of the liberal mind control plantation. He forced me to see the light, much as the Obamination has helped Robin to emerge from the darkness.