He11 if I know.
“how the heck did we elect nobama????”
Bong + lighter + lots of willing smokers = Obama wins.
Did he leave you a spell checker?
So sorry for your loss.
How did this happen??
Here ya go:
Fascinating election day interviews with TYPICAL Obama voters (link below). (Warning: DO NOT VIEW IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH!)
Let me add here that I gave the TV program “Boston Legal” one more shot this week and am now POSITIVE that I’ll never watch it — or anything else with which David E. Kelley is connected. While it did have occasional lapses into common sense (the Shatner hold-up sequence was one of them), it is nothing more than socialist propaganda masquerading as entertainment.
Under the category of “Would that mine enemy had written a book,” I MAY check in periodically just to see how much further they can slide. But NOT around mealtimes.
Most of the regular characters share at least one trait with their hero, Barack Obama: His malignant narcissism. While it may be amusing in them, it is a very dangerous characteristic in a president as time shall surely reveal.
In the last episode, Shore admitted that only 40% of voters in this country know that we have 3 branches of government and probably fewer than that know anything of the issues or candidates’ backgrounds.
At the end of the show, Shore and Shirley disclose how emotional they were the night Obama was elected while blissfully disregarding the level of ignorance of the voters who put him in office.
THAT ignorance level was transcended only by their own, that of the idiots who produce this crap — and those who partake of it.
Hey, Mom? Dad says to pick up some more beer when you pass the 7-11. Uncle Slick is in town and you know how he likes his Barley Pop ever since we went Socialist.
Have you been in a coma for the last 12 months?..............
By electing Worse in 2000!
Ummmm..., have you heard of “vanities”?
My big question is this... “How in the heck did a vanity get on News/Activism??”
This is only her second post since signup, both cryptic vanities:
The America haters came out in force...the people who campaigned for Zero had clever little stickers all over Manhattan that stated “No more Bush**it Vote Obama. They rejected McCain for a socialist, pig who pals around with domestic terrorists. Ask them if they care about “runaway” spending and big government. They don’t mind it when they are on the receiving end.
kiCk Bak, reLAX and LIsen TO suM mUSik
My uncle used to love me But she died!
The shift key on your keyboard makes upper case letters.
He wasn't my choice. I supported him once he was President, but I can't count the number of things he did that made no sense.
Chief among them was his drug prescription program.
Where they Hell did that come from?
There ain’t none.
So as far as electing Obama goes, when you have a majority of individuals that rather be slaves than free, there will always be someone to make their wishes come true.
On November 4, 2008 we went from the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave to the land of the slave and home of the slave master.
And not one ounce of force was used to accomplish this.