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Operation Menke-Tribute to an American Hero(Vanity)
Black Anthem Military News | Oct 14, 2008 | Sgt Vickey Jones

Posted on 10/15/2008 5:12:40 PM PDT by grame

BAGHDAD, Iraq - On August 4, 2008, Spc. Jonathan "Jon" Menke made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. Most will remember Jon by his infectious laughter, zest for life and sense of compassion for all. The loss was not only felt by his fellow Soldiers, family and friends, but the entire Madison County, Indiana, community where he grew up.

When Jon would call home to talk to his father, Daniel Menke, he would tell him stories about the Iraqi children and request toys and shoes for them. He explained to his father that the 38th Military Police Company's mission was to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. What better way to do this than thru the Iraqi children?

Jon often expressed his concern of the living conditions of the Iraqi children that he interacted with on a daily basis. So every Friday as Daniel Menke would pack up a care package for his son, he would include beanie babies and hot wheels. This soon became a family affair. Jon's younger brother, Matthew, donated his beanie baby collection.

Just days after the loss of Jon, Daniel was telling the story to a local newspaper, sharing the stories of the Iraqi children and Jon's desire to bring happiness to them. After reading this, a local woman, Lindsie Wilson, who works in the Human Resources Department of Grote Industries, approached her supervisor with the idea of helping. Her supervisor told her to run with it and that she did. Toy drives were conducted all over Madison County. There have been over 5,500 beanie babies and 2,500 hot wheels collected. However, Grote Industries did not stop there - they packaged up the beanie babies and covered all shipping cost of the toys to Iraq.

With the overwhelming collection of the toys, not only have the packages been shipped to Jon's fellow Soldiers in the 38th Military Police Company in Iraq to hand out but also to other units throughout Iraq to help carry out the mission that Jon so believed in.

On October 4, 2008, Soldiers of the 38th Military Police Company who were with Jon during the attack on August 4 delivered the Operation Menke bags and hot wheels to a local orphanage in Eastern Baghdad. Upon entering the orphanage and meeting the staff, Sgt. Spencer Edgington gave the head master of the orphanage, Aber Mahdy Al-Galby, a flyer from Jon's memorial. He wanted everyone to understand the sacrifice that Jon made and his love for the Iraqi children. Aber Mahdy Al-Galby expressed her deep gratitude for Jon's sacrifice and her admiration to his family for still believing a difference could be made, and their selfless giving, even as they grieve.

As the children entered the room, the looks on their faces were priceless as they stood in astonishment at all the toys in front of them. Each child walked to the pile of toys and graciously picked out one, expressing appreciation before turning and heading back to his or her room. After much encouragement from the Soldiers, some of the children sat on the mound of toys and dug into the pile looking for the perfect bag of beanies or coolest pack of hot wheels.

Daniel Menke stated in a phone interview that, "If we can touch one child's heart and change the direction of their life, then Operation Menke has been a success."

For Jon's fellow Soldiers still serving in Iraq, Operation Menke has touched each of them. Still struggling thru the healing process, Operation Menke has bestowed upon them a new strength to continue the daily mission. They will continue to spread Jon's kindness, keeping his memory alive - in turn making the world a better place.

Specialist Jon Menke is a true American Hero. His mission is complete. Jon's family, friends, and fellow Soldiers will now proudly stand in for him, continuing the mission that he was so passionate about.

TOPICS: Military/Veterans
KEYWORDS: heroes; operationmenke; orphanage
My hero soldier, my son, is the young man making the presentation to the orphanage. Jon was his driver and they had switched vehicles for this one day.
1 posted on 10/15/2008 5:12:41 PM PDT by grame
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To: grame

A wonderful report. You make us proud!

2 posted on 10/15/2008 5:16:07 PM PDT by stocksthatgoup (`Pontius Pilate voted "Present")
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To: grame
There are pics at the web site.—A-tribute-to-an-American-hero18723.shtml
3 posted on 10/15/2008 5:18:04 PM PDT by grame (please pray for the 38th MP Co in Baghdad)
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