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FR's Gun Club - Friday's Gun Porn
None | August 1, 2008 | Shooter 2.5

Posted on 08/01/2008 5:04:06 AM PDT by Shooter 2.5

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To: Fichori

Thanks. I think the Minolta Z2 camera has to claim some of the credit.

301 posted on 08/09/2008 6:15:52 PM PDT by Shooter 2.5 (NRA - Vote against the dem party)
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To: Shooter 2.5
Thanks. I didn't know it meant that. I've seen the “Hello Kitty” versions. An IDPA competitor had matching guns and clothing in purple. That was impressive.

I don't know if some of those are real or photoshopped.

Oh I'm certain that I found a PINK (from the manufacturer) AR-15 when my daughter was shopping for hers! I "think" it was made by Olympic Arms and I'm looking around their web site now. If I can locate it, I'll post a photo.

She opted for an Armalite SPR (Special Purpose Rifle), which as far as I can tell, is nothing more than an H-BAR A-4. She did have me put a lower on it with a collapsible stock, but other than that, it's just a flat topped A-4. Very accurate though! If I can find the pink AR, I'll post it! :-)
302 posted on 08/09/2008 6:31:42 PM PDT by hiredhand
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To: hiredhand
I found this photo on the web some years back. I don't know where it came from but it was one of those "oh, my goodness" moments where you just have to save the picture.

303 posted on 08/09/2008 6:52:26 PM PDT by Shooter 2.5 (NRA - Vote against the dem party)
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To: hiredhand; Tijeras_Slim; 300winmag; Eaker; humblegunner; Travis McGee; FreedomPoster; Lurker; ...

300 plus posts and not ONE armadillo recipe yet.....this is just crazy !!


1 1/4 cups dry white wine
1/2 cup oil
2 garlic cloves, crushed (optional)
1/4 cup butter
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp. thyme
1/2 tsp. rosemary
1 med. onion, sliced thin
1 armadillo, cleaned and cut into serving pieces
1 1/4 cups light cream
1 tbsp. brown mustard (e.g. Gulden’s) or Poupon Dijon
1 tbsp. cornstarch

Mix all ingredients of marinade and add armadillo. Marinate about 8 hrs., turning meat occasionally. Remove armadillo and reserve marinade.

Melt butter in deep skillet and brown armadillo pieces. Pour in marinade and bring to a boil. Stir in seasoning, cover and simmer until tender (about 1 - 1 1/4 hours.) Remove skillet from the fire and place armadillo pieces on a warmed platter.

Mix mustard and cornstarch, then mix in cream. Return skillet to low heat and stir in this mixture a little at a time. Stir sauce until hot, but not boiling, and thickened. Pour sauce over armadillo. Serve with steamed rice.


1 armadillo, dressed and cleaned
4 large onions
1 stalk celery
2 cans chopped mushrooms
2 cups rice, uncooked
Salt and pepper to taste
10 cups armadillo broth

Boil armadillo until tender; reserve broth. Remove meat from bones. Cut onions and celery and cook in butter until tender. Add mushrooms and meat and simmer for 5 minutes. Put in a large baking pan or dutch oven and add 10 cups of hot broth; add rice, salt and pepper; stir. Place in 375 degrees F. oven and cook until tender. Serves 12.

Ready in: 1-2 hrs
recipe difficulty 3/5 Difficulty: 3 (1=easiest :: hardest=5)

Serves/Makes: 4

1 1/4 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed (optional)
1/4 cup butter
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon rosemary
1 medium onion, sliced thin
1 armadillo, cleaned and cut into serving pieces
1 1/4 cup light cream
1 tablespoon brown mustard (e.g. Gulden’s) or Poupon Dijon
1 tablespoon cornstarch
Turn this recipe into a puzzle! [click]


Mix all ingredients of marinade and add armadillo. Marinate about 8 hrs., turning meat occasionally. Remove armadillo and reserve marinade. Melt butter in deep skillet and brown armadillo pieces. Pour in marinade and bring to a boil. Stir in seasoning, cover and simmer until tender (about 1 - 1 1/4 hours.) Remove skillet from the fire and place armadillo pieces on a warmed platter.

Mix mustard and cornstarch, then mix in cream. Return skillet to low heat and stir in this mixture a little at a time. Stir sauce until hot, but not boiling, and thickened. Pour sauce over armadillo. Serve with steamed rice.

304 posted on 08/09/2008 7:35:37 PM PDT by Squantos (Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet)
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To: Shooter 2.5; Eaker

That’s ummmm Eakers BBQ gun and he’s pretty sensitive about that .......:o)

305 posted on 08/09/2008 7:40:23 PM PDT by Squantos (Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet)
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To: Squantos
Dunno about armadillo, but "Mythbusters" had a segment on how to tenderize steak using C4 using a method suggested by the US Forest Service.

1. Cut two 1/2 inch steel disks sized to fit the diameter of a 55 gallon plastic water barrel.

2. Put first steel plate in, and fill with water almost to the top.

3. Vacuum-seal steaks in heavy-duty plastic bags and place on the bottom plate. Drop top plate into barrel.

3. Suspend plastic-wrapped pool-ball size chunk of C4 with cord or wire about in the middle of the water. Tie off detcord to the support.

4. Raise barrel about 6 feet into the air. A forklift is good for this.

5. Fire in the hole!

6. Retrieve steaks, which should be resting on the bottom steel plate. The plastic bags should still be intact. The steaks will be flat, but very tender.

They used the actual USDA standards for judging tenderness. They lightly browned the tenderized steaks and control steaks, then froze them. After they were thawed out, they cut out 1/2" plugs of meat, and put them in a guillotine equipped with a digital strain gauge and a mechanical actuator.

Average tenderness of the control steaks, using the official USDA protocols, about 2.5 pounds. The "C4 steaks" came in at zero pounds.

Very tender, but they looked more like meat mush than steaks. It should also work on even the toughest armadillo.

306 posted on 08/09/2008 8:13:59 PM PDT by 300winmag (Deterrence is an activity, Destruction is a profession)
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To: Shooter 2.5
OH MY! Now THAT is a paint job! I've got an old Remington Model 34, .22 bolt action rifle here that's all wrapped in ghillie now because we were using it to deal with garden critters the other day. I'll unwrap it tomorrow and send another photo. It's a real tack driver! But underneath all the wrap, it's one UGLY rifle. :-) Here it is with the ghillie.

Rusty Rifle!

The rifle had belonged to my uncle who was in poor health through a good portion of the 1990s and early 2000s. It stayed in a gun rack on the wall in their basement for "about" 10 years. My aunt never touched it, but she DID open the windows when it was nice, and turned on the A.C. when the basement got warm. The temp changes put a coating of rust on the rifle that completely ruined the old bluing. uncle put a coating of grease in the bore just before putting it in that gunrack that probably would have "outlived" us all! So the bore was in EXCELLENT condition! Even the trigger group on this thing had rust in it and when she gave it to me it was STUCK! It wasn't so bad that there is any serious visible pitting, but there was just no way to save the finish. So one weekend, me and one of the kids stripped it down just as far as we could and took it all to bare metal. Then we degreased it and spray painted it cammo! That's what's underneath the ghillie.

I'll peel the ghillie off tomorrow and try to get some up close photos of this ugly, but endearing old .22 rifle. :-)
307 posted on 08/09/2008 8:26:18 PM PDT by hiredhand
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To: 300winmag

I have done that trick........old demolition dog and pony for open house grilling on the EOD range. When they open a beer using micro shape charges and flex linear ping me to that episode !....:o)

You said USFS suggested that method to em ?!?!?........LOL !

308 posted on 08/09/2008 8:26:22 PM PDT by Squantos (Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet)
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To: Squantos
I had NO idea that there would be a recipe for Armadillo! When we lived in Alabama, I used to hate hitting those things on the road! ...ick!

But your recipe sounds good!
309 posted on 08/09/2008 8:28:13 PM PDT by hiredhand
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To: Squantos; Shooter 2.5; Eaker

I thought Eaker blew up his B.B gun!....oops...can I say that here? :-)

310 posted on 08/09/2008 8:29:12 PM PDT by hiredhand
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To: hiredhand; Tijeras_Slim

It’s a New Mexico Texan I know eats that crap !........;o)

311 posted on 08/09/2008 8:32:47 PM PDT by Squantos (Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet)
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To: 300winmag; Squantos
I watched that episode of Mythbusters JUST yesterday evening! Hey Squantos....BS has it! Search for -
mythbusters.s06e09.repack.hdtv.xvid-gnarly'll find it. It's a good one! Stuff goes *boom*! :-)

Check your email. I'm sending you the torrent. :-)
312 posted on 08/09/2008 8:34:36 PM PDT by hiredhand
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To: hiredhand'll find it. It's a good one! Stuff goes *boom*! :-)

Almost every episode of Mythbusters has something that goes "boom". That's because they have an "in" with local and federal cops, and access to stuff that would put the average American or Californian in jail.

Some of their stuff is amazingly good, like their Civil War hybrid/solid fuel rocket. The launch was jaw-dropping, looking like a cruise missile launch.

Other things are dumb, or just obvious. Stuff involving firearms always gives me a chance to yell at the TV.

Still, it's an entertaining exercise in testing-to-excess on a big budget. Of course, for entertainment purposes they often trip themselves up with scaling factors. A few 15-minute segments were on things so simple, I could write out the math on the back of an envelope in five minutes. But that wouldn't be nearly as entertaining for most folks, although I appreciated the mathematical exercise.

And yes, they made a lead balloon, and it (sort of) flew.

313 posted on 08/09/2008 8:55:13 PM PDT by 300winmag (Deterrence is an activity, Destruction is a profession)
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To: Squantos; Tijeras_Slim
It’s a New Mexico Texan I know eats that crap !........;o)

I kid you not...I've eaten skunk before, and it was pretty good! My buddy skinned it under water with vinegar in the water! I thought it was Racoon, but got suspicious when his wife wouldn't eat any....then it came out that it was skunk! Ah well...:-)

314 posted on 08/09/2008 9:03:54 PM PDT by hiredhand
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To: 300winmag

I had NEVER heard of Mythbusters until just a few years ago! We don’t have T.V. and don’t have cable. Actually, we do “sort of” get a couple of T.V. channels. But I’m not paying for cable. I already pay the phone and Internet bill (everything else around here for that matter!) and I told the youngsters that if they wanted cable, THEY could pay for it! So far, they haven’t wanted it bad enough. :-) But we like Mythbusters...and you’re right...something almost always goes *boom*. :-) I’ve been downloading Mythbusters via bit-torrent on the net. :-)

315 posted on 08/09/2008 9:07:58 PM PDT by hiredhand
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To: hiredhand
I’ve been downloading Mythbusters via bit-torrent on the net. :-)

That's how I get Myth Busters, American Chopper, and other programs, even though I have cable. I work midnights, and don't have time to remotely record them and watch them during my few waking daytime hours. So I download stuff and watch it during quiet times at work. It also allows me to get some of the great British documentaries that might only be available on premium cable here.

I also get to laugh at all the whack-job conspiracy stuff that's posted out there.

316 posted on 08/09/2008 9:58:54 PM PDT by 300winmag (Deterrence is an activity, Destruction is a profession)
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To: hiredhand


317 posted on 08/09/2008 10:00:14 PM PDT by Squantos (Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet)
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And this is the subject of the Hobbit Holes Saturday Night gun pron:

Along the way, you'll also see we chat about everything else under the sun, too.

318 posted on 08/09/2008 10:13:16 PM PDT by 300winmag (Deterrence is an activity, Destruction is a profession)
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To: 300winmag

Who produces the British documentaries? I’d like to see them too! :-)

319 posted on 08/10/2008 5:22:30 AM PDT by hiredhand
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To: Squantos; hiredhand
It’s a New Mexico Texan I know eats that crap !........;o)

With enough green chile you could probably eat Helen Thomas.

320 posted on 08/10/2008 6:49:32 AM PDT by Tijeras_Slim
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