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To: 300winmag

Who produces the British documentaries? I’d like to see them too! :-)

319 posted on 08/10/2008 5:22:30 AM PDT by hiredhand
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To: hiredhand
Who produces the British documentaries? I’d like to see them too! :-)

The BBC produces a lot, with the BBC 4 producing mostly science/history/technology ones.

"Time Team" is my all-time favorite, and I'm catching up on the last 14 years of the series. England has thousands of years of history underneath just a few inches of topsoil, and this bunch, with about six on-screen archaeologists and scientists, and dozens of workers, take three days to dig, catalog, and analyze some site. They've dug everything from a two million year old river bank to a Spitfire shot down over France in the opening days of WW2.

One episode involved re-digging a crash site in a moor where two B-17s went down in a tragic mid-air collision returning from a mission. The military picked up most of the pieces, and bodies, back then, but left a lot of stuff buried underneath the muck. Time Team dug up the rest of the planes, and was able to piece together how it happened.

They had access to last letters written home (one crew was flying their 25th and last mission), along with surviving witnesses and family. They donated two mangled Ma Deuces and a bent propeller to the US military cemetery where the crews were buried. A local flying club was to make a memorial to the crews out of the stuff. They closed with a tribute to the American crews.

That episode hit me a lot closer to home than their usual finds of broken pottery, old coins, and remains of walls, which they try to present in a less-serious, and very entertaining, style.

321 posted on 08/10/2008 6:55:37 AM PDT by 300winmag (Deterrence is an activity, Destruction is a profession)
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