OH MY! Now
THAT is a paint job! I've got an old Remington Model 34, .22 bolt action rifle here that's all wrapped in ghillie now because we were using it to deal with garden critters the other day. I'll unwrap it tomorrow and send another photo. It's a real tack driver! But underneath all the wrap, it's one
UGLY rifle. :-) Here it is with the ghillie.
The rifle had belonged to my uncle who was in poor health through a good portion of the 1990s and early 2000s. It stayed in a gun rack on the wall in their basement for "about" 10 years. My aunt never touched it, but she DID open the windows when it was nice, and turned on the A.C. when the basement got warm. The temp changes put a coating of rust on the rifle that completely ruined the old bluing.
HOWEVER...my uncle put a coating of grease in the bore just before putting it in that gunrack that probably would have "outlived" us all! So the bore was in
EXCELLENT condition! Even the trigger group on this thing had rust in it and when she gave it to me it was STUCK! It wasn't so bad that there is any serious visible pitting, but there was just no way to save the finish. So one weekend, me and one of the kids stripped it down just as far as we could and took it all to bare metal. Then we degreased it and spray painted it cammo! That's what's underneath the ghillie.
I'll peel the ghillie off tomorrow and try to get some up close photos of this ugly, but endearing old .22 rifle. :-)