the only beast I've ever been responsible to was my ex-wife
I'm not aware of anywhere in the Bible it says I'm responsible to the beasts.....the Bible mainly starts on about how they are food after Noah when before Man was not a meat eater.....later on about how an Ox gores ya the you kill it and don't eat it....even if God forbid...someone teased it...and while we are on Jesus....I would wager Jesus would offer more empathy to dead kids and their families than a dead tigers....just a brought it up
we live in an age where many place much much more value on neat animals like tigers and elephants and whales than on babies....i think that's screwy and this thread sorta dances around that Gaia style theme.....pretty weird for a conservative forum.....
it's threads like this that give me pause about the average maturity around here.....but than I can go to a prayer thread and see how wonderful conservatives can be
but I do think God meant for us to be good stewards of HIS gifts, one of them being the animals that inhabit earth with us....
In Genesis, God gives man dominion over the beasts, the birds, the fishes, etc. You're free to exercise that responsibility as carefully or carelessly as you please. Certainly, Judeo-Christian tradition as well as most other world religions place the heavy emphasis on our treatment and respect for our fellow man...and there's nowhere I've disputed or contested that. All I've said is that if, as some evidence suggests, these fellows invited or contributed to their mauling, it is indeed they themselves that showed a reckless disregard for the sanctity of their own human lives. I don't have a particular love or affection for tigers, but I certainly have a healthy respect for them.
Indeed, the loss of human life here is tragic, but it's a tragedy that will only be compounded when the investigative findings demonstrate how avoidable it was, wether fault is ultimately fixed upon zoo officials, the victims or some as yet unidentified third party. To affix blame squarely on the tiger for merely doing what tigers do is ridiculous. Either the enclosure was inadequate in its inherent design, or was somehow breached by the action or inaction of some human(s).