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Goodbye FR [Mods respond: don't let the door hit your arse on the way out]

Posted on 11/14/2007 2:51:00 PM PST by HHKrepublican_2

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To: Crawdad
I for one would hold my noise and vote for Rudy

Interesting. That would take you where HHKrepublican_2 is today.

If Rudy gets the nomination, it you don't hold your nose and vote for him, it will take you back to the glorious Clinton years. I see that as a fate far worse than anything Rudy might do. Lies, people dying mysteriously, socialized medicine, treating Military Personnel like dirt, turning a back on terror and maybe we will get some new programs like Midnight Nursery Care -- for Moms who want to play Midnight Basketball.

161 posted on 11/14/2007 5:05:26 PM PST by Stars&StripesNE (Liberals are the enemy within)
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To: HHKrepublican_2
**(in a voice trying not to cry. gasping for air. hardly able to catch my breath)**

I'm so confused!

One guy running for president dresses like a woman and a woman running for president dresses like a man.

And is leaving and I didn't even know HHKrepublican_1. Is there a #3?


Ok, let's get serious. #1) He does like to dress like a woman and has several times. Several. #2) He made major bank pretending to be the "hero" of 9/11. Speaking fees, consulting, lawyering, etc. That's just tacky! #3) Dresses like a chick.. Sorry, I said that one already. He married his cousin. Eww.. #4) He jacked his children around. Bad dad makes me mad when he loses I won't be sad. #5) Thinks baby killing is cool. #6) He is anti-anti-immigrant. #7) He talks funny. See #1 above. And likes to march around with them homers.

You are leaving FR over the likes of Judy Ruliani? What a waste.

162 posted on 11/14/2007 5:06:47 PM PST by isthisnickcool (Judy Ruliani - Could our next president be a drag....queen?)
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To: Magic Fingers

I agree with you. Those who wish Hillary to win to teach everyone some kind of lesson are ill advised. Programs that she launches (disasters all) will be impossible to dismantle. Look what FDR, Johnson and even Nixon did that are will be with us always.

163 posted on 11/14/2007 5:09:42 PM PST by conservaDave (You can't ignore the democRAT...He's a menace to health, home and industry...kill him!)
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To: Jim Robinson

Awwwwww geez. Let’s go start a forum or something, you & I.......


164 posted on 11/14/2007 5:12:28 PM PST by Brad’s Gramma (Mother of the Bride here, treat me with respect for once, will ya? ;))
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To: sevenbak
Whom is good enought to discuss freely and whom is not?

Any one and everyone....

And if all of you people out there who keep saying DH would make a GREAT President but can't make it....would support him with your $$ and ALL WAYS POSSIBLE....dang it, he'd stand a chance!

ANYONE with half an ounce of brains knows that the press won't be on our it's going to be up to US to do the work.

165 posted on 11/14/2007 5:15:41 PM PST by Brad’s Gramma (Mother of the Bride here, treat me with respect for once, will ya? ;))
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To: sevenbak

if Duncan could muster any numbers, I would be behind him 110 percent. Of all the candidates, his record most reflects my own views. FR used to be all about Duncan, now it’s all about Fred. If Fred ends up tanking, who is next? Whom is good enought to discuss freely and whom is not?
***Fred is tanking. Duncan is slowly building up. And what you say is on target. The only time I’ve ever been suspended in a decade of Freeping was when I was posting recently about Fred.

According to Polls, Fred Thompson Foundering

It’s a wide open race, might as well back the most conservative man.

Here’s what I’ve been posting lately.

Here’s a recent poll showing Hunter at 4%.

Here’s an intrade link to the forum site discussing how Hunter might be gaining traction.

Here’s one showing Fred at 6%, and discussing why.

One thing prediction markets are better at — their only bias is whether someone can make money trading the futures contracts.

The Efficacy Of Prediction Markets
The Liberty Papers ^ | November 8, 2007 | Brad Warbiany

Posted on 11/08/2007 12:21:43 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum

Fred has lost ~30 points at Intrade over the last few weeks, looks like it’s stabilizing at ~6%.

Thompson Tanking in Futures Markets (Intrade, IEM)
Intrade; Iowa Electronic Markets ^ | October 31, 2008

The Dropout contract for Thompson has an ask price 2 points higher than last trade. There is no Dropout contract for Hunter.

Fred Thompson to drop out of 2008 Presidential race on/before 31 Dec 2007 M 6.0 9.2 4.0 0 0

166 posted on 11/14/2007 5:17:15 PM PST by Kevmo (We should withdraw from Iraq — via Tehran. And Duncan Hunter is just the man to get that job done.)
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To: noname07718
Where do you get this information about “only left wingers”. That paints a description with a very broad brush. I am sure that there must be a factual basis for this generalization.

Giuliani's policies are left-wing. Therefore, those who support Giuliani support his leftist causes. People who support leftism are, unsurprisingly, leftists. I suppose it is imaginable that somewhere on the planet there could be a conservative or two that supports him out of some kind of pathological masochism.

167 posted on 11/14/2007 5:19:06 PM PST by Sloth (Democrats and GOPers are to government what Jeffrey Dahmer and Michael Jackson are to babysitting)
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To: Kevmo

Not worth it, my Friend. Let them go peacefully whenever possible.


168 posted on 11/14/2007 5:19:11 PM PST by TitansAFC ("My 80% enemy is not my 20% friend" -- Common Sense)
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To: TitansAFC

But if they got purged from WideAwakes, that would explain the recent surge we had in TootyFruityRudybots. And I thought WideAwakes was started as a rudy site. This is interesting news.

169 posted on 11/14/2007 5:21:31 PM PST by Kevmo (We should withdraw from Iraq — via Tehran. And Duncan Hunter is just the man to get that job done.)
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To: Kevmo
WideAwakes has been very Rudy friendly, but there is a limit. Most Rudophiles quickly reveal themselves to be very hostile to Conservatives (Pro-Gun, Pro-Life, Pro-Traditional Family, etc.). You’ll often hear about breaking the “stranglehold” the “Religious Right” has on the Party, etc.

Rudophiles do not have Conservatives’ best interests in mind - they want a Grand New Party, purged of Social and Gun issues which worships only the pocketbook. The only common, non-fiscal bond they have is National Defense.

Anyhow, just like here at FR, they tend to reveal themselves as haters trying to reshape the party. You’ll quickly see their frustration show when they find that their only weapon - fear of Hillary - isn’t IMMEDIATELY enough to get all Conservatives to forget everything they know about Rudy911 and worship him at the polls. Then they’ll try the “terrorists will kill us all if Rudy911 doesn’t win” line - and if we happen to believe that America is strong enough to survive extinction even during a Dem Presidency (which will happen sometime, no matter how good the GOP is) - well, they just explode. All they have is fear - that’s it, nothing else.

170 posted on 11/14/2007 5:30:14 PM PST by TitansAFC ("My 80% enemy is not my 20% friend" -- Common Sense)
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To: Sloth

Is there nothing about Rudy that would fit in the definition of Republican/Conservative? Nothing about his stand on terrorism, Crime, Fiscal policies, defense: nothing? Is there such a thing as a Perfect Republican/Conservative?

I must say that I found so of your posting as incomprehensible. You make no allowance for any shades of gray in your view of “leftism”, and by inference Conservatives. Your use of leftism sounds almost religious in nature. You don’t think that there is such a thing as Social Conservative/fiscal moderate? How about the term of “Southern Conservative Democrats”? It must be nice to live in a world of defined absolutes. Not all of us are so fortunate. Absolutes are where there are no comparisons such as dead, or pregnant, or unique. You can’t be more dead, or pregnant, or unique. You either are or your are not; a binary world. I guess it would be easier, but I’m not sure that it would be nice,

Be well.

171 posted on 11/14/2007 5:37:57 PM PST by noname07718 (The Senate is based on consensus. “Consensus is the absence of leadership” - Lady M.Thatcher)
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To: noname07718

-—”Is there such a thing as a Perfect Republican/Conservative?”-—

And....we’re back to the usual playbook for Rudophiles.

There is a big difference between seeking a “perfect” candidate - which we’re not - and finding one specific candidate such an anethema that we could not under ANY circumstance support said candidate. That is the case with Rudy911 - it’s not because “he’s not perfect on every issue,” but because he has taken up swords so unapologetically and often against us that the differences are irreconcilable. We know where he is Liberal, and do not trust him on the issues in which he claims to be our ally. His history did not start when he began his campaign.

Are there Moderates? Sure. Have I helped them win? Sure. Rudy is a different story. We are talking about a man who was a bulldog of a rabid Activist against SO many of the causes we hold dear for SO long that we will not forgive and forget. I will not hold my nose and vote for him - I will work against his takeover and reshaping of the GOP. If that means the GOP loses one election, so be it.

I stand by this prior post of mine:

-—”Romney’s not my favorite by far, but whatever it takes to knock out that corrupt, gun grabbing, draft dodging, abortionist, war profiteer Rudy JulieAnnie is fine by me,”-—
Jim, you have just summed up why I answer the question of “who are YOU supporting?” by saying “I do not have the luxury of a candidate while Rudy911 is still in the running for the GOP nod.” I like some guys a lot (one of them, unfortunately, is a “one-percenter”), some are okay, and some require nose-pinching to support. But there is one who threatens - with extinction - the Party, Conservatism itself, and many issues I hold dear: Rudy911.

One may or may not believe in the sincerity of Romney’s conversion, or in McCain’s newfound unabashed version of McCain “Conservatism.” One can question whether Huckabee would be a Democrat if they didn’t burn Pro-Lifers at the stake. One can question whether Fred Thompson is as passionate a Conservative as everyone wants him to be. But those types of hesitations PALE in comparison with the impending advent of the Grand New Party that the Melman/Giuliani wing of the party is trying to bring to pass.

Nothing compares to the threat that Rudy911 poses to the Conservative movement in this country, nothing.

So I’m with you - my vote will ultimately get cast for whomever proves to be the most likely candidate to best Rudy911 at the time the polls open in my state. Unless he plummets before then, I do not have the luxury of voting my conscience in the Primaries. This will be the first time I have ever had to say that. But whoever thought that Rudy911 would ever - in our worst nightmares - even be CONSIDERED as the GOP Presidential nominee?!?!

Since when do WE (Republicans) nominate Draft-dodgers and war protesters?
Since when do WE nominate Self-Professed Abortion Rights Activists?
Since when do WE nominate Gay Rights Avtivists?
Since when do WE nominate the most fervent of Gun-Grabbers?
Since when do WE nominate Unapologetic, serial philanderers?

It’s like I’m in Bizarro world, or some kind of alternate universe, that Rudy911 is even in the RUNNING as a Republican Presidential contender!

If it’s Fred, or Romney, or McCain - so be it. ANYONE but Rudy Giuliani, who spent his entire tenure as Mayor trying to use the Clinton Administration and the Court system to remake all of America in the image of New York City. Do the Rudophiles even REMEMBER him as Mayor? Do they even REMEMBER how hard he tried to force NY values on the rest of America? He was tireless, and relentless, in using all of his power and means to do so. Now we’re supposed to give him all the power of the PRESIDENCY?

Let me just sum up by saying this - and I’m only speaking for myself, perhaps: To all of you Rudophiles and Rudy enablers who are calling on, and will be calling on, Conservatives to back Rudy911 if he wins the nod because “we” have to stop Hillary from becoming President - to all of you I say: there is no “we” or “us” or “our” anymore when you hand the Giuliani wing the keys to the Party. There is YOU and ME - we are not together, you are not my ally, we are not a “team” with your common goal of beating Hillary at the cost of Conservatism. Politically speaking, you are my enemy and need to be defeated - politically speaking, you will be treated accordingly.

172 posted on 11/14/2007 5:55:53 PM PST by TitansAFC ("My 80% enemy is not my 20% friend" -- Common Sense)
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To: vbmoneyspender

Wouldn’t that be like a phantom of the opera?

173 posted on 11/14/2007 6:13:10 PM PST by mikrofon (O-poo)
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To: djf
"I, for one, am personally opposed to abortion. But I am far more opposed to a government that thinks it is it’s right or duty to regulate the lives and private parts of women."

" Probably take fewer than ten more posts for somebody to call me a murderer."

No, I wouldn't call you a murderer any more than I'd call the Germans murderers that stood by and did nothing while millions of Jews were murdered by the Nazis even though they personally were against murder.

174 posted on 11/14/2007 6:15:56 PM PST by Jaxter ("Vivit Post Funera Virtus")
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To: Dog Gone
Don't even go there!!!!....

How demeaning are your words....if it makes you feeeeel good

You don't know me at all!!...

..You don't know how MUCH I value the Presidency !....

Feh!...I will not let you goad me.
It's late and I'm tired.

175 posted on 11/14/2007 6:43:10 PM PST by Guenevere (Duncan Hunter...President '08)
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To: TitansAFC

-—”Is there such a thing as a Perfect Republican/Conservative?”-—
***Duncan Hunter, as long as you don’t worship at the altar of name recognition, which is what got all of us into this trouble with tootyfruityrudy in the first place.

176 posted on 11/14/2007 6:47:03 PM PST by Kevmo (We should withdraw from Iraq — via Tehran. And Duncan Hunter is just the man to get that job done.)
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To: HHKrepublican_2
Not to be rude but I have never heard of you,whats your shtick again?
177 posted on 11/14/2007 6:48:44 PM PST by linn37 (phlebotomist on duty,its just a little pinch)
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To: HHKrepublican_2
Rudy fans should be allowed to post here so long as they keep their pro-Rudy views to themselves. Pushing the pro-Rudy propaganda agenda around here is bad for morale.

"Don't ask, don't tell."

178 posted on 11/14/2007 6:57:49 PM PST by tear gas (Because of the 22nd Amendment, we are losing President. Bush. Can we afford to lose him now?)
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To: noname07718
Is there nothing about Rudy that would fit in the definition of Republican/Conservative? Nothing about his stand on terrorism, Crime, Fiscal policies, defense: nothing?

Nothing that would not also make a "conservative" of Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, etc. In other words, to redefine "conservative" to include Giuliani is like redefining "slender" to include Michael Moore -- the word ceases to mean anything useful. Presumably if Hillary simply had an 'R' next to her name -- with EXACTLY the same policy positions she now holds -- the same people would be saying how important it is that we vote for her to beat [insert DemonRat here].

Is there such a thing as a Perfect Republican/Conservative?

Maybe somewhere, but personally I'd be thrilled with 75% conservative.

You don’t think that there is such a thing as Social Conservative/fiscal moderate? How about the term of “Southern Conservative Democrats”?

Nope. I have never seen a "social conservative / fiscal moderate", or the label more people claim: "social moderate-liberal / fiscal conservative." The underlying conservative philosophy does not allow for such chimerae. The Constitution does not compartmentalize social & fiscal issues. Anyone who is not consistently pro-freedom, pro-property-rights, pro-limited-government, pro-Constitution, etc., is not conservative.

179 posted on 11/14/2007 7:07:15 PM PST by Sloth (Democrats and GOPers are to government what Jeffrey Dahmer and Michael Jackson are to babysitting)
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To: Kevmo

Wow, you posted your lies here too! Fred is not at 6%, though there is a futures contract at Intrade that sells at about 6.

180 posted on 11/14/2007 7:08:29 PM PST by Petronski (Willardcare abortions $50 each, $25 per twin. Ask for S&H Stamps!)
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