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The Day After ...
vanity | 8 November, 2006 | joanie-f

Posted on 11/08/2006 1:55:58 PM PST by joanie-f

More than two centuries ago, Thomas Jefferson observed, ‘Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction.’ Jefferson believed that America's survival lay primarily in the character of her people.

Likewise, Samuel Adams warned future generations by referring to ‘good manners’ as the vital ingredient a free society needs to survive. Adams said, ‘Neither the wisest Constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.’

As the few FReepers to whom I have pinged this probably know, I spent a lot of time over the past three weeks speaking to people about the need to re-elect Rick Santorum. While I was uplifted by the average person’s willingness to listen and comprehend -- and by the number who seemed to be swayed toward voting republican after listening and questioning -- it is still very disturbing to be personal witness to the number of voters who had intended to vote based on superficial perceptions resulting from snippets of campaign advertising, much of which was sheer distortion or out and out fabrication. For every one voter whose door was approached by a conservative intent on informing him, I am sure there were a thousand who entered the voting booth yesterday never having been ‘set straight’. It is beyond disheartening.

So, while I returned home every night uplifted by the fact that people are very one-on-one receptive, the ‘bigger picture’ is pretty grim.

With each succeeding year, the American populace becomes less informed and more special-interest oriented. Combining the ongoing illegal alien problem (whose solution is nowhere in sight) with the ‘education’ that our children are receiving in our public schools (placing less emphasis on our proud heritage, and civics in general, every year – focusing instead on phony, leftist multicultural philosophies), and the Marxist influence in virtually every institution of higher education, exactly what kind of optimistic view can we embrace of the intelligence/knowledge/allegiance of the new (both alien and youth) voters coming down the pike? Where is there a reason to believe that future disingenuous, un-American, anti-liberty candidates and programs will be held accountable by a citizenry that is even more apathetic, disinterested, special-interest-oriented, or leftist-indoctrinated than today’s voters?

Patriotism requires allegiance, education, strength, endurance, courage, resolve, and action. But it does not require the wearing of rose-colored glasses. Until our leadership addresses the illegal alien problem, until the number of voters who feed at the government socialist welfare/entitlement trough (as forewarned by deTocqueville) can be dramatically reduced, and until we determine to educate our children as to their proud heritage and the dangers posed by relinquishing it, election results will continue to fall in favor of powerful liars who can voice the biggest promises to the host of least informed minds.

I believe we are fighting a losing battle. But, unless and until the battle is lost, we are called to continue to do our part to keep the enemies (both foreign and domestic) at bay. To do any less would hold us just as accountable as those passive, 'sideline Americans' who choose not to be a part of the crusade to reclaim this republic from the scoundrels who call themselves leaders, but who bear no allegiance to our Founders and their vision.

I believe the results of yesterday’s election will have strong and insistent implications for the future of our republic. Barring a miracle of God, or a personal/spiritual epiphany on the part of the generally apathetic and/or ignorant-by-choice citizenry (the former is always possible; the latter grows more unlikely with each passing day), I believe that the following events are very likely to occur over the next few years.

Prepare for a dramatic increase in the invasion of America by an irresponsible, parasitic, malevolent army which chooses to thumb its nose at the critical concepts of the rule of law/national sovereignty by illegally crossing our southern border with the over-riding purpose of reaping the benefits of two-plus centuries of courage, moral sacrifice, work, excellence, and unprecedented prosperity … without any intention of contributing their own. In the process, and under the governance of left-leaning American ‘leadership’, they will play an integral role in the realization of the socialization of America. Even worse, we will witness the complete erasure of our borders, and the establishment of a North American Union, in knee-jerk deference to the eventual vision of one-world governance, under which our Constitution will become increasingly ridiculed, mocked, and eventually declared entirely irrelevant, and the vagaries of Marxist/socialist-authored and implemented international law will take precedence.

Personal and corporate industry will find themselves under relentless attack, with government, academia and media working feverishly to revoke the citizens’ right to keep the fruits of their labor, and replace it with a monstrous entitlement state which will ensure a massive, far-reaching, involuntary redistribution of wealth – aimed at punishing personal and business excellence and ambition and promoting personal and business mediocrity, with the end result being a dramatic increase in the power of the state and complete dependence on state largesse for our existence.

There will be continued erosion in respect for, and protection of, the institution of marriage and the nuclear family. Government will become even more of an advocate for homosexual rights, abortion rights, and laws which will continue to attack and destroy any notion of the importance personal responsibility for one’s own actions. Families will find themselves under relentless attack, with the government usurping increasing power over the lives and minds of the children of America, and with parents finding themselves serving simply as biological creators and temporary physical custodians of wards of the state.

Government intrusion into the education of our children will escalate. Despite the unconstitutionality of the federal government dictating education policy, it will continue its aims at leftist indoctrination of the generations to come through the political power implicit in loans, grants, regulations, activist court decisions, and curriculum manipulation. Government-controlled curricula will continue to downplay, if not eradicate, the importance of our constitutional heritage while indoctrinating our children in environmental mythology, globalist doctrine, and sexual liberation. As a result, future generations will not understand their proud roots, nor be willing to defend the noble society which emerged from them.

The federal government will continue to pass laws focused on driving up the cost of medical care, so as to eventually allow the government takeover of that all-important industry. The direct takeover of medical care in programs like Medicare and Medicaid, as well as the free hand that trial lawyers have obtained in dictating the terms of care (while coincidentally lining their own pockets, and those of the politicians to whom they choose to contribute) have played a major role in the destruction of what was once the most excellent health care system in the history of the human race. The government’s interference in the healthcare free market through ERISA mandates related to HMOs and other managed-care organizations, and the medical aspects of our tax code, will continue to undermine healthcare in American, while lining the pockets of the privileged few, driving good doctors out of business, and eventually placing the government in complete control of our health and well-being. When medical care is forced to circumvent government rules and bureaucratic management, it will not be long before the quality of each and every American’s life will be profoundly and inalterably affected.

The left will eventually impose its own brand of ‘faith’ on the American culture – a secular humanist ‘faith’ in which man and his needs and follies are the focus of ‘worship’, and the mention in the public square of the name of the one and true God becomes legally and politically verboten … there will arise an incrementally, governmentally-imposed ‘faith’ in which moral absolutes are deemed criminally intolerant and situational ethics are raised to the level of holy sanctimony.

The war on Islamic fascism will be transformed into a series of compromises with evil, including the retreat of American forces from the Middle East, which will result in brutality against liberty-oriented Middle Easterners that will rival the bloodshed that occurred in the killing fields of Cambodia. Our enemies, in the Middle East and the Far East especially, will become dramatically emboldened, and our genuine allies, Israel and Taiwan especially, will find themselves looking down the barrels of vicious, barbaric, unyielding guns … and, when they turn around to see who is watching their backs, they will see nothing but darkness.

There will be another terrorist attack (if not a simultaneous series of attacks) on America, made possible by a deadly combination of open borders and failed paper-tiger policies, which will make the holocaust of 9/11 seem like a walk in the park. The increased demands for vigilance, defense of sovereignty, and sense of nationalism that occurred five years ago have all but evaporated into the political ether, and the after-effects of what was surely our final wake-up call have fallen by the wayside. There will be no more wake-up calls. There will be death blows, after which America will be brought to her knees, pleading for mercy with barbaric madmen, and no longer capable of even whispering the word ‘freedom’, let alone defending that noble, precious, God-given gift.

The democrats controlled congress for forty years, from 1954 through 1994. Ronald Reagan was entirely responsible for paving the way for the Republican Revolution. The miraculous and providential accomplishments of the Reagan Revolution are now nothing but a fond memory. And, to those who believe that the pendulum will eventually swing back, and that conservatism will regain the prominence and power necessary to reclaim our beloved republic from the scoundrels, I say there is no time to wait to reclaim her again. We have run out of options and wiggle room. The hot breath of a mad and unprecedentedly barbaric and determined adversary, bent on our annihilation, is breathing down our necks now. They will not be denied ... nor does our current leadership – especially after yesterday’s election results – appear to have what it takes to hold them at bay.

The majority of Americans cannot continue to accept, at face value, leadership which says what we want to hear, and then proceeds to do as they wish (which, in the case of the current, and now future, leftist leadership on the Hill, requires the eventual subjugation of American citizens to the state, and the eventual subjugation of the American state to globalist governance). Simply put, the future of our republic will lie in the willingness of her people to take the time, and expend the effort, to look beneath the surface. Believing the words from the mouth of a leader is a conscious choice that must be made by every concerned citizen. As with any choice, it cannot be made without critical thought. Believing their words was okay when our leaders in Washington were virtuous. It is a deadly practice when they are anything less.

Over the last twenty-four hours, I have heard countless references to the need for bipartisanship and building bridges. Bridges are only as desirable and powerful as the relevance of what lies at the other end. I, for one, want no part of bridge-building, when doing so means creating a meandering, but single-minded, path to self-destruction.

For now, adieu.

KEYWORDS: aliens; conservatism; democrats; election; election2006; future; immigration; nau
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To: B4Ranch

Prayer is always good, but I don't see how all of these things don't happen now. The majority of voters voted in socialism, and this is what we will have starting next year. Conservatism won't be allowed to return not only because of new illegals supporting socialism non-stop as they become new voters, but also because the Fairness Doctrine will put an end to all ideologies which are not "leftist" in nature. I wonder when Free Republic's last day of existing will be if it even goes as far as possibly eliminating all non-socialistic: websites, publications, magazines, newsletters, talk radio, ect.?

141 posted on 11/08/2006 10:06:42 PM PST by johnthebaptistmoore
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To: Rex Anderson
"You are a demanding spoiler who has no political maturity. "

Oh, please.

"You sure showed us!"

I voted, buddy-boy. However, in my state I had no national election to vote IN.

I believe history will show that the conservatives showed up. It was you moderates who jumped to the Dems.
142 posted on 11/08/2006 10:09:02 PM PST by EnochPowellWasRight
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To: EnochPowellWasRight

I am a conservative, not a moderate, and I worked my ass off in my state to help advance ideals you should cheer for, even though complaining on the internet about not getting 100% of your demands is productive, too, I guess.

143 posted on 11/08/2006 10:20:43 PM PST by Rex Anderson
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To: Rex Anderson
"I am a conservative, not a moderate, and I worked my ass off in my state to help advance ideals you should cheer for, even though complaining on the internet about not getting 100% of your demands is productive, too, I guess."

I'd settle for 20% of them from the Republicans I elected.
144 posted on 11/08/2006 10:21:43 PM PST by EnochPowellWasRight
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To: nutmeg

bookmark to read later

145 posted on 11/08/2006 10:24:32 PM PST by nutmeg (In 2008 we will crush the Democrats like the cockroaches they are! -- Mark Levin 11-8-06)
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To: EnochPowellWasRight; joanie-f; B4Ranch; hedgetrimmer; Smartass
Conservatism will never be advanced by people who don't believe in it - and the leadership of the Republican Party doesn't believe in it. Not only do they not understand "conservatism", but they don't like their conservative voters much at all. They don't care what we think of them - only what the media and Dems think of them. That's why they often support liberal policies.

How true! Hope you don't mind my repeating it.

Great article and thread, Joannie.

Thanks for the ping,B4Ranch.

146 posted on 11/08/2006 10:51:22 PM PST by texastoo ("trash the treaties")
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To: Jeff Head; joanie-f; All

2 Peter 3
Purpose of This Letter
1This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder,
2that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles.

The Coming Day of the Lord
3Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,
4and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation."

5For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water,

6through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water.

7But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

8But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.

9The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

A New Heaven and Earth
10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.
11Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,

12looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat!

13But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.

14Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless,

15and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you,

16as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.

17You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness,

18but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

147 posted on 11/09/2006 12:48:42 AM PST by .30Carbine ("To be always relevant, you have to say things which are eternal." ~Simone Weil)
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To: Rex Anderson
And there you have it.

See, I knew when I typed that that your ilk would choose to misinterpret what I meant.

But the fact remains that if the GOP would have chosen to do what was right, electoral success would have taken care of itself.

148 posted on 11/09/2006 2:22:08 AM PST by EternalVigilance ("Don't be a Nancy Boy, Vote Republican!")
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To: Rex Anderson
The difference between self proclaimed True Conservatives, and those who work without fanfare to advance conservatism within the process.

This is a setback, but your phoney 'true' brand is outnumbered by those who have a clue, and conservatism will succeed in spite of you.

Exactly what proof do you have that I haven't been "working without fanfare within the process"?

My candidates stuck to their principles, fought the Dems tooth and nail from a foundation of unswerving conservative principle, and withstood the '06 tsunami. They'll be sitting in the Congress and in the Statehouses come January.

The proof of what I'm saying is that you don't have any idea who or what I'm talking about, jerk.

149 posted on 11/09/2006 2:29:06 AM PST by EternalVigilance ("Don't be a Nancy Boy, Vote Republican!")
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Comment #150 Removed by Moderator

To: joanie-f

I fully agree.

151 posted on 11/09/2006 3:45:57 AM PST by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly.)
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To: joanie-f

you forgot to ping me...very good read.

Had a conversation at work yesterday along the same lines. Given the rate that liberals are reproducing vs the rate that conservatives reproduce, there is no way the country will stay 50/50 red/blue. (by the time conservatives have their first child, liberals have produced a generation and a half to two generations - if only half of those people vote conservatives will be outnumbered very quickly)

2006 will be seen in retrospect as the beginning of the end of conservatism as a viable political voting block - there simply won't be enough of us to win an election. Add to that the fact that the Federal Gov wouldn't let us take a state or two and leave the sinking ship of liberal socialism and we're screwed.

152 posted on 11/09/2006 4:01:50 AM PST by Abundy
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To: EternalVigilance

Grateful thanks for the ping. A brighter day every day, as we deal honorably with the challenges we and the nation will face in the next two and twenty years.

153 posted on 11/09/2006 4:19:29 AM PST by wita (
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To: Jeff Head

Jeff, thanks for remembering me.

154 posted on 11/09/2006 4:24:08 AM PST by wita (
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To: joanie-f


What I am trying to say, joanie, is this: The current sorry state of the state exposes as tautologically flawed the undergirding logic of our democratic republic.... From this it follows that none of its institutions can save it.

We must go outside the system to save the system. The Constitution won't save it.

Neither will an appeal to reason. This is no intellectual exercise. This is war.

To save our democratic republic, we must first defeat the enemy in our midst.
To save our democratic republic, we must defeat the enemy
on both fronts.


by Mia T, July 18, 2006


"What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."

James Madison

When the founders granted 'The Press' special dispensation, they never considered the possibility that traitors in our midst would game the system. But that is precisely what is happening today. (Hate America? Support jihad? Become a 'journalist!')

This was bound to happen.

The premise behind the First Amendment as it applies to the press--that a vigilant watchdog is necessary, sufficient--indeed, possible--to protect against man's basest instincts--is tautologically flawed: The fox guarding the White House, if you will.

Walter Lippmann, the 20th-century American columnist, wrote, "A free press is not a privilege, but an organic necessity in a great society." True in theory. True even in Lippmann's quaint mid-20th-century America, perhaps. But patently false in this postmodern era of the bubbas and the Pinches.

When a free and great society is hijacked by a seditious bunch of dysfunctional, power-hungry malcontents and elitists, it will remain neither free nor great for long. When hijacked by them in the midst of asymmetric warfare, it will soon not remain at all.

If President George W. Bush is serious about winning the War on Terror, he will aggressively pursue the enemy in our midst.

Targeting and defeating the enemy in our midst is, by far, the more difficult task and will measure Bush's resolve and courage (and his independence from the MPRDC (mutual protection racket in DC)) more than any pretty speech, more even than 'staying the course.'


"It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place."

H. L. Mencken

(Which came first, the 'journalist' or the traitor?)

by Mia T, 6.27.06



(Please see post 65)



The Devil & the Gray Lady


155 posted on 11/09/2006 4:42:30 AM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: joanie-f; Landru
Landru, I didn't want you to miss this well-crafted essay from one of our favorite patriots . . .

It is incumbent upon us to deal with these issues on a personal level, starting at our own door. Personal responsibility is optional in America; we choose to accept it or reject it as we see fit. No individual is required to accept responsibility and be held accountable for their egregious errors made in their walk of life anymore. It is up to the individual whether he or she chooses to accept the consequences of their own actions.

With so many exits available at our beck and call, acceptance of responsibility for our actions has become the new measure of one's virtue. The person who heeds this clarion call and holds fast to their portion is the one to be admired.
156 posted on 11/09/2006 4:42:40 AM PST by BraveMan
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To: DakotaGator

Thanks for remembering me. Yesterday was a yesterday to remember. Not unlike 9-11 it ought to stand as a permanent reminder of what the country and a significant number of it's people have become.

I have to be satisfied that despite lots of losses, there were still some significant gains, like most if not all of the state legislators that passed the anti-abortion bill were returned to the state house, even though the abortion bill went down to defeat.

Most apparent to me was the continued strength of the MSM in passing out the Kool-Aid, and the ease with which the poison is drunk by the folks who wouldn't recognize a truth, if it bit them where they spend most of their time.

Time heals all wounds said the sage, and I have always said that the same power that brought this nation and it's Constitution into being is still in control of it's ultimate destiny. Which destiny, will ultimately be fulfilled despite every cooked path that man attempts to lead it down.

157 posted on 11/09/2006 4:52:38 AM PST by wita (
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To: joanie-f


158 posted on 11/09/2006 5:29:51 AM PST by SW6906 (6 things you can't have too much of: sex, money, firewood, horsepower, guns and ammunition.)
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To: wita
There is plenty of blame to go around, and plenty of root causes, for the GOP losses on Tuesday.

But we can't forget how big a role the Democrat Media played. They carried the water of the donkeys like never before...demonstrating a new low level of willingness to misrepresent the candidates of both parties, as well as the issues that were at stake.

McCain-Feingold put a straightjacket on everyone except incumbents and the Dem Media. I consider the Republican losses to be, at least partially, the evil fruit of that First Amendment-gutting legislation.

What's the answer? It's two-fold: First, we must get better at engaging the press wisely. Second, we have to greatly expand our abilities to effectively communicate directly with the people who vote.

Both of which we can do without compromising our principles.

159 posted on 11/09/2006 5:31:22 AM PST by EternalVigilance ("Don't be a Nancy Boy, Vote Republican!")
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