No I'm not. It has a direct bearing. You are trying to justify your belief that evolution is inherently anti-christian in nature and to do that you reject the possibility of Christians accepting both Christ and Evolution.
"Believing in Evolution, does NOT make you or unmake you a Christian -- as belief in Christ as one's Lord and Saviour DOES. However, Evolution makes no stance to protect Christians, in the sense that ID, or Creationism does. The Bible states that God created all-things. Evolution states nature did such. Common sense would assume an issue here.
The SToE has absolutely nothing to say about the origin of the universe or life on Earth. I gave you a link to the modern synthesis, where in that list of tenets is there a reference to life origins?
You seem conflicted. On one hand, at least in this post, you agree that belief in Evolution does not alter the state of belief for a Christian, yet, on the other hand, you claim that common sense dictates a contradiction in accepting both Evolution and Christianity.
"Saying you are Christian does NOT make you Christian. "
OK. What does make you a Christian?
Apparently, you have to start by agreeing with A0ri. The fact the Catholic Church has already made it clear that the Church (and therefore its adherents) agrees with TToE.
So are the adherents to the Church directly founded by Christ not Christians?
"No I'm not. It has a direct bearing. You are trying to justify your belief that evolution is inherently anti-christian in nature and to do that you reject the possibility of Christians accepting both Christ and Evolution"
You must not be capable of reading. I myself accept evolution, you fail to specify which type, you fail to regonize that some Christians are idiots and break the "norm". You are foolishly trying to have me state the wrong ideology that the two cannot go hand in hand together, and you foolishly fail to recognize that they cannot go hand in hand together because of flawed moral dillemmas.
"You seem conflicted. On one hand, at least in this post, you agree that belief in Evolution does not alter the state of belief for a Christian, yet, on the other hand, you claim that common sense dictates a contradiction in accepting both Evolution and Christianity."
Again, you fail to recognize what I had written. I think this is because you fail to understand what it means to be a Christian. Catch up on basic religious knowledge, then get back to me.
"OK. What does make you a Christian?"
Hello? I posted this prior. "Belief in Jesus Christ as one's Lord and Savior{.