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To That Stupid Liberal Lurker - I Got Zapped
Posted on 06/24/2006 9:21:32 AM PDT by tough decision
One look at you tells me all I need to know about you. I am so tired of liberals that think they are so brilliant. You are such a stupid jackass. You are so stupid you probably believe that the Bush administration orchestrated the attacks on 9/11. Every time you go on the internet, every time you make a bank transaction, or pay a bill, every time you try to email a congressman or senator they are getting so much information off of you. Of course it is all a conspiracy by the Bush administration. I have screwed around by so many arrogant liberals like you. If an arrogant moron like you even came close to me at this point I would put you in the hospital. I think every know nothing lying jackass like you should be rounded up and gassed with the iraqi poison gas that does not exist according to you. The reason this country is so screwed up is because of arrogant liberal bastards like you who think they are just so much smarter than anyone else.
KEYWORDS: 000000zingzot; 00001aforeverzot; 0001azotsnot; 000acutezot; 00aconspiracyguy; 00conspiracyguyrewls; 0abrains; 10acrebutt; 11imfirst; 11oksecond; 1allyourzot; 1bigzot; 1longthread; 2004; 20gerbilteamborax; 2arebelongtous; 2k; 2stoopid2notbezotted; 3pagesofkeywords; 4scoreand7zotsago; 9aaa1zot; aaa1zot; acnekrakatoa; addadictomyfailed; additionalkeywords; addmywordtoo; adios; afewgoodzots; alltimekeywordrecord; americanogle; andzotsthewayitis; apennyforyourzots; appeasermeat; axisofweasel; azotforyourthoughts; backpackfullagerbils; bakedzot; banme; banningcomingsoon; barkingmoonbat; barrymanilo; barrymanilow; bartcorppunk; becauseyourestupid; beeber; beeberbarber; beeberdocduvale; beeberlikedebice; beeberneener; beebersinthenight; beeberzot; begentilwithme; begoyumwithme; bemybeeber2nite; betteroutthanin; betterthanlotrcrap; bloomingdaleszot; bobbyvalentinerocks; boiledzot; boogerhead; boowho; bornfreetozot; borntobewild; boysinthehud; braindonor; brainfreezot; breachbirthanoxia; 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To: tough decision
posted on
06/24/2006 9:47:16 AM PDT
(The right wants victory, the left wants surrender. It's that simple.)
To: Doohickey
Get a grip on yourself. I think he's had a good grip on himself for a while now.
posted on
06/24/2006 9:47:16 AM PDT
Izzy Dunne
(Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
To: Doohickey
Dude. Get a grip on yourself. I am sure he is well-gripped, if you get my drift...
posted on
06/24/2006 9:47:19 AM PDT
To: Allegra
To: DejaJude
posted on
06/24/2006 9:48:01 AM PDT
(The right wants victory, the left wants surrender. It's that simple.)
To: tough decision
To: Salamander
Funny that my post directly followed your tagline....;D Great multiple personalities think alike. ;-)
posted on
06/24/2006 9:48:46 AM PDT
(I'm Shizophrenic. No, I'm Not. Yes, I Am. No, I'm NOT. Are TOO. Am NOT.)
To: Izzy Dunne
3 seconds - GMTA
Is this 'un from DU or the Clowns, I wonder?
posted on
06/24/2006 9:49:04 AM PDT
To: tough decision
IBTZ or angry loner. Calm down, dump the profanity and answer up, you can do better than this.
posted on
06/24/2006 9:49:33 AM PDT
Navy Patriot
(Striving to obtain liberal victim status.)
To: No Blue States
posted on
06/24/2006 9:49:44 AM PDT
(I'm Shizophrenic. No, I'm Not. Yes, I Am. No, I'm NOT. Are TOO. Am NOT.)
To: don-o
Gotta be DU. If he was a Loony or Clown he would be talking about being a "true conservative."
posted on
06/24/2006 9:50:10 AM PDT
(Apparently Being Mean to a Troll is Now Against the Rules.)
To: tough decision
posted on
06/24/2006 9:50:11 AM PDT
(Donate to - The Troops have our front covered, let's guard their backs!)
To: tough decision
If an arrogant moron like you even came close to me at this point I would put you in the hospital. I think every know nothing lying jackass like you should be rounded up and gassed with the iraqi poison gas that does not exist according to you. Violent people like you make me sick...I want to beat you with a pogo stick ...There is too much violence in the world ...if you came close to me I would kick you in the groin..stop the violence!!!
posted on
06/24/2006 9:50:26 AM PDT
To: Andy from Beaverton
What I wouldnt give for a cat like that to run off the blackbirds in my yard.
To: No Blue States
posted on
06/24/2006 9:51:55 AM PDT
(I'm Shizophrenic. No, I'm Not. Yes, I Am. No, I'm NOT. Are TOO. Am NOT.)
To: tough decision
I agree-stupid liberals like yourself HAVE screwed up the country..
posted on
06/24/2006 9:51:58 AM PDT
(Allah is the opium pipedream of a desert pedophile...Freeper Ax)
To: Andy from Beaverton that graphic.
posted on
06/24/2006 9:52:38 AM PDT
(and the NYT does treason for the children of Satan but America's children will not fail.)
To: tough decision; darkwing104; Darksheare
posted on
06/24/2006 9:52:54 AM PDT
(Higher visibility leads to greater zottability.)
To: Allegra
Looterguy, I will never get tired of him.
Finally someone brings tourist guy some beer.
To: Allegra
[shhhh...don't tell anybody. so far they think I'm fairly sane]
posted on
06/24/2006 9:54:03 AM PDT
(And don't forget my Dog; fixed and consequent)
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