Posted on 12/12/2005 7:57:17 AM PST by pissant
Everyone knows by now that Pissant is not an expert, like MaximusofTexas, when it comes to movie reviews. The main problem of course is that Pissant has generally avoided anything that Hollywood has produced in the last 20 years. Fortuantely, most of the cinematic classics were made well before this self-imposed boycott started. So now, I will list the definitive "most powerful moments".
They may be sad, scary, heartwarming, patriotic, etc.
Top 7 Most Powerful Moments in Cinema History
7. The Deerhunter- Russian Roulette POW scene --The actors in the Deerhunter, particularly DeNiro and Cristopher Walken make it seem incredibly real. The intensity of that scene as POWs being forced to play Russian roulette and the subsequent escape is one for the ages.
6. Outlaw Josie Wales - Snoose on the Dead guy's head -- After a gunfight where Josie (Clint Eastwood) and his sidekick end up killing the bad guys, his young companion frets that they should at least bury the dead out of respect. Instead, Clint hocks a mouthful of tobacco juice onto a cadaver's forehead, and flatly states that "the buzzards gotta eat too"
5. Casablanca- Rick says goodbye -- Thinking that she would be staying with Rick (Humphrey Bogart) as her husband Lazlo gets on the plane to America, Bogie gives Ilsa (Ingrid) the bad news. The strength to be able to give up her love in the cause of patriotism is amazing.
4. Exorcist- The head spin -- If you grew up Catholic, you believe in the devil. And that's what makes the Exorcist SO real (plus it was based on a true story). If the head spin scene did not creep you out, nothing will.
3. The Unbearable Lightness of Being- Girls playing -- I know, not everyone's cup of tea. But seeing Thomas' wife (Juliette Binoche) meet his mistress (Lena Olin) and the two have a playful, flirtatious rendevous.....well it's powerful to me. It helps that both are very gorgeous!!
2. Patton- "the speech to the Third Army" -- This movie is near perfect all the way through, but is most powerful just listening to George C. Scott recite the (somewhat sanitized) speech to the troops. Hollywood is incapable anymore of treating our Generals and Soldiers as the heroes that they are.
1. It's a Wonderful Life - George sees the light -- The angel Clarence's hard work finally pays off. George Bailey realizes how important he is to his family, community and to God, and has a tearful reunion with his family. It chokes me up, no matter how many times I see it. Merry Christmas!
I disagree- I think she had a sex appeal that drove me wild
It fell into my boycott hollywood years, so I never saw Pulp Fiction!
Afterall this is a conservative news forum.
Nice. I will avoid part III. Seems to be the concensus wise decision.
The first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan is in a special catagory....
Duckers-- Great scenes that make you duck under your seat (or sofa cushions) causing you to avoid those scenes in the future.
Included are the torture scene in "Braveheart", most of "The Passion of the Christ" etc
Oh yeah, that one too. And also the look on Ricks face as the train left Paris without makes the whole movie work.
Good call there! That movie is rich with powerful scenes. My two fav scenes are 1) the kiss at the beseiged fort and 2) when Alice throws herself from the cliff. Amazing movie - the music carried it.
Another favorite moment is 'Gandalf's Charge' in LOTR The Two Towers. Wasn't in the book, but gives me goosebumps each time I see it.
Dittos for Snowy River.
Was that the movie with Janine Turner? She is TOTAL eye candy to me!!!
That is a powerful and surreal moment.
I heard it was intense. But I've never seen it....yet.
How could that be when the A-bomb wasn't even tested until July, 1945?
yes...I own it and pull it out every few years.
when I first saw it, i never thought they would really hang Robert Urich's character.
Duvall was made to play Gus.
I think you've gotta remember that when you watch a Mafia movie like Goddfellas or The Godfather that these are tales of guys who can shoot somebody in the back of the head that they've known for years and then say something like "it's just business,it's nothing personal".These are guys whose "moral compasses" don't even remotely resemble those of 96% of men in the general population.
These films *are* most enjoyed by guys,just as "Bridges of Madison County" is best like by gals. Tom Seleck (sp) in Rourke's place and it works just fine for me!!!!!
You nailed it!!! The best line EVER!!!
I love Lonesome Dove!
.....Dr Zhivago is such a great movie. They don't make 'em like that anymore.........
And, on top of the great acting and character development and excellent story line,
the cinematography was mind blowing!
How about the bar scene in "Goodfellas"? The one where Billy Batts is getting kicked to death by Jimmy and Tommy. Love the movie.
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