said I would do penance last week for my posting about SUV's, here it is.
To: grey_whiskers
Someone on TV put it simply enough for even me.
$2.00 takes a 4000 pound vehicle X amount of miles down the road.
There simply is nothing comparable,....yet.
2 posted on
07/23/2005 11:34:23 AM PDT by
To: grey_whiskers
Has anyone seen Al Bore hoofing it lately? I am sure he has given up the use of the "dangerous to mankind" horseless carriages. Also his house has probably been unwired for electricity because of those awful "dangerous to mankind" power plants liberals hate.
3 posted on
07/23/2005 11:54:49 AM PDT by
(Yes I backed over the vampire, but I swear I didn't see it in my rearview mirror.)
To: grey_whiskers
LOL! A great read. Thanks!
4 posted on
07/23/2005 12:41:20 PM PDT by
(Only morons believe the root cause of terrorism is our fight against terrorism.)
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