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Lazamataz's Opus: No longer a Republican (Vanity)
| Me
Posted on 04/26/2005 7:27:21 AM PDT by Lazamataz
Well, they went and did it.
The Republicans look like they will wimp out, not exercise the so-called Nuclear Option, and Harry Reid will PERMIT two judges to be approved and disapprove four others. Does anyone think for a second the Democrats won't "go nuclear" in a heartbeat if the roles were reversed?
This seals the deal for me. I am a Republican no more. It seems it does not matter if I vote Republican anyways, all I get is more liberalism. I am a man without a political party. I am a conservative without a home.
Between Bushes enthusiastic embrace of illegal immigration, and our party's inability to get even moderately conservative judges approved, what's the freakin' point of voting Republican any more? What's the point of voting? I will get liberalism no matter how I vote. My main issue is guns, and it appears the Democrats have learned their lesson on that one, so it appears I will be safe on the firearms front. Everything else the Republicans stand for, they stand for in word only. They do not seem to want to act. Therefore, I do not seem to want to vote Republican any more.
This is my Opus -- not from Free Republic, but from the Republican party. Even when they have the majority, they surrender.
The Republican Party is the France of politics.
KEYWORDS: 2016toldyouso; allyouropibelongtous; broadbrushanalysis; bushamnesty; bushdoctrineunfold; complaintothemnotus; cowboyup; crybaby; damnfrench; dempropaganda; dontgo; drywall; footinmouth; gimmeedrugs; gullibility; gwbnecktie; gypsumsniffer; hooray; ifeelbetteralready; jerk; lazlazlaz; libertarians; lifeaintthatsimple; majorjerk; memelookatme; metoo; oops; opus; republicansarewimps; rideemcowboy; righton; rightonthemoney; rinossux; rinowatch; spoketoosoon; typicallaz; woooohoooyoutellem; yetanotheropus; youtellem
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posted on
04/26/2005 7:27:24 AM PDT
To: Lazamataz
Is this Judicial deal set already?
posted on
04/26/2005 7:28:01 AM PDT
(Vote for Pedro)
To: Lazamataz
While I agree with a lot of your sentiments, aren't you being a little premature.
That the Democrats even want to compromise means we must have the votes.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:29:00 AM PDT
(no electrons were harmed in the making of this tagline, well maybe just a few...)
To: Guillermo
Is this Judicial deal set already?Well, perhaps I posted prematurely, but I am that close to bolting the party.
If the deal goes through, I'm done.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:29:11 AM PDT
(Not Elected Pope Since 4/19/2005.)
To: Lazamataz
The Republican Party is the France of politics.As they say on 'That 70's Show', "OOOOOO BURN!".
posted on
04/26/2005 7:30:00 AM PDT
Just another Joe
(Monthly donors make better lovers. Ask my wife.)
To: Lazamataz
Here's your sign...
posted on
04/26/2005 7:30:17 AM PDT
(God bless President Bush and VP Cheney)
To: dubyaismypresident
While I agree with a lot of your sentiments, aren't you being a little premature. That the Democrats even want to compromise means we must have the votes.Okay. I'm willing to wait. But the GOP better consider this my final warning.
Not that we conservatives seem to matter too much to them, anyways.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:30:23 AM PDT
(Not Elected Pope Since 4/19/2005.)
To: Lazamataz
The Republican Party is the France of politics.
For that line alone, I could kiss you.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:30:32 AM PDT
(Who am I really? God only knows.)
To: Lazamataz
Hopefully they won't wimp out and you could stay Republican with a clear conscience
To: dubyaismypresident
posted on
04/26/2005 7:30:42 AM PDT
(Abortion and "euthanasia" - the twin destroyers of the Democrat Party.)
To: Lazamataz
Welcome to the light. I was where you are in 1988 and have voted Libertarian ever since.
The Republican Party is worse than worthless; they're the same sort of parasitic thieves as the 'Rats - as has been made clear since they took over and jettisoned all their so-called "principles".
They're politicians; they have no principles. Look how hard Bush pushed his massive spending, massive debt and assaults on the First Amendment.
Screw Big Government.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:30:51 AM PDT
Hank Rearden
(Never allow anyone who could only get a government job attempt to tell you how to run your life.)
To: Just another Joe
As they say on 'That 70's Show', "OOOOOO BURN!".LOL!
posted on
04/26/2005 7:30:54 AM PDT
(Not Elected Pope Since 4/19/2005.)
To: Lazamataz
Why wait for facts?
Just run on out the door and join the Democrats. Hillary's waiting for you.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:31:18 AM PDT
(Bush '04 - Owens '08)
To: Lazamataz
I am a man without a political party.Who needs one? The party favors are all made in China, and the parties are populated with a bunch of compromised weenies!
Republicans' spines are like spider silk waving in the wind, and Democrats have no soul. What a choice.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:31:34 AM PDT
beyond the sea
(Advanced Directive -- don't step on my blue suede shoes.)
To: Lazamataz
And go where? All you will do is seal the deal for libs to have all the power and they will APPOINT, not just veto, judges. You will make Howard Dean very happy. Congrats.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:31:38 AM PDT
To: brooklyn dave
Hopefully they won't wimp out and you could stay Republican with a clear conscienceI sincerely hope so. I've worked hard for our party.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:31:43 AM PDT
(Not Elected Pope Since 4/19/2005.)
To: dubyaismypresident
That the Democrats even want to compromise means we must have the votes.Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
posted on
04/26/2005 7:32:01 AM PDT
(In memory of a true hero - Capt James Edge)
To: Lazamataz
I'm with you. If they don't get it done with the judges, I'm on the sidelines in 2006. The senate is a disgrace.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:32:02 AM PDT
(Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini, Hosanna in excelsis!)
To: Lazamataz
Its been an awful six months for the GOP. Just simply awful. The only good thing is the tort reform bill and the stand on Terry Schiavo, but that is almost cancelled out with the other crappy legislation. They need to get their $hit together now.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:32:14 AM PDT
(This space outsourced to India)
To: Lazamataz
Okay. I'm willing to wait. But the GOP better consider this my final warning. "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?"
You're close, I suppose. If your butt survives the Republican kicks, you'll get there.
posted on
04/26/2005 7:32:24 AM PDT
Hank Rearden
(Never allow anyone who could only get a government job attempt to tell you how to run your life.)
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