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See Y'all Later...
Me | 4APR05 | Long Cut

Posted on 04/04/2005 8:07:34 PM PDT by Long Cut

Well, that time has come for me. I’m leaving FR. However, I do not consider this an “opus”, as I am NOT going to use it to rehash old slights or arguments, or to give my personal opinion of what “should be done around here”. As has been so often pointed out, this is Jim Robinson’s site, and he runs it as he sees fit. Rather, all I’m going to do here is give a general reason for my departure, and say a hearty-but-sad “GOODBYE!” to all the folks here who have enriched my life in the past four years.

I am a small-government, national-security and military supporting, pro-gun, economic conservative who also likes to enjoy the life I have to its fullest. I believe that the government does its best work when it restricts itself to the things it is supposed to do vis a vis the Constitution. That is, it should restrict itself at this time to shooting terrorists and delivering the mail, as well as doing its level best to ensure that the rights of one citizen are left untrampled by another. I hold that the government should stay as far as possible from any entanglements with religion, organized or not, save to ensure that ALL are treated fairly by the law. I also hold that the government should NOT be in the business of making laws regarding the personal, private behavior of its free citizens, so long as such behavior harms no other.

In these past months, it has become plain to me that this position is NOT that of a majority of FReepers, nor of the management itself. So, rather than “tilt at windmills”, I shall simply go my own way. I have no comments about this circumstance or its origins; it is simply the way I see things.

Also, I have grown as a person on FR. When I first joined, I’d be right in there flaming with the best of ‘em. As the years have past, I have come to realize the value of simple, civil discourse, for it is in that sort of discourse that a man may actually learn things, both about the topic at hand, and about himself and what being a true gentleman means.

As before, in the past months, the majority seems to prefer it to be otherwise. Again, no comments, just stating what I see.

Before I leave, however, I wish to do two things.

First and foremost, I wish to thank Mr. Robinson for providing this site…despite the necessity of leaving now, I have truly learned a great deal here, too much for words. I was able to “vent my spleen” on issues that mattered to me, talk about mutual interests with like-minded people, and get to know some absolutely terrific folks. Mr. Robinson, you did a good job. Sorry indeed am I that I must part ways. Nonetheless, as one old Sailor to another, “Fair Winds And Following Seas, Shipmate!”

Second, I wish to thank, and bid farewell to, some of the most outstanding people it has ever been my pleasure and honor to know.

- The folks over at the FReeper Canteen, shepherded by 68-69tonkingulfyachtclub. I was drawn to the Canteen almost on my first day here, as there exists there an outpouring of support and affection for this nation’s military (of which I am a part) the likes of which have seldom seen equal. From the first, they took me in as if I were one of their own families, and the regular posters there were with me with prayers and support, as well as joy and salutes, through many dark days indeed, and many bright ones.

I am an agnostic, religiously, but that did not matter to my Canteen Friends…they were there with prayers and, well, love when my wife and I lost our first baby. They shared in the joy we had when we finally had a healthy son. They prayed again, selflessly, for me when I went on deployment. Then, they welcomed me home again with open arms, and more prayers, as I came home to bury my dear mother. In doing this for someone they knew was not religious himself, and in doing it without any hesitation, they showed a non-believer the BEST side of Christianity one could possibly ask for. To the Canteen, including Ms. Behavin, Ms. Poohbear, La diva loca, trussel, Tonk, Spotsy, Bentfeather, KathyinAlaska, and all the rest too numerous to name, I say without any sense of irony at all, “BLESS YOU”.

- The many unbelievably intelligent scientists and science-lovers over on the Crevo and science threads, ably pinged by PatrickHenry. From you ladies and gentlemen of BOTH sides, I have expanded my scientific knowledge and thinking by an order of magnitude. Ichneumon, Vade, Junior, Radio Astronomer, Right wing Professor, Betty Boop, Alamo-Girl, and all the rest of the maniacs over there made it an edifying experience that could never have been acquired in a school.

- The HTT list. I thoroughly enjoyed the times we spent “raisin Hell”. Gabz, Formermilitarychick, exnavychick, and the rest shared many a laugh with this old Heathen.

- Archy, Squantos, Travis McGee, Glock Rocks, Joe Brower, criminall number 18f, and all of the guys and gals on the gun or “Bang List threads. I learned a ton of good gouge from you guys over the years. I’m gonna miss you, but with your advice I shan’t miss much else with a pistol!

- The Republican Party Reptiles. The Big B and company showed quite well that not ALL conservatives are stick in the muds. Many of us actually LIKE looking at pretty women in few clothes. B, I hope the party lasts a bit longer fer y’all.

- The WPPFF. Y’all know who you are, and why. All I can say is, we tried. And we tried long past what any normal person would have, to our credit.

- My individual Friends…DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet, Veronica, peach, the incomparable PukinDog, Wild Turkey, and about a hundred others I could take a couple of days naming. I’ll miss y’all sumpin’ turible.

Anyhoo, this has gotten longer than I ever thought it would. Anyone with me on their ping lists can go ahead and remove my name, if you wish. Those whose wish it is to gloat, say “good riddance”, and other such juvenile nonsense are welcome to begin, thus confirming my reasoning.

‘Bye, all. Godspeed.

KEYWORDS: 50ways2leavyrfreeper; allaboutme; amentalcase; americanhero; anotherbigotleaves; antichristianbigot; anticonservative; antifreepers; applaudmeplease; asifwegivearip; assholeswithkeywords; beatit; betteroffwithoutyou; bigotgoesbye; boringblowhardgoaway; bravesailor; buhbye; byeyoujesusfreaks; callthewaaambulance; cantcutthemustard; cantjustclicklogout; cuetheviolins; deathcultist; didntbelonghere; disloyal; divider; dontcomeback; dontcryjustgoaway; dontletfrbecomeaol; dontletthedoorhitcha; dontletthedoorhityou; donttroll; dontweepforme; dramaqueen; dropoffthekeylee; ego; egomaniac; elitism; elitist; enjoysdrugs; enjoysmurder; enjoysporn; everhearoffreepmail; forgottenbutnotgone; frsignupwithnewname; getanenemajerkoff; getlostwppff; getonthebusgus; getyerassbackhere; gimmemyball; gobacktodu; godzillalist; goodriddance; goon; grandiosity; heylookatme; hittheroadjack; imanobody; imimportant; imjustsoooospecial; itsbeenreal; ivealwayshatedchrist; izzyreallygoneihope; legendinhisownmind; likesdeath; liquorandporn; longcut; lookatme; lookatmeplease; lovesabortion; loyaltycounts; lurknomorenot; makeanewplanstan; manywillmissyou; militantatheist; missmepleasemissme; mostcareless; mustmakeabigexit; mydumbvanity; nazi; neverheardofyou; nobodycares; nomorality; notbreastfed; notconservative; nothingbutadhominem; ohwhaaaa; onemorebigotgone; oneofthebest; opus; opuslist; outtathespotlight; passthekleenex; patrioticamerican; patronizingegotist; preachyfreeper; quitter; righttokill; rino; rudeandinsulting; scram; seeyoulater; selfcentered; sensitivenewageguys; shutupandleave; socialliberal; solongall; solongfarewell; someconsrvatvesarent; sourgrapes; sowhosstoppinya; takeyrcrewwithyou; takingmyfootballback; tatafornow; texasflowerlies; thanksforallthefish; thanksforgoing; thanksforthememories; theocracysux; toobadsosad; toogoodforthem; triedandfailed; troublemaker; unreliable; uppity; usefreepmailforbyes; uunnnngggghhhh; weak; whatahomo; whatsawppff; whineasaurusrex; whinencheeseparty; whinylibertarian; whoareyou; whocares; wildturkeys; willpullplugforfree; wimpasaurusrex; wimpydeparture; wppff; yawn; yetanothergrandexit; your10minutesareup; yourerightgoaway; zzzzzzz
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To: Howlin
Do you not understand the difference between "the rest of FR" and "the TS threads?"

I understand that when you and the others were in the SBR that 'the rest of FR, INCLUDED the TS threads, but not limited to only the TS threads'.

621 posted on 04/04/2005 10:58:20 PM PDT by Netizen (USA - Land of the free, home of the brave, where the handicapped are legally starved and dehydrated!)
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To: Howlin

Am not!

622 posted on 04/04/2005 10:58:37 PM PDT by MEG33 (GOD BLESS OUR ARMED FORCES)
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To: silent_jonny

I don't even get the Spice Channel. :o)

623 posted on 04/04/2005 10:58:48 PM PDT by TheBigB (Need a thread hijacked? Call TheBigB! 24 hours a day...reasonable rates...inquire within...)
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To: Netizen
the rest of FR wasn't worth participating in.

Gosh, are you this misinformed on all the threads you post on?

That remark is Kryptonite's -- and it turns out it wasn't IN the "manifesto." DUH.

624 posted on 04/04/2005 10:59:13 PM PDT by Howlin
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To: bcommerce
(Ah Yes....a bunch of knuckle dragging NRA types. Talk about one issue conservatives. Do you give your guns names like "Bertha". You probably have some front teeth missing too, huh?)

What an extremely ignorant comment.

625 posted on 04/04/2005 10:59:32 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan ("Mama, take this judgeship off of Greer, he can't use it, anymore")
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To: Netizen
I understand that when you and the others were in the SBR that 'the rest of FR, INCLUDED the TS threads, but not limited to only the TS threads'.

Was that actually what the so-called "manifesto" actually called for, or was that the personal decision of a few individual posters? I know that I still participated in the Schiavo threads, as did others that posted on that thread...

So, in other words, post proof or retract.

626 posted on 04/04/2005 11:00:09 PM PDT by Chad Fairbanks (Sure you can trust the government... just ask an Indian...)
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To: Chad Fairbanks

I thought it was a funny play on words. You need to picture David Spade in "Tommy Boy" to understand what I meant by "provocative."

An obscure reference, I understand.

627 posted on 04/04/2005 11:00:34 PM PDT by Petronski (I thank God Almighty for a most remarkable blessing: John Paul the Great.)
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To: malakhi; k2blader
I've always wondered why folks do opuses anyway. Why not just leave and be done with it. I think it has something to do with the attention.

I've always wondered why folks post on opuses asking why folks do opuses. Why not just ignore the thread and be done with it. I think it has something to do with the attention.

I've always wondered why folks post on opuses asking why folks post on opuses asking why folks do opuses. Why not just ignore the thread and be done with it. I think it has something to do with the attention.

628 posted on 04/04/2005 11:00:44 PM PDT by Triggerhippie ("How long can this go on..." - Devo et al)
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To: FreedomSurge

I will miss him.

629 posted on 04/04/2005 11:00:44 PM PDT by MEG33 (GOD BLESS OUR ARMED FORCES)
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To: eddie willers; Howlin

And she's not rich!
Famous, yes, but where;'s the money?
SHOW me the money!

630 posted on 04/04/2005 11:00:45 PM PDT by onyx (Robert Frost "Good fences make good neighbors." Build the fence, Mr. President and Congress.)
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To: TheBigB

LOL--he/she/it did direct that at you, didn't they :)

631 posted on 04/04/2005 11:00:56 PM PDT by silent_jonny ("We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin)
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To: Petronski

I remember that movie, vaguely :)

632 posted on 04/04/2005 11:01:08 PM PDT by Chad Fairbanks (Sure you can trust the government... just ask an Indian...)
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To: onyx
The rules are clear.

I expect there was a higher morality involved.

633 posted on 04/04/2005 11:01:22 PM PDT by malakhi
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To: bcommerce
bcommerce - Since Apr 5, 2005

Trollin' down the river.....

634 posted on 04/04/2005 11:01:25 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan ("Mama, take this judgeship off of Greer, he can't use it, anymore")
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To: Texas_Jarhead
Similarly I doubt those pro-life Christians won't be holding their breath for apologies for being called "fanatics", "whackjobs", "taliban" or "a few steps away" from islamic terrorists.

Absolutely, positively, 110% bears repeating, in the midst of all the unsightly oh-pity-we-poor-poor-"strict-Constitutionalist"-types drama queening going on here, this evening.

I keep hearing whiny plaints to the effect of "I can remember when this party believed in the rule of law."

I, alternately, keep casting my memory back, back, back to the (obviously) dim and distant past of the 1980s, when my Republican party was adamantly, unapologetically A PRO-LIFE PARTY.

We who believe in life are anything but the "interlopers," here; not on this site, and NEVER within this party.

Period. Full stop.

End. Of. Sentence.

635 posted on 04/04/2005 11:01:30 PM PDT by KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle (I feel more and more like a revolted Charlton Heston, witnessing ape society for the very first time)
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To: bcommerce

636 posted on 04/04/2005 11:01:39 PM PDT by Republican Wildcat
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To: silent_jonny

I believe it did, and let me tell you, as soon as I zipped up, I was PO'd. :o)

637 posted on 04/04/2005 11:01:47 PM PDT by TheBigB (Need a thread hijacked? Call TheBigB! 24 hours a day...reasonable rates...inquire within...)
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To: Petronski; Chad Fairbanks


638 posted on 04/04/2005 11:01:48 PM PDT by scott7278 ("Please disperse...there is nothing to see here.")
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To: Petronski
"Daisy, daisy, give me your answer, do.

Oh great ... now I have that song stuck in my head

Thanks !


639 posted on 04/04/2005 11:02:03 PM PDT by Mo1 ("Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it" ~ Pope John Paul II)
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To: Jim Robinson
Government's number one job is to protect our rights. In both of these examples, government was doing just the opposite.

Frequently during the last few weeks of incendiary debate I have gotten the distinct impression that what many posters meant when they spoke of their support for the "Rule of Law" would have been more precisely stated as support for the "Process of Law", i.e. due process. There seemed to be an implicit assumption that "the Law" is an entity separate from philosophical ideas and principles, that its implementation did not really require that the human beings who were charged with operating the levers and pushing the buttons of "the Law" be guided by those ideas and principles.

Of course, everyone was in full agreement that such guidance was desirable, but sometimes there just isn't time, you see. It's unfortunate, but as long as a minimally sufficient amount of ingredients (testimony, affadavits, etc.) were dumped into the hopper, and the attorneys and judges turned the crank the correct number of times (hearings, appeals), and something resembling sausage popped-out, then "the Law" had been upheld. The fact that the end product was a revolting contradiction of the basic principles upon which "the Law" was built, and which it was supposed to serve, was regrettable, but irrelevant.

640 posted on 04/04/2005 11:02:12 PM PDT by tarheelswamprat (This tagline space for rent - cheap!)
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