Posted on 01/14/2025 6:32:04 AM PST by marktwain
Ivan the Troll has published an instruction set on making 9x19mm ammunition. The ammunition is designed for the FGC-9 hybrid 3D-printed semi-automatic pistol/carbine in Europe. The ammunition is shown in video as functioning in an FGC-9, Browning-style tilt-barrel locking pistols and a straight blowback pistol.
The instructions were published in 2020 before Stark1809’s untimely death. They are titled But-What-About-Ammo Version 1.0.
The downloaded guide contains detailed specifications, a video of testing, velocities obtained, and a shopping list of what materials to purchase.
The most interesting part of the video is how Hilti nail driver ammunition is used as a source for priming compound and gunpowder. Much of the value of the directions consists of Ivan the Troll’s experimental work to determine the proper amount of powder to use from the Hilti power drivers to obtain usable velocity out of the reloaded 9mm cartridges.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The easiest is to buy factory made ammunition. If you can't get factory ammo, you can make your own, but it takes time and effort.
In Europe, buying the gun is easy—it’s the ammo that’s the challenge.
Do you know anything about those ‘air guns’ that Hannity hawks on his show?........
I know that in places like NY, they have just declared air g7ns to be firearms now, and subject to all the firearm laws- despite the fact that no fire is invovled in sending the ammo down to target.
Used to be folks could own them no restrictions, and even felons could own them as they were not considered actual firearms- but states like ny had to piss all over the enjoyment of many kids and families by making them the same category as firearms.
Well, you might put your eye out!..................
The way I understand it, in ny, if the air gun holds more than 7 rounds, (or is it 9?), it is illegal and anyone caught with one will become a felon. It used to be they could even have silencers (moderators really) on them so folks could practice in their back yards and not disturb the neighbors (New Air guns are pretty loud without moderators), because airguns were not classified as firearms
Now having a moderators without a special license is also a felony i guess.
Most folks I knew with airguns used them for pest control, as they were the perfect tool for the job, cheap, econ9mical to fire and practice with, very accurate, and just a ton of fun.
Some liberal somewhere must have noticed that a conservative was having fun shooting air guns with the fami,y, so of course that liberal decided to ruin it for the families across the state.
Wait hordes of immigrants destroying france, england, german, sweden, while I print this and kill one of you!!!
A little bit.
It is a CO2 powered pistol firing .68 caliber projectiles ( the same size as a lot of paintball guns).
It is not regulated as a firearm by the Federal govenment.
It has a 5 shot magazine capacity. Average velocity is about 330-280 feet per second. Weight of the solid nylon projectile is about 47 grains.
The energy is about 8-11 foot lbs.
About equivalent to getting hit with 8 BBs from a BB gun, all at once. It is definitely going to sting. Might put an eye out. Likely significant bruising.
I don’t think it would be effective at stopping an attacker of say 250-300 lbs............
I remember an old Guns and Ammo article from about 55 years ago in which was shown guns and AMMO handmade behind prison walls. It is not really hard to do. As was once said, the hardest part is getting the tools together.
The knowledge of what to do and how to do it is the biggest obstacle.
When you know it can be done, and how it can be done, there are several paths and work-arounds which can result in usable ammunition.
They have kicked kids out of school for pointing their fingers and saying bang....
3-D 9mm ammo?
Jeez, I can go to the range and pick up I a couple hundred casings in about an hour. Most people police their brass, but there is always some.
Clean them. Inspect them. Reload them.
I don’t need a 3D printer to do that. And…there is no record of the ammo.
It’s more difficult getting primers.
It helps to read the excerpt.
3D printed ammo is not mentioned.
I don’t control the headlines.
Some 3D printed tools are used in the process described.
Might really piss him off, though.
“I don’t think it would be effective at stopping an attacker of say 250-300 lbs............”
I think it depends much more on mindset than on raw weight.
If a perp is determined to attack, it will not matter much. If the perp is concerned for their own safety, it might matter quite a bit. A 100 lb determined person will continue right on through the pain.
A 300 lb person who is worried about being shot, is likely to run away.
Somebody said this thing fires a round made of CHALK. Is this true????.................
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