Posted on 11/26/2024 9:55:55 AM PST by CFW
The three largest American automakers, Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis, are, according to a recent New York Times report, planning a coordinated lobbying push to convince President-elect Donald Trump to maintain a suite of climate rules forcing electric vehicle purchases.
The Thursday report—titled "Automakers to Trump: Please Require Us to Sell Electric Vehicles"—cites unnamed "lobbyists and officials from several car companies" who say manufacturers want Trump to keep the Biden administration's tailpipe emissions regulations, fuel economy standards, and generous tax credits for electric vehicle purchases.
But at least one of the referenced automakers, the multinational automaker Stellantis, is pushing back on the Times's reporting. Beyond that, a letter from the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, the nation's lead auto industry group, sent to Trump on Nov. 12, and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, indicates that climate rules pushing electric vehicles are among the major "headwinds" facing the industry.
A spokesman for Stellantis told the Free Beacon that the company is not pushing the administration to preserve EV mandates, directly contradicting the Times's report. "The New York Times story characterizing Stellantis as preparing to lobby the incoming Trump Administration to preserve EV mandates is not accurate," Stellantis told the Free Beacon in a statement. "Stellantis was not among the 'lobbyists and officials from several car companies' the story cites as its sources."
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I've read some of the quarterly reports from these car makers and they all report that the government regulations regarding EVs are a drag on their profitability.
In other words, auto makers made bad investment decisions (they did what the government wanted them to do) and now they want corporate welfare to keep rolling on and on and on and on to the end of time.
I’ve seen numerous stories that the auto makers and rank and file workers want no part of any mandates.
The NYTs has never told the truth about anything ever.
Prove me wrong.
The Anti-Trump NYT is full of crap. Smelly fish wrap.
It’s frustrating they are pushing electric cars, when the electrical grid can’t support so many electric vehicles.
Our current electrical grid can’t accommodate a hundred million electric vehicles charging overnight.
If the global warming pushers had their way, we wouldn’t all be able to recharge our vehicles.
I’m not sure about this.
Big business loves mandates that “force’ cinsumers to buy thier products, may that be new refrigerant, epi-pens, vaccines (equired for publoc schools or covid)...
So called “environmentalism” or “public health” has all to often become a means to force the purchase of new products.
If your EVs are so good you don’t need no stinking mandate
Exactly. The big 3 spent billions on EV factories, tech & training. The had gov. $$$ dangled in front of them, took it, and now are facing the music. The EV market has crashed, even here in LA.
The average, daily commuter does not want them.
I predict EVs will be mandated sometime. What bothers me if that the fedgov does not outlaw fuel vehicles, they will mandate some huge honking fee to operate them.
The North American Reliability Council (NERC) recently reported that HALF of the USA population is at extreme risk of major power interruptions this winter.
You know why — reliable coal and gas plants were prematurely closed and new plants are not being built. All because the GD power industry sucks up to government and no longer makes engineering-based decisions...and, as we all know, the government swallowed all the climate change hog swallop.
It's the pretense that they even know what's going on.
The NYT is under the delusion that the ink upon its pages creates reality.
No more electric car mandates!
USA out of the Paris “climate” agreement!
Give leading roles in the new administration to academic “climate change” skeptics, whom the climate jockeys call “deniers”!
Lower the cost of beef, lamb, etc.!
Stellantis can’t sell its ICE cars. They’d love to get out of spending billions to expand EV production.
These CEOs made lousy decisions going all EV, now they want to make it worse by continue going down that wrong path. Someone should inform these jerks that we do not have the infrastructure to power these silly devices. Has anyone ever considered long term effects of battery disposal?
The NYT is lying.
China is the only one wanting mandates so they can destroy GM-Ford.
They already have destroyed Chrysler.
I remember when they first came out with the Prius. I saw them going slow through the mountains and then pull over to charge their batteries so they could finish their trip at normal highway speeds.
Now I’m seeing Teslas driving slow through the mountains.
“If your EVs are so good you don’t need no stinking mandate”
Correct. Everyone that is interested in buying an EV has pretty much purchased one at this point. You aren’t going to find any dealer that reports they are selling the cars in large numbers. The demand for them is low and if you’re going to purchase one, you have plenty of money, a 2nd and maybe 3rd ICE vehicle, and the one you are going to purchase is a Telsa. The tax incentive probably doesn’t make a difference in their purchase decision.
Plus, an EV’s secondary market is practically nil. Used car buyers have learned the hard way that by the time the original buyer is ready to sell, the vehicle needs a new battery. That replacement is costly. Furthermore, insurance for the cars is extremely expensive and I’m hearing that some insurance companies will not insure them at all.
EVs may be ready for prime time at some point in the future, but the time is not now.
” long term effects of battery disposal”
Or long-term effects of disposing of windmills (20-30 year life) and solar cells. Windmill blades have broken over farmland contaminating the soil with glass fibers that nobody knows how to remediate. Windmill blade shards have contaminated beaches in Massachusetts. You will have a million 500 ton concrete foundations in the ground that will just sit there.
I predict that all the windmill operating companies will go out of business when they face huge site remediation costs when their junk reaches the end of its life. They weren’t required to post a site remediation bond like coal mining companies must post when they built the junk. The land will be covered with a million rusting eyesores. Right now the best (and only) approach to disposing of millions of 70 ton blades is to bury them!
Conventional coal fired power plants are largely made out of steel which can easily be recycled.
All these bogus “green” companies are hungry to grab all the subsidies they can up front and nobody worries about downstream costs when all the obsolete “green” junk scattered all over our once-beautiful country dies. But the “green” company execs got rich, they plowed a lot of their subsidy money back to the crooked pols (campaign “contributions”) who got re-elected, and that’s all that matters to these greedy bastards. The whole thing is a perpetual motion money machine for crooked companies and crooked pols
As you can tell, this “green” scam really pisses me off. And it’s all predicated on the ridiculous claim of CO2 changing the global climate. NONE of it makes any economic sense unless you buy into the CO2 scare story.
I spent three decades in the energy business from starting up power plants in the 70s to researching and demonstrating advanced generation solutions in the 80s and 90s. I finally had to exit the power business because all the power company execs were captured by the federal government and making bad decisions.
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