Posted on 11/20/2024 4:53:34 PM PST by Blood of Tyrants
It has already started. A local news station ran a story about an illegal alien victim of a crime. He is from Jamaica and is here illegally to make money to send to his wife and children back in Jamaica. But he was hesitant to come forward for fear of being deported.
We will be bombarded about the hardships deportation will be on employers, who will claim that they can't get people to work but neglect to tell them they were paying the illegals less than they would have to pay Americans. They will warn of shortages and inflation because of the lack of (cheap, illegal) labor.
There will be stories of tearful children who are afraid to go to school because La Migra is going to send them back.
There will be stories of mothers with children undergoing cancer treatments who are afraid their sick children are going to be snatched from their hospital beds and sent to where ever they came from.
They WILL NOT tell the story of the illegal alien gang member who murdered Laken Riley who was flown by the federal government from the southern border to Georgia for free.
Nor will they tell the stories of the thousands of children who are being forced into sexual slavery by the Venzuelan gang Tren de Aragua.
Nor will they mention that part of the cause of inflated apartment rent is being caused by 20 million+ illegal aliens.
Nope, you racist, xenophobic Trump voters are the cause of all evil in the world and the "undocumented immigrants" just want a better life.
I doubt very much. They brought in too many too soon and it changed too quick and now they people have seen the problems with pie in the sky open borders and the want to correct it.
Next year is the time for the new FCC to start yanking television licenses of local TV stations.
They no longer serve the public interest.
NGO and Soros illegal invader immigrant BS! Be ready for a massive pro-immigrant including the invaders in the mix of this protest on inauguration day. Be ready it’s going to happen. It’s already been in the works. And Soros is forking over $50-$100 million to la reza and different pro illegal organizations etc to bring this to fruition. Be ready! La Reza is a subdued cartel organization…just saying!
We were doing just fine under President Trump’s first term prior to the UniParty importing 23 million illegals of which thousands upon thousands are violent criminals and hundreds are terrorists whose goal is to attack this nation.
We’ll be doing much better when they’re not here again.
Won’t affect my sister. She giggles about ‘migrants’ learning how to ski at Snow King in Jackson,WY.
When I bring up the crap they bring with them she can only call me a racist.
She loves abortions and trannies.
We don’t talk much.
She lives in a bubble. I feel bad for her kids. Her husband is a cuck.
Also there will be no corresponding stories of Americans who are working and happy doing what they do, and then American companies just close up on them and let them go because they’ve shifted operations outside the usa.
For a good laugh.
I think it was Bannon who said on his show that the demonrats will wait for some kind of George Floyd photo-op to twist and use against the deportations. What’s left of the MSM will help them by ramping up the propaganda machine.
Hopefully if hubby knows what’s good for him, he’ll request a divorce.
Too bad that we Citizens are the media now.
He’s got too much invested in my nieces and the house (1.5 million). And they live in a bubble.
We used to hunt elk together a few years back. I used to like him. He flat told me he hates politics. I wish them well.
“He is from Jamaica and is here illegally to make money to send to his wife and children back in Jamaica.”
So he says, just the other way around. He’s got two months!
Trump can counter by having the feds post videos of them rescuing children forced into sex trade and reuniting them with their real parents.
I think things are going to be very different this time around.
Yes. I’ve already read a few sob stories of illegal aliens who are ill toddlers, mothers with 4 children, victims of crime, etc who surely the cruel Republicans do not want to deport. Those cases are very few and far between and I’m sure they will be dealt with on a specific and a very individual basis. Many of those may be deported. It sucks but life is life.
The left and their media refuse to speak of the gang members such as Ibarra who murdered Laken Riley. Oh no! Trump is going to round up grandmas and poor sick children to send to a country they’ve never even visited before.
The fact is, Trump is going to start with those who already have deportation orders. He is also going to deport gang members and illegal aliens who have committed crimes and been immediately released by leftist DAs and judges.
It will be a six months or so before he gets to Gavin Newsom’s gardiner and maids.
After that he is going to go after “birth-right citizenship” that the left has made up out of whole cloth. THEN, the left is really going to go crazy. Unfortunately, they have all shaved their heads so will not be able to tear their hair out in frustration.
What to expect from the pro-illegal immigration crowd.
The same to expect from the pro-communist crowd they both hate America and whites twice as much the replacement agenda must go forward comrades
Literally everyone just want better lives.
Yep. And the news is already airing stories about ho businesses will be affected by deporting “undocumented migrants” (aka illegal aliens).
The LAAP-dog media is dying. The stories will about how the "sanctuary cities" are being overrun by people who are fleeing the Republican-governed states instead of self-deporting back to their home countries.
The stories will be about overcrowded hospitals and schools in the sanctuary cities. The stories will be about the spike in homeless on the streets. The stories will be about the dwindling water supply and rolling blackouts as the infrastructure struggles to handle the sudden growth in consumption in the sanctuary cities.
The stories will be about the growth in street crime and the violent assaults on women and children in the sanctuary cities.
Sun Tzu said:
“When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.”
An army with no hope will fight to the death, which will result in injuries on both sides. By leaving a desperate enemy a way out, they will take it and will the field of battle with minimal casualties.
This parallels with President-Elect Trump's deportation plan. He is amassing a huge army to surround the illegal aliens, but is leaving open the path of self-deportation for the illegals to return home on their own with their self-respect and future options open. If the illegal aliens are forced to leave via deportation, they will carry the stigma of being ousted from the United States and they will have a record here that will make it difficult to return in the future.
However, these "sanctuary city" mayors are defying Trump and offering the illegal aliens an alternative to self-deportation. When faced with going back home or moving to Denver or Los Angeles or Boston, they will choose the blue Democrat cities and disrupt President Trump's plans. The defiant mayors will bask in the glory of standing up to Trump, but their people will suffer as the illegal aliens migrate to their cities like locusts and begin to eat up all of the resources that used to be abundant for the native residents.
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