Posted on 08/18/2024 8:32:17 PM PDT by Enterprise
Jane Hansen is described as a “fantastic woman” who used to report for A Current Affair. She developed glioblastoma a year and a half ago, not long after she got injected with Pfizer’s double-dose mRNA injection series.
About a year or so after getting injected with Pfizer, Hansen was diagnosed with “a vicious brain cancer” that consumed her body rather quickly. She perished on the Gold Coast at around 11:40 pm on Aug. 6, 2024.
We know as of 2017 that Hansen anonymously co-wrote a “wickedly entertaining” novel, released in 2008, called “Boned.” The book reportedly took aim at “blokey culture” in commercial television, “blokey” referring to men.
Hansen apparently wanted commercial television to be more feminist, claiming that many television veterans were “horrified by the despicable behavior of men” in leadership positions.
It used to be that vaccine “hesitancy” and “skepticism” amounted from concerns about all the toxins used to manufacture them, including mercury, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate and genetically modified blood cells from aborted babies, monkeys and other animals. Now, those fears pale in comparison to the scientific proof that Covid-19 jabs are causing a tsunami of health casualties across the globe, including deadly vascular clots, spontaneous miscarriages and sudden adult death syndrome (SADS).
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Sure. What could go wrong?
But look at the bright side here. She won't have to suffer the presence of those irritating blokeys anymore.
What do they say? "Stupid is supposed to hurt". But I don't wish cancer on anyone.
Well at least all the millions of illegal immigrants who are being put up in hotel rooms all over the country, and given free plane flights, cash cards, free health care, etc, etc.... all on the taxpayers dime, won’t have to worry about suffering any adverse effects from the COVID jab.
Since none of them were required to take it, let alone even get tested for COVID.
All the protocols for the “once in a century pandemic” only applied to the same sort of people who get scrutinized at airports by portly, illiterate TSA employees......weak, compliant, American suckers.
And now, the covid vaccine has been 'revamped' according to an article I saw recently. And we now have, M-POX and the propaganda says it's spreading like wildfire and over 500 people have died!! (time for more vaccines)
3+ years after covid jabs, 265 million Americans are still alive. Ignore anecdotes and observe the big picture.
You repeat the fallacy that all the shots were the same despite Pfizer admitting they had different batches, including different ones for employees.
It wasn't just poor instincts. She was a professional paid shill. She drank the Flavor Aid and intended for others to join her.
Good. I hope she suffers eternally ‘down under’.
She was a dangerous pro-jab propagandist responsible for buoying government policies which resulted in harm to millions, including children.
One of her x posts (then still the twit):
X · janehansen2000
I’m ok with those people not taking the covid vaccine . Natural selection.
Back atcha, honey.
Covid is more of a religion than a disease.
I had the first two Covid vaccines when they first came out, spaced properly. The first one I felt nothing, tge second one I felt exactly like I did when I had covid 3 months before the shots. Other than that, no complaints. I also had a seasonal flu shot and a shingles vaccine and pneumonia shot. At six months I got a covid booster and I had a day of covid symptoms but then I had a wierd sensitivity to certain foods like carrots and other raw vegetables. I had this sensation which lasted several months after. I wasn’t sure if it was caused by the booster but I decided right then that I wasn’t going to play the Covid game any more. I’m over the tongue sensation thankfully.
The thing about mRNA vaccines is that they put a self replicating molecule into your body and it doesn’t stop until it runs itself down. Like all systems it must eventually stop but hopefully we can survive long enough for that to happen. I think the effects are different for different people and probably depend on factors we don’t know anything about but likely related to variabilities between immune systems. I like to think my immune system is excellent like my intelligence.
BUT if the enemy wants to deplete their own numbers by doing stupid things, I won’t object :)
And getting a vaccine that was created in a year wheras the normal duration is up to 10 years and sometimes longer is pretty damn stupid.
It’s what killed my ex brother in law. He knew it was because of the shot.
What do you name space properly? They didn’t test it. It only takes one shot for all your organs to be infected with that
A 75 year old woman dies from cancer. It had to have been due to the vaccine. Because by golly, a 75 year old woman is otherwise a paragon of health.
Written by an A.I.?!
And in that same time period, roughly 10 million Americans died.
Your point?
She sounds like a charlie uniform november tango and it sounds like the world is a better place without her.
When illegal aliens didn’t have to get the shot or even get tested for Covid......when doctors claimed it was just fine for Burn Loot Murder rioters to be out on the streets and Covid was no concern for knew it was all political AND you knew efforts to ramp up fear about Covid were just so much BS as was any push to take the experimental MRNA shot.
Another “I am woman, hear me roar” loud mouth.
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