Posted on 07/25/2024 12:46:38 PM PDT by Red Badger
(The Epoch Times)—President Joe Biden said in a July 24 speech from the Oval Office that he plans to call for Supreme Court reform in his final stretch as America’s commander-in-chief.
President Biden made the remarks after explaining his decision not to seek reelection and laying out his plans for his final six months in office.
“Over the next six months, I’ll be focused on doing my job as president,” he said, highlighting key goals such as boosting economic growth, lowering inflation, tightening gun control, and safeguarding the planet from what he described as a “climate crisis.”
“And I’m going to call for Supreme Court reform because this is critical to our democracy, Supreme Court reform.”
There has been media speculation in recent weeks that President Biden is considering establishing an enforceable ethics code for Supreme Court justices and ending lifetime appointments to the high bench.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked during a July 24 press briefing whether President Biden was still “committed” to pushing for Supreme Court reform during his final months in office.
“The president believes that when you hold a high office, you should be held by a certain ethics and transparency,” Ms. Jean-Pierre said. “That’s something that the president believes, and so he certainly will continue to do everything that he can. I don’t have any policy announcements to make at this moment.”
While President Biden has resisted pressure from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to adopt measures such as imposing term limits on Supreme Court justices or packing the high court with additional justices, he did create a commission to examine possible Supreme Court reforms, including ending lifetime appointments. Ultimately, the 34-member commission did not endorse adding seats to the high court and took a neutral stance on term limits.
Darry Allen Sragow, a Democratic political consultant, told Reuters he was surprised that President Biden mentioned Supreme Court reform in his Oval Office speech.
“In a sense, that came out of nowhere, he didn’t have to put that in the speech, but the fact that he mentioned that suggested to me that in his mind, for the future of the country, this has become a high priority and what he is presumably referring to is the recent decisions coming out of a Supreme Court that is dominated by very conservative justices,” Mr. Sragow said.
President Donald Trump appointed three justices to the high bench, creating a strong 6–3 conservative majority. The Supreme Court’s current composition has allowed for several key rulings praised by conservatives, including the landmark 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which effectively overturned Roe v. Wade and allowed states to decide their own abortion policies.
Another was a 2023 decision that struck down the use of racially discriminatory admissions policies at American colleges, ending the use of so-called affirmative action programs in higher education.
While campaigning for reelection, President Biden said at a rally in Philadelphia at the end of May that whoever wins the presidential election in November will likely be able to appoint several Supreme Court justices who will probably be retiring over the next four years.
“If, in fact, we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had, tell me that won’t change your life,” President Biden said, expressing hope that the high court’s composition would swing back in favor of progressives.
President Trump left the White House in January 2021, having appointed more than 200 judges to the federal bench, including nearly as many federal appeals court judges during his four-year term as President Barack Obama appointed over the course of eight years.
President Trump has expressed satisfaction with the Supreme Court appointments made during his term as well as the justices’ jurisprudence.
“Maybe we’ll get three or four more. Can you imagine?” President Trump said at a summit on June 28, referring to the prospect of being able to appoint more Supreme Court justices if he wins the 2024 race for the White House.
So much for saving Democracy!
More lies from Biden. It would never pass the House.
Does anyone else miss that old document: what was it called? Consti ... Consti .. Constitution ! That was it.
What an evil man. Let us pray that he repents and accepts Jesus before it is too late.
This was how the Founders designed it. It put the justices beyond influence and reproach, that was the intent anyway. And now Biden and his fellow leftists want to undo almost two and a half centuries of Constitutional framework and tradition.
I about spewed Diet Pepsi all over the keyboard after reading that. It's the absolutely funniest thing anyone has said all month. Maybe all year. Xoe Bidet talking about ethics. Lolololololololol...
Maybe he thinks he can change the Constitution by executive order? know....the Thing!...................
When old men with dementia start shouting at clouds, it’s best to ignore them.
He will cure cancer long before he takes control of the Supreme Court.
Maybe he does.
Plenty of nobodies hyping this non-starter of a story. For what reasons, clicks I would think.
He can try anything he wants, but as we were all taught long ago, he can't do anything to SCOTUS that's not outlined in the Constitution, and that's not changing without Constitutional Amendments.
“Does anyone else miss that old document: what was it called? Consti ... Consti .. Constitution ! That was it.”
Biden took an oath to God to protect and preserve the Constitution. He will be answerable to God for that oath. The Bible warns against not adhering to one’s oaths. Biden will soon find out the penalty.
Saving democracy?
Lol…the Justices should demand that Biden make his arguments for “ reform” in person, in front of them.
Btw, does one co-equal branch of govt get to order “reforms” on another?
Maybe the USSC should announce they are going to reform Congress.
Fixed it.
Remember when slojo bragged about snubbing his nose at SCOTUS
Remember Nothing happened to him
He lacks the authority to do this so he might as well declare his intent to fly to the moon by lighting his farts.
Maybe we need to start calling him Dictator Joe.
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