Posted on 01/21/2024 6:51:37 AM PST by bray
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11
Like they say, Liberals are exceptionally tolerant of everyone they agree with. Dr David Clements found out the hard way as a Law Professor at New Mexico State when he refused to wear his mask during Cold-19. His specialty was consumer fraud, and he told the academic board the mask was a perfect example of consumer fraud and was not going to promote the mask lie in front of his students when he researched and found the mask had no possibility of stopping virus particles. The board of course claimed he was endangering the students and denying their science.
This professor who had just won the professor of the year was not only disciplined, but he was also fired from the University. He has made a movie of his firing in which he has lost everything although the silver lining is he is working on the voter fraud in the 2020 election. He has produced and released a movie about his firing, "Let My People Go", which documents the 2020 steal, and the political prisoners being held in Barak’s Gulag. It is a very powerful movie filled with information for people confused by the media assurances.
The movie begins with his firing and disciplinary hearing by some of the most obvious liberal women you can imagine. You could see it was during the height of the Plandemic as the faces on these shrews was a combination of disgust and amazement anyone would risk their cush job over something so trivial although for anyone who refused the mask you know how terrified they were of the maskless and unvaxed. Not only did he risk his good paying job as a law professor he became an election denier and lost his ability to practice law as he supported Trump which in the law profession is a crime. The DNC started a systematic attack on his legal practice and took away his ability to be a lawyer.
He has become a hero on the Conservative speaking tour exposing the lies being told by the fake vote industry which is nothing more than a branch of the DNC. Most would say it goes even bigger to the Worldwide Communist Party which writes the formulas the machines match to keep the race close while results are predetermined just like they have done for fifty years, except when a turnout swamps their wildest contingencies. His movie had screenshots of Trump totals going down 150,000 votes while Bidens increased by the same number on nationwide TV.
His movie Let My People Go, moves to the turd part of the steal which was the prisoners being held without representation in the Barak's Gulag. It is now obvious why the Soros AGs emptied the jails of criminals it was to fill them with political prisoners like they do in their model countries of China and Russia. You always lock up people who protest your Gestapo tactics to make them examples so other opposition citizens will be afraid of their fates if they dare stand up to your jackboot regime.
He reveals the incredible brutality these January 6 protesters are being subjected to, from dirty water and frigid conditions and being moved from cells they could sing the anthem from to beatings for the simplest offense. It is absolutely shameful these offenses are happening in America to some of the most innocent people in the country. Most are being held for walking through the open doors of the Capitol which anyone whould do. While shoplifters are stealing and mugging without any retribution these guys are serving prison for nothing more than protesting the most obvious election fraud in the histoir of America. They were protesting a massive crime and have been in jail ever since.
The message he has received is no matter what the patriot hating secular humanists say and do it will only draw Christ worshiping Americans closer to God. The less and less you trust in the integrity and freedom of leaders the more faith you have in God the Father.
The left needs you to be afraid and fearing them and their scare tactics while God says to not be afraid and to trust in him. He says to fear not and to not live your life in fear but put all your trust in him which is the opposite of Barak’s world. The persecuted Church grew faster during persecuted times than any other since those are times you have your faith and nothing else.
No matter what they do to you they cannot take your relationship with God away. In the film it said three prisoners were saved and baptized in the Gulag. They were even baptized with holy toilet water as they were driven to Jesus by a pagan worshiping regime.
The movie showed how truly evil these people are. It showed how obvious the election theft was and has all the evidence put in front of you. It also mentions Trump and others who have been fighting this war in court have won over thirty election fraud cases as opposed what PravdABC says. It is a well-done movie made on a limited budget making its case extremely well. For anyone to walk away still convinced the election has any controls whatsoever has to be delirious with the Democrat Party brainwashing.
His conclusion was this election is do or die for America. Even though it is said every election this one is the final handful of dirt on the coffin of this once great country. It is a call to finally stand up or forever be enslaved.
Dr David Clements is an American hero who has tasted firsthand what happens when you question one of the tenets of liberalism, wearing a silly mask. His life has been destroyed by man’s measure while his relationship with Christ and his family have grown so much closer.
He needs your prayers and support if you can give it to help stop all three injustices in his movie. Go see it or buy someone a ticket when it comes to your town.
Pray for America
enough brayin
Thanks for probably won’t be publicized but you got the word out here...Sounds awfully good...
I will definitely catch the movie.
Thanks for the recommendation.
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