Posted on 11/22/2022 3:28:30 PM PST by aimhigh
What a failure
Univision was always in the CAMP, and circles of Soros... So I don’t see any drastic changes upcoming.
Ever since Rush Limbaugh died I have been seeing the complete collapse of Conservative radio. This has been a critical failure in the message outreach.
I don’t know if other media sources have adequately filled the slack.
The younger generations aren’t listening to radio as we knew it. Time to get onboard with new methods.
Thank you for referencing that article aimhigh. Please note that the following critique is directed at the article and not at you.
The FCC is just another constitutionally undefined, so-called “independent federal regulatory agency” run by non-popularly elected bureaucrats confirmed by misguided post-17th Amendment ratification Senate imo.
In other words, FCC has no express constitutional power to exist imo, just another unconstitutional third-party entity for corrupt federal lawmakers to hide behind.
Maybe the sovereign states should require TV and radio stations within their borders to help people learn about the federal government’s constitutionally limited powers, including limited power to appropriate taxes.
Soros stations would additionally be required to volunteer a little time for patriots to periodically explain the fed’s constitutionally limited powers in Spanish.
And DeSsntis still won by a massive 20%!
Are they going to force people to listen and buy advertiser's products?
I wondered if conservative radio would decline mostly because it largely became an educational tool to inform the public. I suspect there are countless GOP victories over the years due to the influence of various talkers but if elections appear to be rife with massive fraud and nothing is done about it what is even the point anymore? They become echo chambers preaching to the choir so people get tired of it and feel there is no point. I listen a lot less than I use to although admittedly I didn’t need talk radio to sign on to conservative politics. I was absorbing myself in issues of American Opinion magazine as a teenager in the early 80’s when hardly anyone heard of Rush.
Conservative radio tends to get overstuffed with commercials - I shun it.
I also shun cable TV for a similar reason.
I vote because it is the only option open to me.
Sus amigos dislike taxation even more than we do.
What a shame there is a Radio Soros but not a Radio Limbaugh. Money where the mouth is.
FYI: “The complete collapse of Conservative radio” is equal to the complete collapse of radio in general. Legacy media. Who listens to the radio? Hmm. I cannot think of one person.
No one could fill Rushs shoes
We just need another workaholic conservative genius who has a great sense of humor. There must be one around here somewhere.
I have hopes for Elon Musk, although I suspect he is a workaholic libertarian genius with a great sense of humor, so he might not fit your bill to your liking..
I used to listen to Mark Levin. While I still do sometimes, I like Jesse Kelly a lot. He’s got a lot of fire in his belly.
Clay and Buck are ok. Greg Kelly is OK.
We may not have a superstar like Rush anymore, but we have a deep bench of folks who are articulate.
Oddly enough, Anthony Weiner is not a bad listen.
Audacy stinks, so my options are limited at the moment.
That's true.
Rush didn't just own the field, he defined it. I doubt there'll be another like him in my lifetime. But just as I consider myself fortunate to have grown up musically in the 60's and 70's, I consider myself fortunate to have been here for the creation and maturation of talk radio as a socio-political force. Not that anybody listens to the radio any more.... sigh.
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