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Ground Zero ^ | 1/6/2022 | Clyde Lewis

Posted on 01/07/2022 5:19:15 PM PST by EBH


For days, I knew that the January 6th topic would have to be addressed because we have had one year of propaganda demanding that something should be done — that it should be investigated as a coup or an insurrection or whatever else the media is trying to drum up and whatever the left can conjure to prove that there are right wing domestic terrorists planning a repeat performance.

I noticed an oddity of sorts that on the eve of the January 6th observance it had been 666 days since the COVID -19 pandemic was officially declared.

Isn’t it funny how certain numbers just seem to come up over and over again?

On March 11th, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared that the COVID-19 outbreak was a global pandemic. According to, moving forward 666 days brings us to January 5th, 2022.

Over the last 666 days, we have seen an extremely alarming rise of authoritarianism all over the globe, and all of our lives have been changed permanently and dramatically.

So I think that it is quite appropriate that we commemorate the 666th day of this pandemic, because governments all around the world have certainly been behaving in ways that are unspeakably evil.

And now of course we are focusing our attention on another 6 in the mix and that is the observance of the January 6th riots.

Yes it is quite synchronistic that one day after January 5th is the one year anniversary of the dramatic events that played out in Washington D.C. on January 6th, 2021.

Things happen with such order anymore and numbers seem to pop up signifying that devil is in the details.

Strap yourselves in and pop the corn because today will be the day that we’ll be hearing a lot more rhetoric that will discuss how a more totalitarian structure will be the answer to the dangerous turn we have taken towards domestic terrorism… probably a good idea to listen carefully, and assume the New Normals mean exactly what they say.

They sincerely believe their own lies and if they keep saying them enough they hope you will believe their explanation of events.

History has shown that it’s the majority who either cowardly acquiesce to authority or come to the conclusion that its not worth the trouble to destroy their own lives for the benefit of others.

January 6th is not worthy of observance — it is, however, worthy or analysis and criticism.

One thing about history is that when you are in the middle of all of it, there are nuances that over time well be forgotten and lies that will be repeated with increased frequency as long as the dishonest continue to put the narrative in a place where the agenda of divide will prevail.

It is inevitable and as the media tries to get you to observe January 6th as the day of insurrection, they certainly want you to see it as comparable to Pearl Harbor Day, or even worse, 9/11.

It can be argued that Jan. 6 was, indeed, a dark day in American history; it started as a peaceful Democracy check that turned into a criminal riot stoked by a troubled president.

It was Part II of the Color Revolution, that was first brought in by rioters that burned down cities the summer before. However, in some places that gathering at the capitol was peaceful, some people prayed others sang.

However, the cameras were not on them — the fish eyed lens of the media focused on the violent insurgents –and make no mistake

These perpetrators, deserve the full measure of fair justice.

But now we ask what is fair as the big lie not only can be applied to the election being rigged or illegitimate but to the accounts of what went on that day and how the story is growing and now we are demanded to remember it a year later as an insurrection, with armed racists and white supremacists.

But it was not insurrection. The perpetrators were unarmed, for one thing. Reuters reports that the FBI found scant evidence that the riot was an organized plot to topple the government. And we can trust the authority of our own eyes to see the absurdity of claims that Jan. 6 was worse than 9/11.

But for an entire year we have been told this by the mainstream media.

While again an attack on our capital is a bad move — calling it a coup or an insurrection that is the equivalent of the attacks of 911 is purely hyperbole.

No reasonable person would embrace the coup fantasies. a narrative that has been advanced by the left for an another year. CNN has been beside itself wondering why no one has been reporting it and pushing a sick solemn remembrance of the event.

The reason is simple — no one really cares but the left wants you to care. In fact, they want you to over-care because they have put in the effort of overkill.

And while there is almost certainly a cynical, partisan aspect to the arguments of who was right and who was wrong – proponents that push the insurrection or coup agenda believe they will help their cause – the truly frightening thing is that many are sincere.

Many honestly believe that the American right is a hotbed of violent hatred bent on gaining control of the nation as the brownshirts did in Germany during the early 1930s. To their mind, Trump is only the outward symbol of a cultural cancer. He is seen ans a modern day Hitler — which for them is politically acceptable, which is ironic considering the harsh words they have for those who compare the vaccine mandates for COVID to the Jews that were segregated, and citizens that had to abide by the purity laws of the Third Reich.

Furthermore, while we are stuck in Nazi comparisons, we can see that the so-called insurrection of January 6th has all the markings of a modern version of the Reichstag Fire.

If you are not familiar with that event, the date was February 27, 1933. Adolf Hitler had been sworn in as Germany’s chancellor just four weeks hence, though his Nazi party was in an unstable position at the center of a coalition government holding a small plurality of 32 percent of the seats in the Reichstag — Germany’s parliament under its Weimar Republic. At the time Hitler had an agenda in mind to secure a much larger portion of the Reichstag’s seats in order to create a majority for passing an Enabling Act that would allow him essentially to rule by decree, at an election set for March 5.

By happenstance or contrivance on the part of the Nazis, it’s still a matter for debate — a fire was set in the assembly chamber of the Reichstag building which raged until the structure lay largely in ruins. A 25-year-old Dutch communist with a sketchy history as an arsonist named Marius van der Lubbe was found at the scene and charged with the crime, along with four other communists, as the Nazis used the Reichstag fire as evidence of a communist putsch to overflow the Weimar Republic.

As a political weapon, the Reichstag fire was incredibly useful to the Nazis — their representation in the Reichstag grew to 44 percent of the body, giving them a majority of 52 percent with allies included, especially when Hitler was able to convince German president Paul von Hindenburg to sign the Reichstag Fire Decree suspending most civil liberties and banning the communists from participating in the country’s parliament.

What we know as the Third Reich followed.

The Reichstag fire has been the shining example of a “false flag” operation, in which a hoax of some kind is perpetrated in order to inflame public sentiment against parties not guilty of the conduct the hoax is intended to portray.

The comparisons are valid as we are seeing how it is being used to rally the left to raise anger and division in the country.

Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland recently summarized this view in the New Yorker.

“January 6th was not the final act, but perhaps the prologue to a titanic struggle between democracy and violent authoritarianism in America. Long after Donald Trump is gone, we’ll be dealing with a movement of violent, neo-Fascist elements who came very close to knocking over the U.S. government.”

Again we hear the hyperbolic statements that are nowhere near true– the story of the January 6th riot continues to get more and more unbelievable as stories about the dangers grow and grow as the tale continues to grow taller and taller.

One of the hallmarks of totalitarian systems is the criminalization of dissent. Not just the stigmatization of dissent or the demonization of dissent, but the formal criminalization of dissent, and any other type of opposition to the official ideology of the totalitarian system.

There was no coup as no sitting president was overthrown that day.But the left wants you to believe that this is what happened.

The media first showed us that the so called coup consisted of a clown show where “white-supremacist, Qanon , Trump-loving Nazis” terrorized “democracy” and almost overthrew the US government by sauntering around inside the US Capitol Building without permission, scuffling with police, attacking furniture, and generally acting rude and unruly.

The appearance of the Q shaman made for a great poster child for the clownish behavior inside the capitol.

They all posed for selfies with security guards. They didn’t actually kill anyone.

Trespassing in a government building and putting your feet up on politicians’ desks is pretty much exactly the same as “terrorism.”

But as the day passed we started hearing about those who stormed the gates broke windows and for a brief moment we heard about the shooting of Ashley Babbitt.

Who by the way seems to be ignored in the mainstream media.. she was replaced with reports of the deaths of police officers that died from the stress and the sadness of what they saw.. It was traumatizing I am sure — but to exploit their sadness and eventual deaths as casualties in the riot can arguably be a stretch.

It is a sad one and in a war of ideologies they are casualties in a one sided rant that will not go away — the Left will see to it that their little Reichstag moment will go down in history as the lynch pin of the civil war they wish to pursue.

They will continue to push their agenda that the violence will continue and that there is no reason to entertain the idea that the election was somehow rigged or illegitimate..

But a bit of history should also be looked into regarding the ideas of unscrupulous behavior with regard to fair and honest elections in the United states.

Democrats have challenged the legitimacy of every presidential election they’ve lost this millennium: They blamed a corrupt Supreme Court for their defeat in 2000, crooked voting machines in 2004 and Russian interference in 2016 – sparking a years-long collusion hoax to bring down Trump’s presidency.

When it comes to respect for s sitting President — the media gave Trump no quarter. The narratives were completely one sided –with no dissenting opinions. Th election was the last straw– and even in the melee no one was heard, no election fraud was considered and in the aftermath there are still those that obsess over the possibility — just as much as the left are obsessing over the January 6th event.

But now, as President Biden’s poll numbers tank, his legislative agenda falters and his party’s 2022 prospects look increasingly grim, they and their media allies are adding a new twist to the tactic: They’re challenging elections before they happen.

Prestigious news outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post, the Atlantic, NPR and the New York Review of Books warn that American democracy is under siege. With headlines ripped straight from Democratic Party talking points they argue that Republicans are planning a two-pronged coup to seize power in 2022 and beyond.

Step one, they say, is a series of election laws being passed by GOP state legislatures designed to thwart the will of the people.

Anyone who has bothered to read these pieces of legislation – which modify but still maintain early voting, mail-in voting, and other open-ballot measures – knows that their impact will be negligible. That hasn’t stopped Biden and others from describing them as “Jim Crow in the 21st Century.” Note this is the same argument they made for years about voter ID laws, which, studies show, do not suppress minority turnout. Further claims that the laws will allow state legislatures to pick the winners despite the tallies is also a fabrication.

The intent of this argument is clear – to cast doubt on the legitimacy on all Republican victories. That it is being made by the same people who relentlessly (and correctly) assail Trump’s false claims that he won the 2020 election demonstrates their bad faith.

The second prong of their coup narrative is even more invidious. In their telling, the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol was just a test run for Republicans to violently seize power if their plans to rig the elections fail.

It’s not like the truth actually matters, not when you are whipping up mass hysteria over imaginary “Russian assets,” “white-supremacist militias,” “Covid-denying extremists,” “anti-vax terrorists, “republican brown shorted Nazis and “apocalyptic plagues.”

It is a black page on our history– and it is by design that we have to be reminded of yet another fail in our ability to weigh this event against the more destructive and immoral events in our history.

January 6th is nothing like 9/11, or Pearl Harbor or any other attack on our freedoms. In fact, this is what democracy looks like when the mob rules and people have no other option but to take a stand and say no more.

It appears that the liberal left wish to burn down the entire house by declaring that one particular party is responsible for their sacred Reichstag Fire. We have to realize that both sides are involved with allowing the color revolution to continue and it can be attributed to media that has decided to be adversarial and woke.

They feel they are activists that can shape history by skewing the narrative– and people are growing sick sick sick of what they are being labeled by the left.

The shocking sight of Americans taking over the Capitol elicited speculation about whether it was a coup, an insurrection, a riot, or thuggery. These are the magic words that the left leaning media used to vilify the entire group.

When you’re rolling out a new official ideology — a pathologized-totalitarian ideology — and criminalizing all dissent, the point is not to appear to be factual. The point is just to terrorize the hell out of people.

They have called the event “one of the darkest days in our nation’s history”, a day that will “live in infamy.” Other media outlets spun it as the day “American democracy was attacked and prevailed”, the day the nation nearly fell to “fascists”.

It literally is just one more grand sweeping illusions upon which the new administration will exploit and use as evidence of persecution and sedition.

It can be argued that yes, Trump riled up his supporters shortly before the events unfolded by reminding them of how the election was stolen from them. It’s unclear whether he meant to “incite” the subsequent storming like his opponents speculate, and he did later tweet that everyone should remain peaceful, but he nevertheless at the very least unwittingly contributed to what happened.

But of course you are told that he did — and yet we are still wondering why hasn’t Trump been indicted — what ever happened to the prosecution of Donald Trump?

Here we have a hole in the script.

Democratic politicians and commentators are still demanding that Trump be criminally charged. So why hasn’t he?

It is all too familiar. Just a year ago, cable networks were riding high on ratings by offering a steady diet of blockbuster stories establishing clear criminal conduct by Trump or his family.

The reason is that the speech itself was not a crime. Indeed, it was protected free speech. They knew that a court would throw out such an indictment and, even if they could find a willing judge, any conviction would be thrown out on appeal.

The fact is that Trump never actually called for violence or a riot. Rather, he urged his supporters to march on the Capitol to express opposition to the certification of electoral votes and to support the challenges being made by some members of Congress. He expressly told his followers “to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Trump also stated: “Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy…And after this, we’re going to walk down – and I’ll be there with you – we’re going to walk down … to the Capitol and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women.”

He ended his speech by saying a protest at the Capitol was meant to “try and give our Republicans, the weak ones … the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.”

Clearly not the voice of Hitler as media outlets pushing the evil of it all – keep in mind that such marches are common — on both federal and state capitols — to protest or to support actions occurring inside.

The question should be what went wrong rather than inciting more division by calling an opposing group of people, Nazis or white supremacists — there were protesters of all colors at that event — and they wanted to be heard.

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Government; Weird Stuff

1 posted on 01/07/2022 5:19:15 PM PST by EBH
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It can be argued that Jan. 6 was, indeed, a dark day in American history; it started as a peaceful Democracy check that turned into a criminal riot stoked by a troubled president.

I read until this sentence.

2 posted on 01/07/2022 5:21:43 PM PST by Lazamataz (I feel like it is 1937 Germany, and my last name is Feinberg.)
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Come and get me coppers.

3 posted on 01/07/2022 5:28:16 PM PST by HighSierra5 (The only way you know a commie is lying is when they open their pieholes.p)
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To: Lazamataz

I went a little further before I stopped….

4 posted on 01/07/2022 5:29:30 PM PST by Carthego delenda est
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What a piece of crap

5 posted on 01/07/2022 5:30:53 PM PST by McGavin999 (To shut down the border tell the administration the cartel is smuggling Ivermectin )
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To: Lazamataz

Them liars sure are long winded.

6 posted on 01/07/2022 5:34:01 PM PST by Karl Spooner
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To: Lazamataz
a peaceful Democracy check

The capitalization really gives the game away.

Of course, we are a republic.
Many people erroneously call us a democracy.
But, to go so far as to call us a Democracy is just to claim that the Democrat Party must win 100% of the time and any Republican victory is illegitimate.

7 posted on 01/07/2022 5:36:11 PM PST by ClearCase_guy (The experts are liars. The conspiracy theorists are the people who have figured out the Truth.)
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More members of Free Republic should go over to Daily Kos, Democrat Underground, the Quora, New York Times commentary section & read what the kooks and crazies are saying about Republicans.

“Hate, hate, hate, hate propaganda” is all our political opponents read & watch.

It’ll be an eye opener for the uninitiated.

8 posted on 01/07/2022 5:40:02 PM PST by unclebankster (Globalism is the last refuge of a scoundrel)
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The Color Revolution will be televised.

9 posted on 01/07/2022 5:41:13 PM PST by KC_Conspirator
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To: unclebankster

Totally agree.

We used to have a few FReepers post some of the more egregious stuff.

I do believe many here do not yet grasp the danger we are in. And history tells us that is often the case when republics fall.

10 posted on 01/07/2022 5:43:49 PM PST by EBH (Hold My Beer. 1776-2021 May God Save Us.)
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To: ClearCase_guy

Seems no one is reading this, let alone giving it a fair shake.

It’s a pretty good piece.

11 posted on 01/07/2022 6:20:30 PM PST by the OlLine Rebel (Common sense is an uncommon virtue./Federal-run medical care is as good as state-run DMV)
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To: Lazamataz
I read until this sentence.

Good thing I started from the bottom and read up.

Seriously, not a bad ending.

12 posted on 01/07/2022 6:43:15 PM PST by FreeReign
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To: the OlLine Rebel


I really liked this tidbit in the article.

“Democrats have challenged the legitimacy of every presidential election they’ve lost this millennium: They blamed a corrupt Supreme Court for their defeat in 2000, crooked voting machines in 2004 and Russian interference in 2016 – sparking a years-long collusion hoax to bring down Trump’s presidency.”

The hypocrisy of the democrats is infinite.

13 posted on 01/07/2022 7:03:38 PM PST by unclebankster (Globalism is the last refuge of a scoundrel)
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14 posted on 01/07/2022 7:08:42 PM PST by ProtectOurFreedom (81 million votes...and NOT ONE "Build Back Better" hat)
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To: the OlLine Rebel

It happens. And it is OK. It is like listening to the MSM pulling out only soundbites.

15 posted on 01/08/2022 2:55:56 AM PST by EBH (Hold My Beer. 1776-2021 May God Save Us.)
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To: unclebankster
More importantly, people are seeing it.

— the Left will see to it that their little Reichstag moment will go down in history as the lynch pin of the civil war they wish to pursue.

The Left cannot pursue their agenda without it. I have posted elsewhere that the people being "detained'" over Jan. 6th are not who they are after.

16 posted on 01/08/2022 3:06:11 AM PST by EBH (Hold My Beer. 1776-2021 May God Save Us.)
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To: KC_Conspirator


17 posted on 01/08/2022 3:44:51 PM PST by griswold3 (When chaos serves the State, the State will encourage chaos)
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