To: Red Badger
Not an issue to those who adore big G
2 posted on
09/15/2021 12:52:08 PM PDT by
(In 2 yrs only living will be conservative Christians Liberal vaxed sheep will be dead.Trust G's plan)
To: Red Badger
The vaxx ghouls say trust the science!
3 posted on
09/15/2021 12:55:04 PM PDT by
(...To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.-S.Adams)
To: Red Badger
Making the vaccine more deadly in theory to NZ’ers than the actual virus I think I missed the part where this was a mere theory.
4 posted on
09/15/2021 12:55:06 PM PDT by
(China is like the Third Reich. We are Mussolini's Italy. A weaker, Jr partner, good at losing wars.)
To: Red Badger
I heard on the radio if you go to the hospital and they find out you’re not vaxxed, they’ll vaccinate you while you’re sleeping
5 posted on
09/15/2021 12:57:27 PM PDT by
(aide toi et dieu t'aidera)
To: Red Badger
So, what better reason than to force feed these vaxes, and who knows what else in the future, down the throats of your citizenry, eh? Sounds kinda counter productive, don’t you think?
>> For a disease with a 99.93% recovery rate among people under 40,
Those going after the youth are predators.
7 posted on
09/15/2021 12:58:56 PM PDT by
Gene Eric
(Don't be a statist!)
To: Red Badger
SHOCKING: New Zealand reported 27 total deaths “with” COVID-19 & 40 deaths possibly related to the Pfizer vaccine since 2020 So that means that 0.000000009% of the people having gotten at least one shot have died. That's a better percentage than in the U.S.
To: Red Badger
I believe these numbers.
And it’s likely the vast majority of the dead were on death’s doorstep already.
13 posted on
09/15/2021 1:08:30 PM PDT by
(War criminal #18)
To: Red Badger
14 posted on
09/15/2021 1:13:33 PM PDT by
(Wells Fargo is my bank and I have no complaints.)
To: Red Badger
Same has happened here but CDC has cooked the books. The changed vax deaths from 30 days to 14 to count.
15 posted on
09/15/2021 1:14:24 PM PDT by
(Our patience is wearing thin Joe)
To: Red Badger; All
The NZ source data says 19 of those deaths were unrelated to the vax, 15 are under investigation, 5 have insufficient information.
There is ONE confirmed death from the vax according to the source.
The rest of it is no better than VAERS.
It’s bullsh!t.
16 posted on
09/15/2021 1:17:28 PM PDT by
(War criminal #18)
To: Red Badger
Just wait for flu season. They will be dropping like flies..
18 posted on
09/15/2021 1:23:31 PM PDT by
(We must win the COUNTY if we want to win the country.)
To: Red Badger
Makes sense.
There have been a lot more people there who’ve got the vaccine than have got Covid.
New Zealand being an island state, very physically isolated from other populations, has been able to keep the virus out by banning travel or instituting effective screening and quarantine.
19 posted on
09/15/2021 1:37:14 PM PDT by
( Democrats kill babies and harvest their organs to sell)
To: Red Badger
This is more playing with statistics to malign the vaccines.
21 posted on
09/15/2021 2:37:53 PM PDT by
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