Posted on 03/30/2021 4:27:31 PM PDT by Impala64ssa
No mention of the vicious oppression, brutalization and slaughter of gays living under Islamic law.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Here is one letter sent to Teen Vogue:
Have you read the Quran? Have you studied the History of Islam? Do you follow the news daily about your ‘religion’? Do you not know your ‘prophet’ and his ‘holy’ book condemns you and me to death on Earth, and a fiery eternal burning in Hell? Do you not realize your ‘religion’ has murdered over 270 MILLIONS in its 1,400 yr history, many of those gay and Lesbian? Do you think the promotion of your ‘cult of death and rape and genocide’ to teenagers is something to be proud of? I am shocked at your ignorance – or downright evil.
I am a 74 year old Gay man, and not afraid to tell you the Truth, which you obviously will never hear from your Imam/Cleric or your publishers. Wake up, before it’s too late. I am sure you are already getting hate mail from your Muslim ‘friends’ and family. I only wish you wake up to the Truth before any more foolish and ignorant teens read your drivel and, God forbid, convert to your Cult. Save yourself, before you realize: a Queer Muslim is a dead Queer. Educate yourself… Signed: Queer Old Infidel.
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Teen Vogue Presents ‘Queer Muslim Heroes to Celebrate This Muslim Women’s Day’ By Robert Spencer Mar 28, 2021: Fresh from its racism controversy, the hard-left propaganda organ Teen Vogue (“Get ’em while they’re young” is apparently the motto) appears to be going for a death fatwa, publishing an article Friday entitled “Queer Muslim Heroes to Celebrate This Muslim Women’s Day,” by Zainab Almatwari. Almatwari is a Muslim, but clearly one with views so heterodox that she could easily arouse the murderous ire of many of her coreligionists around the globe.
Teen Vogue is doubtless oblivious to the risk it is taking in publishing such an article; the chance to advance “Islamophobia” victimhood propaganda was just too good to pass up.“Many people,” Almatwari informs us, “might not think to put ‘queer’ and ‘Muslim’ in the same sentence. The two identities, some think, are like water and oil.
She doesn’t explain why this perception exists but gives the strong impression that the problem comes from “Islamophobes” who misunderstand the truly benign and progressive teachings of the cuddly Religion of Peace: “But despite being left unrecognized, queer Muslims exist, and I am proof. In my journey to better understanding my identity, seeing and learning from other queer Muslims have been incredibly validating and reassuring.
So, just to remind you that we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going anywhere, I compiled a list of queer Muslim heroes.”“We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going anywhere” is sloganeering that gay individuals and groups have used in the West to rebuke and defy alleged “homophobia.” Few, if any, have ever dared to chant this slogan on the streets of Riyadh or Tehran or Lahore, not because those cities and others in the Islamic world are welcoming and accepting of “queer Muslims,” but because those who would do such a thing would be putting themselves immediate danger of death.
Almatwari is also writing in Teen Vogue, where “Islamophobia” in the U.S. is a much larger concern than Sharia-inspired violence against gays in Islamic states. She is not writing in a publication with wide distribution among Muslims, or that is devoted to issues of concern to Muslims.
All this makes it likely that the people she thinks need reminding of the “queer Muslim” presence are non-Muslim Americans, not doctrinaire imams and their followers. Almatwari also complains that “being a queer Muslim seems too complex for the world to handle.” But is it, really? Here again, she doesn’t specify exactly what part of “the world” she has in mind. Would anyone in America really care if Zainab Almatwari informed them that she was a “queer Muslim”?
Some Christians would likely try to explain to her that she was on the wrong path; some might even be rude about it. But it is very unlikely that any of them would threaten her. In the Muslim community, however, that likelihood is far greater. Now, why is that
“Tayah,” writes Almatwari, “is another Queer Muslim woman whose fight against societal standards is far from conventional. Our friendship started with a compliment of each other’s Hijabs and grew quickly to deep discussions about how Queer Muslim figures existed in all Muslim spaces thousands of years ago.” And what happened to them?
Because the left has deemed it “Islamophobia” to discuss the motivating ideology behind jihad violence and Sharia oppression, Teen Vogue wouldn’t dream of telling you that the primary reason why “queer Muslims” are threatened is because of the Islamic holy book: “As for those of your women who are guilty of lewdness, call to witness four of you against them. And if they testify, then confine them to their houses until death takes them, or Allah finds another way for them.” (Qur’an 4:15)
This explanation of that passage is attributed to Muhammad’s companion Ibn Abbas: “The early ruling was confinement, until Allah sent down Surat An-Nur (sura 24) which abrogated that ruling with the ruling of flogging (for fornication) or stoning to death (for adultery).” If a woman is found guilty of adultery, she is to be stoned to death; if she is found guilty of fornication, she gets 100 lashes (cf. 24:2).”
A later tradition has one of the people who are identified as Muhammad’s companions observing, “When the revelation descended upon the Messenger of Allah, it would affect him and his face would show signs of strain. One day, Allah sent down a revelation to him, and when the Messenger was relieved of its strain, he said, ‘Take from me: Allah has made some other way for them. The married with the married, the unmarried with the unmarried. The married gets a hundred lashes and stoning to death, while the unmarried gets a hundred lashes then banishment for a year.’”
Teen Vogue would never dare tell you any of this, for fear of being considered “Islamophobic.” Instead, it implies that the only problems “queer Muslims” face are from racist, redneck, “Islamophobic” yahoos in the U.S. As such, they are leading both non-Muslim and Muslim girls down a very risky path. Risky in innumerable ways
He called it a cult right there in the article
Well, then that's even MORE ignorant. Islam is a theocracy. This is basic! To think that it's merely a religion or worse a "cult", is to diminish its dominion, power, and threat to this world.
They’d better be careful they might get Charlie Hebdo’d.
I see a fatwa in Teen Vogue’s future.
Muslims will kill any lowly subhuman kufir who dares enter the segregated city of Mecca. And Teen Vogue will never denounce this death penalty or the billion moderate muslims who approve of this policy.
Sure. Let’s see them do a rainbow parade down the center of Dubai.
Kinda odd that Afghanis are all poofters. Young boys are expected to service the men and when they grow up, they in turn have sex with young boys. Their saying is that women are for children but boys are for fun.
Most women’s mags with associated teen editions have been bought out by leftists. Most magazines in general are all published by the usual leftist corporations.
Communist Thought Police Have Joined The Communist Purge & Nothing Is Being Done About Any Of It!
#3. My O My, O’s a Bi!
He throws a baseball like a girl. He shoots like a blind person. He’s more at home playing with his putter and balls than at playing golf.
Are sports trying to tell us something?
And being married to a Wookie tells us something about interspecies relations.
When “Mary had a little lamb” the lamb was feelings safe.
When Obama had some sheep, the sheep were very nervous.
Again, are animals trying to tell us something?
#26. Re “not many gay men live to be 74” re your reasons why.
Let’s add in that in Iran they hang you or stone you, and ISIS in Iraq did pretty much the same thing. In Iran, they killed some Jews just for show and in Iraq, the Moslem extremists tortured, raped and killed Yazidi and other minorities. The same by the Taliban and allies in Afghanistan.
Someone with a teenage daughter or gay member of their family write to Teen Vogue and ask them why they don’t mention these historical and photographed/documents policies.
Do they kill themselves at a higher rate than other homosexuals?
Teen Vogue: A magazine for Teenage Bimbos.,. 😀
I'm also guessing possession of a copy of Teen Vogue is some sort of criminal offense in Saudi Arabia.
Oh for crying out loud . . .
How can we complain about the islamic/homosexual alliance in the west if we champion homosexuality in the "east?"
I’m guessing you’re correct.
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